Start DB2® UDB CLI in SQL server mode

There are two ways to place a job into SQL server mode:
  1. The most likely case is using the CLI function, SQLSetEnvAttr. The SQL server mode is best suited to CLI applications because they already use the concept of multiple connections handles. Set this mode immediately after allocating the CLI environment. Furthermore, the job must not have run any SQL, or started commitment control, before setting this mode. If either one of those cases is true, the mode does not become changed to server mode, and SQL continues to run "inline".

    long attr;
    attr = SQL_TRUE

  2. The second way to set server mode is using the Change Job (QWTCHGJB) API. Refer to the APIs topic in the information center for a complete description of the QWTCHGJB API.

As soon as SQL server mode has been set, all SQL connections and SQL statements run in server mode. There is no switching back and forth. The job, once in server mode, cannot start commitment control, and cannot use Interactive SQL.