Work with Submitted CRQs (WRKSBMCRQ)

Where allowed to run: Interactive environments (*INTERACT *IPGM *IREXX *EXEC)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Work with Submitted Change Requests (WRKSBMCRQ) command shows the Work with Submitted Change Requests display. From this display, you hold, release, end, and delete submitted change requests and work with submitted change request activities.


  1. Only the change requests submitted by you are displayed.
  2. If you have *JOBCTL special authority, all change requests are displayed.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
CRQ Change request Element list Optional, Positional 1
Element 1: Name Generic name, name, *ALL
Element 2: Sequence number 1-999999, *ALL
STATUS Status *ALL, *SBM, *ACTIVE, *ENDED Optional
HIGHENDCDE Highest end code 0-99, *ANY, *SUCCESS, *FAIL, *NOTRUN Optional
LASTENDCDE Last end code 0-99, *ANY, *SUCCESS, *FAIL, *NOTRUN Optional
CRQD Change request description Qualified object name Optional
Qualifier 1: Change request description Generic name, name, *ALL
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *ALL
SBM Submitter Name, *ALL Optional
PERIOD Period Element list Optional
Element 1: Start time and date Element list
Element 1: Start time Time, *AVAIL
Element 2: Start date Date, *BEGIN, *CURRENT
Element 2: End time and date Element list
Element 1: Ending time Time, *AVAIL
Element 2: Ending date Date, *END, *CURRENT
PRBID Problem identifier Character value, *ALL Optional
PRBORG Problem origin Element list Optional
Element 1: Network identifier Communications name, *ALL, *NETATR
Element 2: Control point Communications name, *ALL, *NETATR

Change request (CRQ)

Specifies the qualified change request name.

The possible change request name values are:

Display all the qualified change requests.
Specify that only the specified change requests display.
Specify a generic change request name. A generic name is a character string containing one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). Only the change request names that match or that match the beginning of the string are displayed.

The possible sequence number values are:

Display all selected change requests regardless of sequence number.
Specify that only the change requests with the specified sequence number are displayed.

Status (STATUS)

Specifies the status for which change request are displayed.

The possible values are:

Display all qualified change requests regardless of status.
Display only the change requests with a status of Submitting.
Display only the change requests with a status of Active.
Display the change requests with a status of Ending.

Highest end code (HIGHENDCDE)

Specifies the highest end code or range for which to display change requests.

The possible values are:

Displays change requests regardless of the highest end code.
Display all change requests with the highest end code between 10 and 89.
Display all change requests with the highest end code between 0 and 9.
Display all change requests with the highest end code between 90 and 99.
Specify the highest end code to use. Valid values range from 0 through 99.

Last end code (LASTENDCDE)

Specifies the last change request end code or range for which to display change requests.

The possible values are:

Display change requests regardless of the last end code.
Display all change requests with the last end code between 10 and 89.
Display all change requests with the last end code between 0 and 9.
Display all change requests with the last end code between 90 and 99.
Specify the last end code to use. Valid values range from 0 through 99.

Change request description (CRQD)

Specifies the qualified name of the change request description object.

The possible values are:

Search all libraries in the system including QSYS.
Specify that the library specified in this parameter be searched.

The possible values for change request description names are:

Display all change requests regardless of the change request description they are based on.
Specify that only change requests based on the specified change request description are displayed.
Specify a generic change request description name. A generic name is a character string containing one or more characters followed by an asterisk(*). Display only change requests based on the change request description name matching or matching the beginning of the string.

Submitter (SBM)

Specifies who submitted the change request to be displayed.

Display all selected change requests regardless of submitter.
Specify that only the change requests submitted by the user profile are displayed.

Period (PERIOD)

Specifies a period of time for which the change requests are displayed. The following values can be coded in this parameter, which contains two list of two elements each:

The possible starting time values are:

One of following specifies the starting time for the change request or the time after the change request must be submitted. Change requests submitted before the specified time and date are not displayed.

The change requests that are available for the specified starting date are displayed.
Specify the starting time for the specified starting date that indicates the change requests to be displayed.

The possible starting date values are:

One of the following is used to specify the starting date on which or after which the change requests must have been submitted. Entries submitted before the specified date are not displayed.

Change requests are displayed beginning with the date that the first change request was submitted. If *BEGIN is specified, then any time value other than *AVAIL for start-time is ignored.
The change requests submitted today between the specified starting and ending times are displayed.
Specify the starting date for which change requests are displayed.

The possible ending time values are:

One of the following is used to specify the ending time before which the change requests must have been submitted.

The change requests that are available for the specified ending date are displayed.
Specify the ending time for the specified ending date that determines the change requests to be displayed.

The possible ending date values are:

One of the following is used to specify the ending date before which or on which the change requests must have been submitted.

The last day on which change requests have been submitted is the last day for which the change requests are displayed. If *END is specified, then any value other than *AVAIL for ending time is ignored.
The change requests submitted today between the specified starting and ending times are displayed.
Specify the ending date for which change requests are displayed.

Problem identifier (PRBID)

Specifies the problem identifier associated with the change request.

Display the change requests regardless of the problem identifier.
Specify that the change requests associated with the specified problem identifier be displayed.

Problem origin (PRBORG)

Specifies the originating system of the problem ID.

The possible network ID values are:

Display change requests regardless of the problem origin network ID.
Display change requests with a problem origin network ID that is the same as the network ID in the system network attributes.
Specify a problem origin network ID for which change requests are displayed.

The possible control point name values are:

Display change requests regardless of the problem origin control point name.
Display change requests with a control point name that is the same as the control point name defined in the system network attributes.
Specify a problem origin control point name for which change requests are displayed.


Example 1: Working with All Change Requests


This command shows how to work with all change requests.

Example 2: Working with All Active Change Requests


This command shows how to work with all active change requests.

Example 3: Working with All Change Requests for a Specific Period


This command shows how to work with all change requests from the beginning of the log to the current date.

Example 4: Working with All Submitted Change Requests


This command shows how to work with all submitted change requests based on the CRQD001 change request description.


Error messages

