Where allowed to run: Interactive environments (*INTERACT *IPGM *IREXX *EXEC) Threadsafe: No |
Parameters Examples Error messages |
The Transfer Pass-Through (TFRPASTHR) command allows you to transfer from a pass-through system to a source system. It performs the same function as a System Request (SYS REQ) option 10, 11, 13, or 14, and is valid only on a target pass-through system.
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Keyword | Description | Choices | Notes |
TOJOB | To job | *SRC, *ALT, *HOME, *HOMEALT | Optional, Positional 1 |
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Specifies the program that is given control when you are transferred to the home system or the previous system.
The possible values are:
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This command transfers control back to the source job on the home system.
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