If a key field is defined for the file, the system automatically
uses the keyed sequence access path. However, sometimes, you can use the ACCPTH
parameter to ignore the keyed sequence access path for better performance.
You can use the ACCPTH parameter to ignore the keyed sequence access path
and process the file in arrival sequence. You can tell the system to ignore
the keyed sequence access path in some high-level languages, or on the Open
Database File (OPNDBF) command.
When you ignore the keyed sequence access path, operations that read data
by key are not allowed. Operations are done sequentially along the arrival
sequence access path. (If this option is specified for a logical file with
select/omit values defined, the arrival sequence access path is used and only
those records meeting the select/omit values are returned to the program.
The processing is done as if the DYNSLT keyword were specified for the file.)
Note: You
cannot ignore the keyed sequence access path for logical file members that
are based on more than one physical file member.