Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Send Program Temporary Fix Order (SNDPTFORD) command allows you to prepare an order for:


1. This command is shipped with public *EXCLUDE authority, and the QSRV and QSRVBAS user profiles have private authority to use the command.

2. The following restrictions apply for the IMGDIR parameter:



Keyword Description Choices Notes
PTFID PTF description Values (up to 20 repetitions): Element list Required, Positional 1
Element 1: PTF identifier Character value, *CUMPKG, *HIPERGRP, *DB2GRP, *BRSGRP, *JVAGRP, *HTTPGRP, *PFRGRP
Element 2: Product Character value, *ONLYPRD
Element 3: Release Character value, *ONLYRLS
PTFPART PTF parts *ALL, *CVRLTR Optional
RMTCPNAME Remote control point Communications name, *IBMSRV, *SELECT Optional
RMTNETID Remote network identifier Communications name, *NETATR Optional
DELIVERY Delivery method *LINKONLY, *ANY Optional
DLVRYFMT Delivery format *SAVF, *IMAGE Optional
REORDER Reorder *NO, *YES Optional
CHKPTF Check PTF *NO, *YES Optional
IMGDIR Image directory Path name, *DFT Optional
IMGPFX Image prefix Character value, *DFT Optional

PTF identifier (PTFID)

Specifies the list of PTFs being ordered.

Element 1: PTF identifier

Order the latest level of the cumulative PTF package (SF99vrm) for the operating system release that is installed on the system. HIPER and DB2 Universal Database (UDB) group PTFs are automatically requested with this order. It cannot be ordered with any other PTF identifier or special value.
Order the latest level of HIPER PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.
Order the latest level of DB2 UDB PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.
Order the latest level of Backup Recovery Solutions PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.
Order the latest level of IBM HTTP Server PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.
Order the latest level of Java PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.
Order the latest level of Performance Tools PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on the system.
Specify the PTF identifier. Some PTFs must be ordered individually or within a list of PTFs with the same prefix and not as part of a general list.

A cumulative PTF package is specified using the format SF99vrm and the Preventive Service Planning (PSP) format is SF98vrm, where vrm is version-release-modification.

Element 2: Product

The PTF identifier is associated with only one product.

Note: If this value and ORDER(*REQUIRED) are specified, requisites are sent for only that product that is installed or supported on your system.

Specify the 7-character product identifier of the product that the PTF is associated with. If the PTF identifier is associated with more than one product, the PTF order is limited to the product specified.

Element 3: Release

The PTF identifier is associated with only one release.

Note: If this value and ORDER(*REQUIRED) are specified, requisites are sent for only that release level that is installed or supported on your system.

Specify the 6-character release level in VxRyMz format where Vx is the version number, Ry is the release number, and Mz is the modification level. The variables x and y can be a number from 0 through 9, and the variable z can be a number from 0 through 9 or a letter from A through Z.


Specifies whether PTFs or cover letters are being ordered.

PTFs and cover letters are being ordered.
Cover letters only are being ordered.

Remote control point (RMTCPNAME)

Specifies the remote control point of the service provider to whom the service request is sent.

The service request is sent to IBM service support.
A list of service providers is shown so the user can select the destination for the service request.
Specify the name of the remote control point.

Remote network identifier (RMTNETID)

Specifies the remote name identifier of the service provider's network.

The service provider is in the local network.
Specify the network name of the service provider to whom the request is being sent.

Delivery method (DELIVERY)

Specifies how the PTFs are delivered.

PTFs are delivered by the electronic customer support service link only. If the PTFs are too large to use service link, the command will fail.
PTFs are delivered by any available method. The service link is used for most PTFs. PTFs that are too large for the service link are sent on the selected medium.

Delivery format (DLVRYFMT)

Specifies the format of the delivered PTFs.

PTFs are delivered through the electronic customer support service link as save files.
PTFs are delivered through the electronic customer support service link as optical image files. Optical image files will contain PTFs and cover letter. The optical image file will be stored in the directory spacified by the IMGDIR parameter.

Order (ORDER)

Specifies the level of fixes that are being requested.

The PTF ordered and its requisites are being requested.
The specific PTF ordered is the one being requested. No requisites are sent.

Reorder (REORDER)

Specifies whether a PTF that is currently loaded, applied, or on order should be ordered again.

PTFs that are already loaded, applied, or on order are not reordered.
PTFs that are already loaded, applied, or on order are reordered.

Note: A PTF is not reordered if the *SAVF delivery format is specified and a save file is available on the system.



Specifies whether checking is performed on the service requester system to determine if PTFs are ordered based on whether or not the PTF product is installed or supported.

The PTFs specified on the PTF identifier (PTFID) parameter are ordered even when the PTF product is not installed or supported on the service requester.
The PTFs specified on the PTF identifier (PTFID) parameter are ordered only if the PTF product is installed or supported on the service requester.

Image directory (IMGDIR)

Specifies the directory where the optical image files are stored.

The optical image files are stored in /QIBM/UserData/OS/Service/ECS directory.
Specify an existing directory. For more information on specifying path names, refer to "Object naming rules" in "CL concepts and reference" in the CL reference information in the iSeries Information Center at

Image prefix (IMGPFX)

Specifies a prefix for the optical image file names.

The files will be named by the Service Provider.
Specify the prefix that will be used when naming the optical images being stored. If multiple images are received under one order, the files will be uniquely identified by a numerical suffix on the image name. For more information on specifying file names, refer to "Object naming rules" in the CL concepts and reference topic in the iSeries Information Center at


Example 1: Sending Order for PTFs by PTF Number only

SNDPTFORD   PTFID((SI12345) (SI12346))

This command sends a request for PTF numbers SI12345 and SI12346.

Example 2: Sending Order for PTF by Product and Release

SNDPTFORD   PTFID((SI12345 5722SS1 V5R3M0))

This command sends a request for PTF SI12345 for Version 5 Release 1 Modification 0 of the operating system product (5722SS1). The PTF can be delivered by any available method. Any requisites are sent with the PTFs.

Example 3: Sending Order for Latest Cumulative PTF


This command requests that the latest PTF cumulative package be sent for the operating system release level that is installed on your system.

Example 4: Sending Order for a PTF Group


This command sends a request for PTF group number SF99893.

Example 5: Sending Order for a DB2 UDB Group with *IMAGE Delivery format


This command sends a request for the latest level of the DB2 UDB PTF group for the operating system release that is installed on your system. The PTF group will be stored in optical image files inside /QIBM/UserData/OS/Service/ECS directory.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Device description &1 not found.
No support network connection.
Content of problem record &1 not valid.
Library QGPL not found.
Cannot connect to IBM service system. One session allowed.
A parameter is not valid.
Cannot specify *SELECT for the control point name.
&1 not defined as a service provider.
Error occurred while processing request.
Sign-on failed.
No support network connection.
Remote support application failed.
Cannot connect to IBM service system.
Error occurred while processing request.
Alternate load device not found.
PTF order cannot be processed.
PTF &2-&1 &3 not ordered.
Error while processing file &1 in library &2.