Retrieve Document (RTVDOC)
The Retrieve Document (RTVDOC) command allows you to retrieve information from a specific document.
- To retrieve any records from the document to a database file, you must have use (*USE) authority to the document or be working on behalf of a user that has *USE authority to the document.
- To check out the document, you must have at least change (*CHANGE) authority to the document, or be working on behalf of a user that has *CHANGE authority to the document.
- To work on behalf of another user, you must have either all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority or special permission (granted with the Grant User Permission (GRTUSRPMN) command).
Keyword |
Description |
Choices |
Notes |
From document |
Character value, *DOCID |
Required, Positional 1 |
From folder |
Character value, *NONE |
Optional, Positional 2 |
File to receive output |
Single values: *NONE Other values: Qualified object name |
Optional |
Qualifier 1: File to receive output |
Name |
Qualifier 2: Library |
Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB |
Output member options |
Element list |
Optional |
Element 1: Member to receive output |
Name, *FIRST |
Element 2: Replace or add records |
Type of data for output |
Optional |
User identifier |
Single values: *CURRENT Other values: Element list |
Optional |
Element 1: User ID |
Character value |
Element 2: Address |
Character value |
Document identifier |
Character value, *NONE |
Optional |
Check out |
*NO, *YES |
Optional |
Command character identifier |
Single values: *SYSVAL, *DEVD Other values: Element list |
Optional |
Element 1: Graphic character set |
Integer |
Element 2: Code page |
Integer |
From document (FROMDOC)
Specifies the name of the document being retrieved.
- name
- Specify the user-assigned name of the document being retrieved.
- The document being retrieved is identified by the library-assigned document name that must be specified on the Document identifier (DOCID) parameter.
From folder (FROMFLR)
Specifies the name of the folder that contains the document being retrieved. This is the name assigned to the folder when it is created. This parameter must be specified if a document name is specified.
- No folder name is specified when the document is identified by the library-assigned document name.
- name
- Specify the name of the folder that contains the retrieved document.
File to receive output (OUTFILE)
Specifies the database file to which the output of the command is directed. If the file does not exist, this command creates a database file in the specified library. If the file is created, the public authority for the file is the same as the create authority specified for the library in which the file is created. Use the Display Library Description (DSPLIBD) command to show the library's create authority.
Qualifier 1: File to receive output
- name
- Specify the name of the database file to which the command output is directed.
Qualifier 2: Library
- The library list is used to locate the file. If the file is not found, one is created in the current library. If no current library exists, the file will be created in the QGPL library.
- The current library for the thread is used to locate the file. If no library is specified as the current library for the thread, the QGPL library is used.
- name
- Specify the name of the library to be searched.
Note: If a new file is created, the system uses QAOSIRTV in QSYS with a format name of OSRTVD as a model.
This file can be reused when other RTVDOC commands are used. Output can be added to the file or can replace the existing records. The IBM-supplied database file QAOSIRTV in library QSYS cannot be specified.
Output member options (OUTMBR)
Specifies the name of the database file member that receives the output of the command.
Element 1: Member to receive output
- The first member in the file receives the output. If OUTMBR(*FIRST) is specified and the member does not exist, the system creates a member with the name of the file specified for the File to receive output (OUTFILE) parameter. If the member already exists, you have the option to add new records to the end of the existing member or clear the member and then add the new records.
- name
- Specify the name of the file member that receives the output. If it does not exist, the system creates it.
Element 2: Replace or add records
- The system clears the existing member and adds the new records.
- *ADD
- The system adds the new records to the end of the existing records.
Type of data for output (OUTDTATYP)
Specifies the parts of information about the document that are written to the database file.
- *DFT
- The document information record is written. This is the same as specifying *DOCD and *DOC.
- Record code - 105, Document description
- Record code - 800, Document data
- *ALL
- All information records are written.
- The action due date record is written. The record code is 135.
- The author records are written. The record code is 145.
- The date last changed record is written. The record code is 130.
- The completion date record is written. The record code is 140.
- The copy list records are written. The record code is 150.
- The create date record is written. The record code is 110.
- The document class record is written. The record code is 155.
- The document description record is written. The record code is 105.
- The document date record is written. The record code is 120.
- The expiration date record is written. The record code is 115.
- The file cabinet reference record is written. The record code is 160.
- The file date record is written. The record code is 125.
- *IDP
- The interchange document profile (IDP) is written. The record code is 500.
- The last indexed date record is written to the output file. OfficeVision/400 text search services must be installed if this value is specified.
- *KWD
- The keyword records are written. The record code is 170.
- The project record is written. The record code is 185.
- *REF
- The reference record is written. The record code is 175.
- The date of the last revision to the document content is written to the output file.
- The status record is written. The record code is 180.
- The subject records are written. The record code is 165.
- The date last used record is written. The record code is 200.
- *DOC
- The document data record is written. The record code is 800.
User identifier (USRID)
Specifies which user ID and user ID address should be associated with the request.
Single values
- You are performing the request for yourself.
Element 1: User ID
- character
- Specify another user's user ID or your user ID. You must have been given permission to work on behalf of another user or have all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority.
Element 2: Address
- character
- Specify another user's address or your address. You must have been given permission to work on behalf of another user or have *ALLOBJ authority.
Document identifier (DOCID)
Specifies the library-assigned name of the document. This is the name assigned to the document by the system when it was created. Documents filed outside the local system have only library-assigned document names. The library-assigned document names can be determined by using the Query Document Library (QRYDOCLIB) command or by the message returned from the File Document (FILDOC) command.
Library-assigned document names are 24 characters in length with the following format:
YYYY = year
MM = month
DD = day
HH = hour
MN = minute
SS = second
HS = hundredths of a second
SNSNSNSN = system name
- No library-assigned document name is required when the document is identified on the Document (DOC) parameter.
- name
- Specify the library-assigned name of the document being sent.
Check out (CHKOUT)
Specifies that the document being retrieved can be replaced with new or changed data. If the document is read only, then specify *NO. If the document being retrieved cannot be replaced, and *YES is specified, this will cause an error to occur.
- *NO
- The retrieve request only reads the data. Users requesting this function need only read (*READ) authority to the document. Public authority is *READ authority.
- *YES
- The document data can be updated and replaced later. Users requesting this function must have change (*CHANGE) authority. The document will be unavailable for other users to update until the replacement of this document is done. The replacement can be done by using the Replace Document (RPLDOC) command.
Command character identifier (CMDCHRID)
Specifies the character identifier (graphic character set and code page) for the data being entered as command parameter values. The character identifier is related to the display device used to enter the command.
The value specified on the User identifier (USRID) parameter is translated to character set and code page '930 500'.
Single values
- The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameters from the QCHRID system value.
- The system determines the graphic character set and code page values from the display device description where this command was entered. This option is valid only when entered from an interactive job. If this option is specified in a batch job, an error occurs.
Element 1: Graphic character set
- 1-32767
- Specify the graphic character set to use.
Element 2: Code page
- 1-32767
- Specify the code page to use.
Example 1: Copying All Information
This command copies all information about document MYDOC located in folder PERSONAL for the current user of this command. CHECKOUT(*NO) is assumed; therefore, the document data can only be read. The output is directed to the database file MYFILE in the user's current library and is added to the first member in that file.
Example 2: Copying Default Information
This command copies the default information (*DOCD and *DOC) about document SECOP located in folder PERSONAL for MARY. The document can be updated with new data and then replaced. The current user of this command must have the authority to work on behalf of MARY given by Mary by using the GRTUSRPMN command. The output is directed to the database file SECFILE in Mary's library MARLIB. The output is added to the first member of SECFILE.
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF900B
- User ID and address &1 &2 not in System Distribution Directory.
- CPF900C
- Sign on and verify of user failed.
- CPF905C
- Error occurred trying to find a translation table.
- CPF905F
- Retrieval of document from library failed.
- CPF9096
- Cannot use CMDCHRID(*DEVD), DOCCHRID(*DEVD) in batch job.
- CPF9860
- Error occurred during output file processing.