Remove Program Temporary Fix (RMVPTF)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Remove Program Temporary Fix (RMVPTF) command removes the specified program temporary fixes (PTFs) from the specified product. If the PTFs are temporarily applied, the original objects that they replaced are returned. The PTFs can be temporarily removed, in which case they are held in the product PTF library and they can be applied later. If the PTFs have not been applied, they can be permanently removed and moved to the QRPLOBJ library.

The RMVPTF command is used to remove immediate PTFs at the time the command is run, or to request PTFs to be removed during the next unattended initial program load (IPL).

Restriction: To use this command, you must be signed on as QSRV, or have *ALLOBJ authority.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
LICPGM Product Character value Required, Positional 1
RLS Release Character value, *ONLY Optional
SELECT PTF numbers to select Single values: *ALL
Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Character value
OMIT PTF numbers to omit Values (up to 300 repetitions): Character value Optional
RMV Extent of change *TEMP, *PERM Optional
DELAYED Delayed PTFs *NO, *YES Optional
IPLRMV Remove on unattended IPL *YES, *NO Optional
RMVDEP Remove dependent PTFs *NO, *YES Optional

Product (LICPGM)

Specifies the 7-character identifier of the product from which the PTFs are removed.

This is a required parameter.


Release (RLS)

Specifies the release level of the PTFs being loaded.

The possible values are:

This value is valid when only one release of the product's base option is installed on the system. PTFs for all installed options of the product are removed regardless of the release-level of the option.
Specify the release level in VxRyMz format where Vx is the version number, Ry is the release number, and Mz is the modification level. The variables x and y can be a number from 0 through 9, and the variable z can be a number from 0 through 9 or a letter from A through Z.

If the release-level specified is the release-level of the base option of the product, PTFs for all installed options of the product are removed regardless of the release-level of the option.

If the release-level specified is not the release-level of the base option of the product, only PTFs for the options installed at that release-level are removed.


PTF numbers to select (SELECT)

Specifies which PTFs are removed from the specified product. The PTF numbers to omit (OMIT) parameter cannot be specified if single PTF numbers are specified in the PTF numbers to select (SELECT) parameter.

You can enter multiple values for this parameter.

The possible values are:

All the PTFs are removed from the product. Those that were permanently applied are ignored by this command. If all PTFs cannot be removed, messages are sent to the operator indicating the PTFs that are not removed and the reasons why they are not being removed.
Specify the PTF identification number of each program temporary fix being removed. A maximum of 300 PTF numbers can be specified.

PTF numbers to omit (OMIT)

Specifies that all PTFs are removed except for those specified in this parameter. Specify the PTF numbers of the program temporary fixes that are omitted (left in the system) when all the rest are removed. A maximum of 300 PTF numbers can be specified. The OMIT parameter cannot be specified if single PTF numbers are specified in the PTF numbers to select (SELECT) parameter.

You can enter multiple values for this parameter.


Extent of change (RMV)

Specifies whether the PTFs are removed temporarily or permanently. Permanently removed PTF objects are moved to QRPLOBJ or deleted. Temporarily removed PTF objects are held in the product PTF library for application at a later time.

The possible values are:

The PTFs are removed and held in the product PTF library so that they can be applied again later.
The PTFs are permanently removed and placed in QRPLOBJ.

Delayed PTFs (DELAYED)

Specifies whether immediate PTFs are removed at the time the command is run, or whether immediate and delayed PTFs are removed in a delayed manner during the next unattended IPL.

Any immediate PTFs identified are removed at the time the command is processed. For delayed PTFs, if the PTF has a status of Not applied and you have specified RMV(*PERM), the PTF is permanently removed at the time the command is run. All other delayed PTFs are ignored during the RMVPTF request and are not removed. For immediate PTFs that are being temporarily removed, any preconditions that are active will result in the PTF not being removed. A message is sent for each PTF that is not removed.
Both delayed and immediate PTFs are removed during the next unattended IPL. The Remove on unattended IPL (IPLRMV) parameter determines whether the PTFs are removed during the next unattended IPL, or whether any previous request to remove the PTFs during the next unattended IPL is canceled.

Remove on unattended IPL (IPLRMV)

Specifies the action that is done for delayed or immediate PTFs at the next unattended IPL. This parameter is valid only if *YES was specified for the Delayed PTFs (DELAYED) parameter.

The possible values are:

The identified PTFs are removed at the next unattended IPL. The Extent of change (RMV) parameter determines whether the removal is temporary or permanent.
Any previous request to remove the identified PTFs at the next unattended IPL is canceled.

Remove dependent PTFs (RMVDEP)

Specifies whether dependent PTFs and mutually dependent PTFs in the same product and option as the PTFs specified in the SELECT parameter are processed with the PTFs specified in the SELECT parameter list. The RMVDEP parameter is valid only if *ALL is not specified in the SELECT parameter.

The possible values are:

The dependent and mutually dependent PTFs are not processed with the SELECT parameter list. No PTFs are removed if any PTF specified in the list has dependent PTFs not also in the list or already applied. Messages identify the missing dependent PTFs and the specified PTFs on which they depend.
The dependent and mutually dependent PTFs are removed with the SELECT parameter list.


Example 1: Temporarily Removing PTFs


This command temporarily removes all temporarily applied PTFs from the operating system (5722SS1) at the next IPL. The PTFs can be applied again, if necessary, using the APYPTF command.

Example 2: Permanently Removing PTFs


This command permanently removes two PTFs (numbers SI10002 and SI10005) from the operating system (5722SS1). The two PTFs are moved to QRPLOBJ and must be loaded again using the LODPTF command before they can be applied.

Example 3: Removing PTFs and Their Mutual Dependents

RMVPTF   LICPGM(5722SS1)  SELECT(SI00003 SI00008 SI00012)

This command temporarily removes PTFs SI00003, SI00008, SI00012, and their dependent and mutually dependent PTFs within the same product and option from the operating system in library QSYS at the next IPL.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Severe error while addressing parameter list.
Cannot allocate library &1.
Wrong copy of Licensed Internal Code in use.
Licensed Internal Code fix &2 cannot be removed.
Error occurred while processing Licensed Internal Code fix.
IPL action cannot be removed for PTF &1-&2 &3.
Licensed Internal Code fix &1-&2 &3 not set to be removed permanently.
PTF &1-&2 not removed.
Multiple releases of product &1 installed.
Information for PTF &1-&2 &3 not complete.
PTF &1-&2 not removed.
Cannot allocate &1 in &3 type *&2.
PTF &1-&2 damaged.
Release not valid.
PTF numbers in select/omit list not permitted.
PTF function already in process.
PTF &2 not removed because it is permanently applied.
PTF not removed because an error occurred.
Product &1 &2 not installed.
Error occurred while removing PTFs for product &1.
Library &1 not found.
No immediate PTFs removed.
No program temporary fixes identified.
Service function ended because error occurred.
Required programs not found. PTF incomplete.
Records of PTF activity for licensed program are deleted.
Error occurred during PTF processing.