Order Supported Product PTFs (ORDSPTPTF)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Order Supported Product PTFs (ORDSPTPTF) command orders program temporary fixes (PTFs) for supported products. This is done by comparing the PTFs on the system with the PTFs available from IBM service support, and then ordering the PTFs that are:

  1. Not loaded
  2. Not applied
  3. Not on order
  4. Not in a PTF save file (SAVF) in the QGPL library

The PTF order request created by this command is sent to IBM service support.

This command detects any PTFs on the system that IBM now considers defective. This command also detects PTFs not on the system that IBM considers HIPER (High-Impact Pervasive). In either case, a message indicating PTF number and recommended actions is sent to the service provider message queue.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
DELIVERY Delivery method *ANY, *LINKONLY Required, Positional 1
LICPGM Product Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 2

Delivery method (DELIVERY)

Specifies how PTFs are delivered.

This is a required parameter.

The possible values are:

Any method of delivery is acceptable. If the order that was sent to IBM service support is small enough, the PTF order will arrive through electronic customer support. If the PTF order is larger than the acceptable electronic customer support limit, PTFs arrive by tape.
Only delivery through electronic customer support is acceptable. If the PTF order is larger than the acceptable electronic customer support limit, a message is sent indicating that the PTF delivery failed.

Product (LICPGM)

Specifies which licensed programs are having PTFs ordered for them.

The possible values are:

PTFs are ordered for all licensed programs.
Specify the licensed program that is having PTFs ordered for it.


Example 1: Ordering PTFs for All Supported Products


This command orders PTFs for all supported products. If the order is small enough, the PTFs arrive by way of electronic customer support; otherwise, they arrive by tape.

Example 2: Ordering PTFs for a Licensed Program


This command orders PTFs for the licensed program named 5722SS1 (i5/OS). The PTFs arrive by way of electronic customer support.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

A parameter is not valid.