Install Windows Server (INSWNTSVR)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Install Windows Server (INSWNTSVR) command installs the Windows server Base Operating System on an Integrated xSeries server. INSWNTSVR also installs Integrated Server Support code on the server.

Windows server installation occurs in two steps. During the first step, the INSWNTSVR command creates all necessary objects to manage the server. This includes a network server description, message queue, line descriptions, storage spaces and TCP/IP interfaces.

For INSTYPE of *FULL, it also copies the install code for the Windows server Base Operating System from the Windows server installation media image.

During the second step of the Windows server installation, the Integrated xSeries server is varied on to start the Windows server installation.

For INSTYPE of *BASIC, the ServerGuide CD is inserted into the external servers locally attached CD-ROM or DVD drive and the server is varied on. At this point, the INSWNTSVR command ends. The ServerGuide CD in the server is booted from and continues with the process of configuring the server, including detecting and configuring any devices or adapters and preparing the system for the Windows installation.

Further Windows server installation is performed using the file server console and the normal Windows server install process.

When INSWNTSVR completes normally, the Windows server is left in a varied on state.


  1. You must have input/output system configuration (*IOSYSCFG), all object (*ALLOBJ) and job control (*JOBCTL) special authorities to run this command.
  2. This command may require interactive input using the file servers console.
  3. The file server must be varied off initially.
  4. The file server will also be varied off and back on during the second step of the install as Windows server installs and requires the server to reboot.

Any errors that occur during the first step of configuring the file server will result in the failure of this command.

After this command is run, if you need to manage the different resources created, use the following commands:



Keyword Description Choices Notes
NWSD Network server description Name Required, Key, Positional 1
INSTYPE Installation type *FULL, *BASIC Required, Positional 2
RSRCNAME Resource name Name, *ISCSI Required, Positional 3
WNTVER Windows server version Character value Required, Positional 4
WNTSRCDIR Windows source directory Path name, *DFT Optional
OPTION Install option Character value Optional
TCPPORTCFG TCP/IP port configuration Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Port 1, 2, 3, 4
Element 2: Windows internet address Character value
Element 3: Windows subnet mask Character value
Element 4: Windows gateway address Character value
VRTETHPORT Virtual Ethernet port Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Element list
Element 2: Windows internet address Character value
Element 3: Windows subnet mask Character value
Element 4: Associated port Name, *NONE
TCPDMNNAME TCP/IP local domain name Character value, *SYS Optional
TCPNAMSVR TCP/IP name server system Single values: *SYS, *NONE
Other values (up to 3 repetitions): Character value
MSGQ Server message queue Single values: *JOBLOG, *NONE
Other values: Qualified object name
Qualifier 1: Server message queue Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
EVTLOG Event log Single values: *ALL, *NONE
Other values (up to 3 repetitions): *SYS, *SEC, *APP
SVRSTGSIZE Server storage space sizes Element list Optional
Element 1: Install source size 500-2047, *CALC
Element 2: System size 1024-1024000, *CALC
SVRSTGASP Storage space ASP Element list Optional
Element 1: Install source ASP 1-255, 1
Element 2: System ASP 1-255, 1
STGASPDEV Server storage ASP device Element list Optional
Element 1: Install source ASP device Name
Element 2: System ASP device Name
CVTNTFS Convert to NTFS *YES, *NO Optional
TOWRKGRP To workgroup Character value Optional
TODMN To domain Character value Optional
FULNAM Full Name Character value Optional
ORG Organization Character value Optional
LNGVER Language version Integer, *PRIMARY Optional
SYNCTIME Synchronize date and time *YES, *NO Optional
PRPDMNUSR Propagate domain user *YES, *NO Optional
WNTLICKEY Windows license key Character value Optional
LICMODE License mode Element list Optional
Element 1: License type *PERSEAT, *PERSERVER
Element 2: Client licenses 5-9999, *NONE
Element 3: Terminal services Character value
RSTDDEVRSC Restricted device resources Single values: *NONE, *ALL
Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Name, *ALLTAPE, *ALLOPT
SHUTDTIMO Shutdown timeout 2-45, 15 Optional
ACTTMR Activation timer 30-1800, 120 Optional
CMNMSGQ Communications message queue Single values: *SYSOPR
Other values: Qualified object name
Qualifier 1: Communications message queue Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
STGPTH Storage path Element list Optional
Element 1: Network server host adapter Communications name
VRTETHPTH Virtual Ethernet path Values (up to 5 repetitions): Element list Optional
Element 2: Network server host adapter Communications name
SHUTDPORT Shutdown TCP port 1024-65535, 8700 Optional
VRTETHCTLP Virtual Ethernet control port 1024-65535, 8800 Optional
RMTNWSCFG Remote system NWSCFG Name, *DFT Optional
SPNWSCFG Service processor NWSCFG Name, *DFT Optional
CNNNWSCFG Connection security NWSCFG Name, *DFT Optional
DFTSECRULE Default IP security rule Character value, *NONE, *GEN Optional
IPSECRULE IP security rule 1-16, *DFTSECRULE, *NONE Optional
INZSP Initialize service processor *MANUAL, *SYNC, *AUTO, *NONE Optional
ENBUNICAST Enable unicast *NO, *YES Optional
EID Enclosure identifier Single values: *AUTO
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Serial number Character value
Element 2: Manufacturer type and model Character value
SPNAME Service processor name Character value, *SPINTNETA Optional
SPINTNETA SP internet address Character value Optional
SPAUT SP authentication Single values: *DFT
Other values: Element list
Element 1: User name Character value
Element 2: User password Character value
SPCERTID SP certificate identifier Single values: *NONE
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Component *COMMONNAME, *EMAIL, *ORGUNIT
Element 2: Compare value Character value
RMTSYSID Remote system identifier Single values: *EID
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Serial number Character value
Element 2: Manufacturer type and model Character value
DELIVERY Delivery method Character value, *DYNAMIC, *MANUAL Optional
CHAPAUT CHAP authentication Single values: *NONE
Other values: Element list
Element 1: CHAP name Character value
Element 2: CHAP secret Character value
BOOTDEVID Boot device ID Single values: *SINGLE
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Bus 0-255
Element 2: Device 0-31
Element 3: Function 0-7
DYNBOOTOPT Dynamic boot options Element list Optional
Element 1: Vendor ID Character value, *DFT
Element 2: Alternate client ID Character value, *ADPT
RMTIFC Remote interfaces Element list Optional
Element 1: SCSI interface Element list
Element 1: Adapter address Hexadecimal value
Element 2: Internet address Character value
Element 3: Subnet mask Character value
Element 4: Gateway address Character value
Element 5: iSCSI qualified name Character value, *GEN
Element 2: LAN interface Element list
Element 1: Adapter address Hexadecimal value
Element 2: Internet address Character value
Element 3: Subnet mask Character value
Element 4: Gateway address Character value
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *BLANK Optional
KBDTYPE Keyboard layout Hexadecimal value, *DEFAULT Optional
CFGFILE Configuration file Single values: *NONE
Other values: Qualified object name
Qualifier 1: Configuration file Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
CLU Cluster name Name, *NONE Optional
CLUCFG Cluster configuration Single values: *CLU
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Cluster domain name Character value
Element 2: Quorum resource size 550-1024000, *CALC
Element 3: Quorum resource ASP 1-255, 1
Element 4: Quorum ASP device Name
Element 5: Connection port *VRTETH0, *VRTETH1, *VRTETH2, *VRTETH3, *VRTETH4, *VRTETH5, *VRTETH6, *VRTETH7, *VRTETH8, *VRTETH9
Element 6: Cluster internet address Character value
Element 7: Cluster subnet mask Character value
VRTPTPPORT Virtual PTP Ethernet port Element list Optional
Element 1: Internet address Character value, *GEN
Element 2: Windows internet address Character value, *GEN

Network server description (NWSD)

Specifies the name of the network server to be installed.

This is a required parameter.

The network server name can be up to eight characters. The following characters are allowed in NWSD names:

The network server description specified is created using the values specified in this command. The Create Network Server Description (CRTNWSD) command will be used to create the NWSD. The name is also used as the computer name as well as the TCP host name for the Windows server.

Specify the name of the network server description.

Installation type (INSTYPE)

Specifies the type of install to perform.

This is a required parameter.

A full installation of the file server will be controlled by the system.

Note: Any file server that will be upgrading, OPTION(*UPGRADE), to a new version of Windows must also specify *FULL.

A basic installation of the external file server will be initiated by the system and completed using the ServerGuide CD.

Resource name (RSRCNAME)

Specifies the resource name that identifies the hardware that the description uses.

This is a required parameter.

This network server resource is an iSCSI attached server using a network server host adapter device. Use the Work with Device Descriptions (WRKDEVD) with *NWSH specified for the DEVD parameter to help determine which Network Server Host Adapters are configured.
Specify the resource name of the File Server IOA communications adapter to use. Use the Work with Hardware Resources (WRKHDWRSC) command with *CMN specified for the TYPE parameter to help determine the resource name.

Windows server version (WNTVER)

Specifies the version of Windows server to install on this network server. You can use F4 while prompting the command to see the complete list of allowed values for this parameter.

This is a required parameter.

Support for Windows 2000 Server and Advanced Server versions.
Support for Windows Server 2003 Web, Standard and Enterprise versions.

Windows source directory (WNTSRCDIR)

Specifies the path name of the directory associated with the Windows server CD-ROM image that is used as the source for the install. The directory name may reference an optical volume ('/QOPT/volume'), a folder ('/QDLS/folder'), or an IFS directory ('/dir1/dir2'). An example of a CD-ROM volume path name would be '/QOPT/W2ASEL_EN'.

To find out the name of a volume on an optical device, use the command: DSPOPT VOL(*MOUNTED) DEV(device-name). If you do not know the name of the optical device, use the command: WRKCFGSTS CFGTYPE(*DEV) CFGD(*OPT)

To find out the name of a path in an IFS directory, use the Work with Object Links (WRKLNK) command. WRKLNK will show the directory object path names on the system.

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

The default directory path name to use is determined by searching the QOPT file system (/QOPT directory in IFS). The path name for the first volume in QOPT that contains an I386 directory with a WINNT.EXE file in it is used as the default.

Note: Using *DFT on a system with an optical media library is not recommended. Every volume located in the '/QOPT' path will be searched for a valid Windows install source and will cause each volume to be retrieved and mounted. A specific optical volume path should be specified.

Specify the Windows server source path name to use for the install.

Note: The specified directory must contain an I386 directory with a WINNT.EXE file in it.

You can use F4 while prompting the command to see a list of path names for optical volumes that are allowed values for this parameter. Folder or IFS path names that are not optical volumes are also allowed, but are not listed when using F4.


Install option (OPTION)

Specifies the Windows server installation method. More information on each of type of install is available in the Windows server documentation and SETUP.TXT files. This information should be consulted prior to upgrading Windows server.

Install a new Windows server and the Integrated Server Support code.

This will create a new network server description, storage spaces, message queue, line descriptions, and TCP interfaces.

Upgrade an existing Windows server and the Integrated Server Support code for a later release of Windows server.

This will use an existing network server description, system storage space, message queue, line descriptions, and TCP interfaces.


  1. A backup of all drives linked to the network server is strongly recommended before an *UPGRADE install is performed.
  2. The install source drive (typically the D: drive) is deleted and recreated with the install source size specified on the Server storage space sizes (SVRSTGSIZE) parameter, Install source size element. Any user data on this drive will be lost!
  3. An *UPGRADE install is the only supported upgrade path to a new release of Windows server. Upgrading the Windows server directly from an installation CD-ROM may cause the file server to become unusable and require that it be restored from a backup.

TCP/IP port configuration (TCPPORTCFG)

Specifies the Windows TCP/IP configuration values that are specific to a port on the network server. This information consists of four parts including the identification of the network server port, the internet address, the subnet mask and the default gateway assigned to the port.

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

Single values

Specifies that there is no Windows TCP/IP port configuration.

Other values (up to 4 repetitions)

Element 1: Port

Specifies the network server port number to be configured. Specify one of the following values:

Network server port number 1 is configured.
Network server port number 2 is configured.
Network server port number 3 is configured.
Network server port number 4 is configured.

Element 2: Windows internet address

Specify the Windows internet address for the port.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Note: The internet address selected must be unique across all NWSD objects and the system's TCP/IP configuration.

Element 3: Windows subnet mask

Specifies the subnet mask for the Windows internet address.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Element 4: Windows gateway address

Specifies the default gateway address for the Windows internet address.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.


Virtual Ethernet port (VRTETHPORT)

Specify the TCP/IP configuration for the virtual Ethernet used by the file server.

Single values

Specifies that there is no Windows TCP/IP port configuration.

Other values (up to 4 repetitions)

Element 1: Port

Specifies the network server virtual Ethernet port number to be configured. Specify one of the following values:

The network server virtual Ethernet port 'n' is configured, where 'n' has a value of 0 through 9.

Element 2: Windows internet address

Specify the Windows internet address for the port.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Note: The internet address selected must be unique across all NWSD objects and the system's TCP/IP configuration.

Element 3: Windows subnet mask

Specifies the subnet mask for the Windows internet address.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Element 4: Associated port

Specifies the resource name that describes the port that is used to establish a connection between a Windows network server and the network.

Note: Use the Work with Hardware Resources (WRKHDWRSC) command with *CMN specified for the TYPE parameter to help determine the resource name. The resource name is on the port. For example, the resource name may be CMN01 on a Ethernet port.

An associated port resource name is not associated with the line.
Specify the associated port resource name.

TCP/IP local domain name (TCPDMNNAME)

Specifies the local domain name associated with the network server.

A domain name can be a text string having 2 to 255 characters. Domain names consist of one or more labels separated by periods. Each label can contain up to 63 characters. The following characters are allowed in domain names:

Uppercase and lowercase characters are allowed, but no significance attached to the case. The case is maintained as entered. The first and last character of the host name must be an alphabetic character or a digit.

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

Specifies that the local domain name for the network server should be the same value as is configured for the system.
Specify a TCP domain name to be associated with the network server.

TCP/IP name server system (TCPNAMSVR)

Specifies the internet address of the name server system that is used by the network server. Typically, this is the same value as it is for the system.

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

Single values

The name server system used by the network server should be the same as for the system.
There is no name server to be used by the network server.

Other values (up to 3 repetitions)

Specify an internet address for the name server system to be used by the network server. Up to three remote name server systems can be specified. The name server systems are used in the order they are specified.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.


Server message queue (MSGQ)

Specifies the name of a message queue to receive server messages.

Single values

Causes Windows server event log messages from the server and informational messages to be placed on the joblog of the user administration monitor job. Errors requiring operator intervention are sent to the QSYSOPR message queue.
Causes Windows server event log messages and informational messages to not be placed on any message queue. Errors requiring operator intervention are sent to the QSYSOPR message queue.

Qualifier 1: Server message queue

Specify the name of a message queue to receive messages issued by the server, informational messages and errors requiring operator intervention.

This message queue should be monitored so that it does not become full. If it becomes full, messages will be rerouted to the joblog of the user administration job.

Care should be taken if QSYSOPR is specified as the message queue to receive all messages related to Windows server running on an Integrated xSeries server because the volume of Windows server event log messages is unpredictable.

If both a message queue name and library name is specified, and the message queue does not exist, the message queue will automatically be created with authority *EXCLUDE. If the library specified for the message queue does not exist, the command will fail.

The name of the message queue can be qualified by one of the following library values:

Qualifier 2: Library

All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
Specify the name of the library to be used.

Event log (EVTLOG)

Specifies whether or not messages from the event logs are received from the server.

Note: Event log messages are placed in the message queue that is identified by the Server message queue (MSGQ) parameter. The MSGQ value cannot be *NONE. See the MSGQ parameter for more information.

Single values

All event log messages are received.
No event log messages are received.

Other values (up to 3 repetitions)

The system event log messages are received.

Note: This value can only be specified once.

The security event log messages are received.

Note: This value can only be specified once.

The application event log messages are received.

Note: This value can only be specified once.


Server storage space sizes (SVRSTGSIZE)

Specifies the size of the server storage spaces, in megabytes.

Element 1: Install source size

Specifies the size of the storage space that holds the files used to install the Windows server.


  1. The contents of the I386 directory of the Windows server installation media and the Integrated Server Support code are copied to the install source drive. The size specified for the install source drive must be large enough to hold this data.
  2. For an OPTION(*UPGRADE) install, a new install source drive size may be specified. The new drive that is created will replace the existing install source drive (typically the D: drive) resulting in the loss of all user data on this drive. A backup of all drives associated with this network server is recommended.
Specifies that the size should be calculated based on the space required to hold the install source located by the Windows source directory (WNTSRCDIR) parameter.
Specifies the install source size value in megabytes. The size must be at least 500 megabytes but no larger than 2047 megabytes.

Element 2: System size

Specifies the size in megabytes of the storage space that the Windows server operating system is installed on.


  1. The minimum size allowed is determined by the Windows server version specified on the WNTVER parameter.
  2. A value other than the default for the System size may not be specified when OPTION is *UPGRADE.
Specifies that the size should be calculated based on the installed memory of the Integrated xSeries server (where it can be determined) and other elements such as Windows version requirements.
Specifies the system size value, in megabytes up to a maximum of 1024000.

Storage space ASP (SVRSTGASP)

Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) identifiers for the storage space that will contain the files used to install the Windows server and the storage space that will contain the Windows server operating system.

Note: You cannot specify both a SVRSTGASP and STGASPDEV parameter value for the same element.

Note: Null (omitted) values are specified with the characters *N, which mean that no value was specified. The value specified for the corresponding Server storage ASP device (STGASPDEV) element will be used if specified. Otherwise, the default value will be used. *N is needed only when another value following the omitted element is being specified.

Element 1: Install source ASP

Specifies the auxiliary storage pool for the storage space that holds the files used to install the Windows server.

The storage space is created in auxiliary storage pool 1, the system auxiliary storage pool.
Specify a value ranging from 2 through 255 for the ASP identifier. Valid values depend on how many ASPs are defined on the system.

Element 2: System ASP

Specifies the auxiliary storage pool for the storage space that holds the Windows server operating system.

Note: A value other than the default for the System size may not be specified when OPTION is *UPGRADE.

The storage space is created in auxiliary storage pool 1, the system auxiliary storage pool.
Specify a value ranging from 2 through 255 for the ASP identifier. Valid values depend on how many ASPs are defined on the system.

Server storage ASP device (STGASPDEV)

Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device name for the storage space that will contain the files used to install the Windows server and the storage space that will contain the Windows server operating system.

Note: You cannot specify both a SVRSTGASP and STGASPDEV parameter value for the same element.

Note: The ASP must have been activated (by varying on the ASP device) and have a status of 'Available'.

Element 1: Install source ASP device

Specifies the independent auxiliary storage pool device name for the storage space that holds the files used to install the Windows server.

The device name of the ASP to use for the network server storage space.

Element 2: System ASP device

Specifies the independent auxiliary storage pool device name for the storage space that holds the Windows server operating system.

The device name of the ASP to use for the network server storage space.

Convert to NTFS (CVTNTFS)

Specifies if the primary partition of the system drive should be converted to the NT File System (NTFS).

Note: Conversion to NTFS may be automatically performed under some situations such as the File system limitations for system drives greater than 32000 megabytes. When one of these conditions exist, the Convert to NTFS (CVTNTFS) parameter is automatically set to *YES by this command.

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

Windows server will convert the system drive to NTFS during the install.
Windows server will not convert the system drive to NTFS during the install.

To workgroup (TOWRKGRP)

Specifies the workgroup in which the computer will participate. The Windows server will prompt for a value during the install if no parameter value is specified.

Characters allowed for this parameter include any upper-case character A-Z, lower-case a-z, 0-9, and any character in the ASCII code page 850 except:

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

Specify the workgroup in which the computer will participate. The computer can be part of either a workgroup or a domain.

To domain (TODMN)

Specifies the name of an existing server domain in which the computer will participate. Windows server will prompt for a value during the install if no parameter value is specified.

Characters allowed for this parameter include any upper-case character A-Z, lower-case a-z, 0-9, and any character in the ASCII code page 850 except:

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

Specify the name of the server domain in which the computer will participate. The computer can be part of either a workgroup or a domain.

Full Name (FULNAM)

Specifies the users' full name for the Windows server being installed. Windows server will prompt for a value during the install if no parameter value is specified.

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

Specify the name of the user installing Windows server who holds the license.

Organization (ORG)

Specifies the organization name for the Windows server being installed. Windows server will prompt for a value during the install if no parameter value is specified.

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

Specify the name of the organization installing Windows server who holds the license.

Language version (LNGVER)

Specifies the installed language environment used to display Integrated Server Support text and messages. Note that a smaller set of languages are available for messages displayed during installation than for messages displayed after installation.

The installed language environment for Integrated Server Support text and messages is based on the language feature of the system's primary language.
Specifies the language feature that will be used to select the Integrated Server Support text and messages.

Synchronize date and time (SYNCTIME)

Specifies whether the system should synchronize the network server date and time with the host system date and time.

The system synchronizes the file server date and time with the host system date and time at every vary on and at least every 30 minutes thereafter.

The QTIMZON system value must be set to the correct value for time synchronization to work correctly.

The system synchronizes the file server date and time with the host system date and time when the network server description is varied on, but will not keep the date and time synchronized while the network server description is varied on.

Propagate domain user (PRPDMNUSR)

Specifies if this server should be used to propagate and synchronize users to the Windows domain or active directory.

Note: When multiple network servers belong to the same Windows domain, only one needs to propagate users to the domain. Selecting a network server with a domain role of *DMNCTL will provide the fastest performance and may eliminate the need for the special QAS400NT userid. At least one network server should specify *YES for each Windows domain that you wish to propagate users to.

Send user updates to the Windows domain or active directory through this server.
Do not send user updates to the Windows domain or active directory through this server.

Windows license key (WNTLICKEY)

Specifies the license key for Windows server. Windows server will prompt for a value during the install if no parameter value is specified.

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

Specify the license key on the back of the jewel case that the Windows server CD came in, including any dashes ('-'). The length of the Windows license key (WNTLICKEY) is limited to 34 characters.

License mode (LICMODE)

Determines the license mode to install the Windows server as.

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

Element 1: License type

Indicates that the end user purchased a client access license for each computer accessing the server.
Indicates that the end user purchased client access licenses for each server, which allows a certain number of concurrent connections to the server.

Element 2: Client licenses

Indicates that no client licenses are installed. *NONE must be specified when *PERSEAT is specified.
Number of client licenses purchased for the server being installed. A number greater than five must be specified when *PERSERVER is specified as the license type. The valid range is from 5 to 9999.

Element 3: Terminal services

Do not install the Terminal Server component for this server.
Installs Terminal Services on Windows 2000.
Installs and configures the Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services to require that each connected device has a valid Terminal Server Client Access License (CAL). If the client has a Terminal Server CAL, it can access more than one Terminal Server.
Installs and configures Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server to provide one Terminal Server CAL for each active user.

Restricted device resources (RSTDDEVRSC)

Specifies the system's optical and tape device resource names that are restricted and cannot be used by the Windows server.

Note: Only tape and optical device resources can be restricted.

Single values

No device resources are restricted from the network server. Therefore, any tape or optical device resources that exist on the system can be used.
All tape and optical resources are restricted from being used by the network server.

Other values (up to 10 repetitions)

All optical resources are restricted from being used by the network server.

Note: This value can only be specified once.

All tape resources are restricted from being used by the network server.

Note: This value can only be specified once.

Specify the restricted device resource name that cannot be used by the network server.

Shutdown timeout (SHUTDTIMO)

Specifies the server shutdown time-out value in minutes. This is used to limit the amount of time that the servers operating system is allowed to shutdown before the server is varied offline.

The network server default shutdown time-out value is used.
Specify the time (in minutes) to wait. Valid values range from 2 through 45. The system waits until the network servers operating system has shutdown successfully, or until the specified time passes before varying the network server offline.

Activation timer (ACTTMR)

Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) the system will wait for the connection to be established to the remote server's service processor and to power on the remote server.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

The activate time of 120 seconds is used.
Specify, in seconds, a value ranging from 30 through 1800.

Communications message queue (CMNMSGQ)

Specifies the name of a message queue to receive communications status messages.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Single values

Causes messages to be placed in the system operator message queue (QSYSOPR message queue in library QSYS).

Qualifier 1: Communications message queue

Specify the name of a message queue to receive communications status messages.

Qualifier 2: Library

All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
Specify the name of the library to be used.

Storage path (STGPTH)

Specifies the storage path the storage spaces can use.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Element 1: Network server host adapter

Specify the name of an existing network server host adapter (NWSH) device.

Virtual Ethernet path (VRTETHPTH)

Specifies the virtual Ethernet paths the Ethernet line descriptions can use. This information consists of two parts including the virtual Ethernet port and the network server host adapter (NWSH) device. You must enter at least one virtual Ethernet path which is the path to be used by the *VRTETHPTP line description.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

You can specify 5 values for this parameter.

Element 1: Port

The network server virtual Ethernet point to point port is configured.
Virtual Ethernet port 0 is configured.
Virtual Ethernet port 1 is configured.
Virtual Ethernet port 2 is configured.
Virtual Ethernet port 3 is configured.
Virtual Ethernet port 4 is configured.
Virtual Ethernet port 5 is configured.
Virtual Ethernet port 6 is configured.
Virtual Ethernet port 7 is configured.
Virtual Ethernet port 8 is configured.
Virtual Ethernet port 9 is configured.

Element 2: Network server host adapter

Specify the name of an existing network server host adapter (NWSH) device. The network server host adapter name does not need to be unique for each VRTETHPTH parameter on this NWSD.

Shutdown TCP port (SHUTDPORT)

Specifies the TCP port to use for shutdown.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Use the TCP port number of 8700.
Specify the port number identifying the port that is to be used for shutdown. Valid values range from 1024 through 65,535.

Virtual Ethernet control port (VRTETHCTLP)

Specifies the TCP port to use for virtual Ethernet control.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Use the TCP port number of 8800.
Specifies the port number identifying the port that is to be used for virtual Ethernet control. Valid values range from 1024 through 65,535.

Remote system NWSCFG (RMTNWSCFG)

Specifies the remote system network server configuration to use with this server.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Use the system generated default remote system network server configuration name of 'nwsdnameRM' where nwsdname is the name of the network server description.
Specify the name of an existing remote system network server configuration.

Service processor NWSCFG (SPNWSCFG)

Specifies the service processor network server configuration to use with this server.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Use the system generated default service processor network server configuration name of 'nwsdnameSP' where nwsdname is the name of the network server description.
Specify the name of an existing service processor network server configuration.

Connection security NWSCFG (CNNNWSCFG)

Specifies the connection security network server configuration to use with this server.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Use the system generated default connection security network server configuration name of 'nwsdnameCN' where nwsdname is the name of the network server description.
Specify the name of an existing connection security network server configuration.

Default IP security rule (DFTSECRULE)

Specifies the default IP Security (IPSec) rule used between the hosting and remote system.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the connection security network server configuration specified for the Connection security NWSCFG (CNNNWSCFG) parameter already exists.

A value other than *DFTSECRULE must be specified on the IP security rule (IPSECRULE) parameter in this case.

IP Security (IPSec) protocol security settings are not configured.
Generate a random pre-shared key.
Specify the pre-shared key.
A pre-shared key is a nontrivial string up to 32 characters long.

Valid characters are upper case A through Z, lower case a through z, numbers 0 through 9, and the following special characters:


IP security rule (IPSECRULE)

Specify the relative entry of an existing IP security rules (IPSECRULE) parameter, defined in the existing connection security network server configuration that will be used as the initial IP security setting between the hosting and remote system.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Use the value specified on the Default IP security rule (DFTSECRULE) parameter.

Note: This value is not valid when the Connection security NWSCFG specified on the CNNNWSCFG parameter already exists.

Remote interface will not use any security rule.
Remote interface will use security rule specified

Initialize service processor (INZSP)

Specifies how the remote system's service processor is secured.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Use this only if the interconnecting network is physically secure.

Note: Some service processors do not support secure connections. Use *NONE for these service processors. Additional information can be found at Integrated xSeries solutions at


Security parameters are manually configured on remote system's service processor. *MANUAL provides the highest security.

To use this option, it is required that the remote system's service processor is pre-configured with a user name, password and certificate. Certificate management will be required. This method is appropriate when connecting to the service processor via public networks to protect the password.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the service processor network server configuration specified for the Service processor NWSCFG (SPNWSCFG) parameter already exists.


Parameters are automatically configured on the remote system's service processor.

*AUTO provides security without requiring pre-configuration of the remote system's service processor. The remote system's service processor will have certificates automatically regenerated when the certificates are near expiration. This option is appropriate if the interconnecting network is physically secure or is protected by a firewall.

Note: An administrator will need to regenerate the certificate using the Initialize NWS Configuration (INZNWSCFG) command when the service processor certificate has expired, or if a new certificate and password are desired at any time before the certificate expires.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the service processor network server configuration specified for the Service processor NWSCFG (SPNWSCFG) parameter already exists.


Synchronize the self-signed certificate from the service processor. This option is used if multiple service processor network server configurations are used for the same system or the service processor network server configuration has been restored from backup and the service processor's certificate must be synchronized. The current user name and password for the service processor must be specified on the SP authentication (SPAUT) parameter to perform this option.


Provides no security.

Use this only if the interconnecting network is physically secure.

Note: Some service processors do not support secure connections. Use *NONE for these service processors. Additional information can be found at Integrated xSeries solutions at

Note: This parameter is ignored when the service processor network server configuration specified for the Service processor NWSCFG (SPNWSCFG) parameter already exists.


Enable unicast (ENBUNICAST)

Specifies whether unicast packet distribution is to be used. Unicast is a transmission method where packets are sent directly to the specified Service processor name (SPNAME) or SP internet address (SPINTNETA) parameter.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the service processor network server configuration specified for the Service processor NWSCFG (SPNWSCFG) parameter already exists.

Disable unicast
Enable unicast.

Enclosure identifier (EID)

Specifies the identifying serial number, type and model of the enclosure containing the service processor.

When specified, they are used to locate the system on the network.

Look for these values on the label of the system.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the service processor network server configuration specified for the Service processor NWSCFG (SPNWSCFG) parameter already exists.

Single values

Automatically retrieve the identifier when ENBUNICAST(*YES) is specified.

Element 1: Serial number

Specify the machine serial number.

Element 2: Manufacturer type and model

Specify the machine type and model.

The value is entered in the form ttttmmm where tttt is the machine type and mmm is the machine model number.


Service processor name (SPNAME)

Specifies the remote system's service processor host name.

Note: This parameter is required when ENBUNICAST(*YES) is specified.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the service processor network server configuration specified for the Service processor NWSCFG (SPNWSCFG) parameter already exists.


The remote system is identified by the value specified for the SP internet address (SPINTNETA) parameter.

Specify the remote system's service processor host name.

SP internet address (SPINTNETA)

Specifies the remote system's service processor internet address.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the service processor network server configuration specified for the Service processor NWSCFG (SPNWSCFG) parameter already exists.


  1. This parameter is ignored when ENBUNICAST(*NO) is specified.
  2. This parameter is required when SPNAME(*SPINTNETA) is specified.
Specify the internet address of the service processor.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.


SP authentication (SPAUT)

Specifies the service processor user name and password. This is used to authenticate and secure the service processor.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the service processor network server configuration specified for the Service processor NWSCFG (SPNWSCFG) parameter already exists.

Note: This value is only valid when INZSP(*NONE) is specified on this command or in the existing network server configuration.

Single values

The default service processors userid and password are used.

Element 1: User name

Specify a name that represents the host configuration that owns the service processor. It is suggested that the remote system network server configuration name be used. If multiple remote system network server configurations use the same service processor at different times, each configuration must contain the same user name and password.

Element 2: User password

Specify the service processor password. Password must be at least 5 characters in length and contain at least one alphabetic character and one numeric or symbolic character.

SP certificate identifier (SPCERTID)

The SP certificate identifier specifies one of three possible fields that identifies the service processor's certificate.

This parameter is specified to provide additional validation that the certificate is from the service processor. The contents of the selected field must exactly match the value of the field that was entered when the certificate was generated or requested from a certificate authority.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the service processor network server configuration specified for the Service processor NWSCFG (SPNWSCFG) parameter already exists.

This parameter is required when INZSP(*MANUAL) is specified and cannot have the value *NONE.

Single values

Service processor certificate is not configured.

Element 1: Component

Selects the certificate's common name specified when the certificate was generated or requested from a certificate authority. On the remote supervisor adapter II this correlates to the "ASM Domain Name" field used to generate a self-signed certificate or generate a certificate signing request.
Selects the certificate's e-mail address specified when the certificate was generated or requested from a certificate authority. On the remote supervisor adapter II this correlates to the "Email Address" field used to generate a self-signed certificate or generate a certificate signing request.
Selects the certificate's organizational unit specified when the certificate was generated or requested from a certificate authority. On the remote supervisor adapter II this correlates to the "Organizational Unit" field used to generate a self-signed certificate or generate a certificate signing request.

Element 2: Compare value

Specify the certificates component compare value. Enter no more than 255 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.

Remote system identifier (RMTSYSID)

Specifies the identifying serial number, type and model of the remote system. When specified, they are used to locate the remote system on the network.

Look for these values on the label of the system.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the remote system network server configuration specified for the Remote system NWSCFG (NWSCFG) parameter already exists.

Single values

Use the service processor identifier.

Element 1: Serial number

Specify the machine serial number.

Element 2: Manufacturer type and model

Specify the machine type and model.

Delivery method (DELIVERY)

Specifies how the parameters necessary to configure the remote system are delivered.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the remote system network server configuration specified for the Remote system NWSCFG (NWSCFG) parameter already exists.

Parameters are dynamically delivered to the remote system using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
Parameters are manually configured on the remote system using the BIOS utilities (System BIOS or Adapter BIOS - CTRL-Q).

CHAP authentication (CHAPAUT)

Specifies the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) for the host system iSCSI target to authenticate the remote system initiator node.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the remote system network server configuration specified for the Remote system NWSCFG (NWSCFG) parameter already exists.

Single values

CHAP authentication is not enabled.

Element 1: CHAP name

The system will automatically generate a name for CHAP using the Network server configuration name.
Specify the name you want to use for the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.

Valid characters are upper case A through Z, lower case a through z, numbers 0 through 9, and the following special characters:

Element 2: CHAP secret

The system will automatically generate a random CHAP secret.
Specify the secret you want to use for the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.

Valid characters are upper case A through Z, lower case a through z, numbers 0 through 9, and the following special characters:


Boot device ID (BOOTDEVID)

Specifies the PCI Function Address (Bus/Device/Function) of the iSCSI adapter in the remote system that will be used to boot from.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the remote system network server configuration specified for the Remote system NWSCFG (NWSCFG) parameter already exists.

Single values

The single iSCSI adapter is used on the remote system

Element 1: Bus

Specify the bus number of the remote system's iSCSI adapter that will be used to boot.
Valid values range from 0 through 255.

Element 2: Device

Specify the device number of the remote system's iSCSI adapter that will be used to boot.
Valid values range from 0 through 31.

Element 3: Function

Specify the function number of the remote system's iSCSI adapter that will be used to boot.
Valid values range from 0 through 7.

Dynamic boot options (DYNBOOTOPT)

Specifies the internal Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server configuration.

Note: This is an advanced configuration function.

This parameter is used to configure the internal DHCP Server that is part of the iSCSI Target Host Bus Adapter firmware. It is used to provide IP address and diskless boot parameters for the remote iSCSI Initiator.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the remote system network server configuration specified for the Remote system NWSCFG (NWSCFG) parameter already exists.

This parameter is only valid when DELIVERY(*DYNAMIC) is specified.

Element 1: Vendor ID

The client and server are pre-configured to a default vendor ID. Network administrators can configure clients to define their own identifying values to convey hardware, operating system or other identifying information. DHCP option 60 described in the IETF RFC 2132 is used for this function.

The default vendor ID will be used.
Vendor ID of the remote system's iSCSI adapter that will be used.

Element 2: Alternate client ID

Used by clients to specify their unique identifier to the server. Each client's identifier must be unique among all other client identifiers used on the effective DHCP network to which the client is attached (that is, the client's local subnet and any remote subnets reachable using DHCP relay). Vendors and system administrators are responsible for choosing client identifiers that meet this requirement for uniqueness. DHCP option 61 described in the IETF RFC 2132 is used for this function.

The default Client ID consists of the adapter address for the remote system's iSCSI adapter. This value will be used to identify the remote system.
Specify the Client ID of the remote system's iSCSI adapter that will be used to boot.

Remote interfaces (RMTIFC)

Specifies the remote system's interfaces. This information is used to identify and configure the remote system's interfaces. Each adapter has two functions to support a SCSI and a LAN interface.

Note: This parameter is only valid when *ISCSI is specified for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter.

Note: This parameter is ignored when the remote system network server configuration specified for the Remote system NWSCFG (NWSCFG) parameter already exists.

Element 1: SCSI interface

Specifies the remote system's SCSI interfaces.

Element 1: Adapter address
No SCSI interface is configured for this adapter.
Specify the 12-character hexadecimal adapter address for the remote system's iSCSI interface.
Element 2: Internet address
Specify the internet address for the remote system's SCSI interface.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Element 3: Subnet mask
Specify the subnet mask for the remote system's SCSI interface.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Element 4: Gateway address
Specify the gateway address for the remote system's SCSI interface.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Element 5: iSCSI qualified name
The system will automatically generate the iSCSI qualified name.
Specify the iSCSI qualified name for the remote system's SCSI interface.

The following characters are allowed in iSCSI qualified names:

  • Alphabetical characters A through Z converted to lower case (refer to RFC 3722)
  • Alphabetical characters a through z
  • Digits 0 through 9
  • Period (.)
  • Dash (-)
  • colon (:)
Element 2: LAN interface

Specifies the remote system's LAN interfaces.

Element 1: Adapter address
No LAN interface is configured for this adapter.
Specify the 12-character hexadecimal adapter address for the remote system's LAN or TCP Offload Engine (TOE) interface.
Element 2: Internet address
Specify the internet address for the remote system's LAN interface.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Element 3: Subnet mask
Specify the subnet mask for the remote system's LAN interface.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Element 4: Gateway address
Specify the gateway address for the remote system's LAN interface.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.


Text 'description' (TEXT)

Specifies text that briefly describes the network server configuration.

Text is not specified.
Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.

Keyboard layout (KBDTYPE)

Specifies the keyboard layout identifier to install on the Windows server. The valid keyboard layout identifiers are listed in the TXTSETUP.SIF file in the I386 directory of the Windows server installation media.

Note: This parameter is configured using the ServerGuide when INSTYPE is *BASIC. Any values entered for this parameter will be discarded.

The default keyboard layout for the version of Windows server being installed is used.
Specify the keyboard layout identifier to be used by the Windows server.

Configuration file (CFGFILE)

Specifies the name of a source file containing configuration data, to be used in activating or further defining the server.

Single values

No configuration file is specified.

Qualifier 1: Configuration file

Specify the name of a source file containing the configuration data member(s) for the server. At the time the server is activated, all members in the file will be processed.

The name of the configuration file can be qualified by one of the following library values:

Qualifier 2: Library

All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
Specify the name of the library to be used.

Cluster name (CLU)

Specifies the name of the cluster.

Do not form or join a Windows Cluster.
Specify the name of the cluster. Administrators will use this name for connections to the cluster. The cluster name must be different from the domain name, from all computer names on the domain, and from other cluster names on the domain.

Cluster configuration (CLUCFG)

Specifies the parameters required to configure a new Windows Cluster.

Note: This parameter is only required when forming a new Windows cluster using the Cluster name (CLU) parameter.

Single values

Use the values already defined by a previous installation of the Windows Cluster service to join the existing cluster name.

Element 1: Cluster domain name

Specifies the domain to which the cluster belongs. If the cluster already exists, the cluster will be joined, otherwise, the cluster will be formed. If forming a cluster, the Cluster configuration (CLUCFG) parameter must be specified.

Specify the domain name to which the cluster belongs when forming a new cluster.

Element 2: Quorum resource size

Specifies the size in megabytes of the storage space used as the Windows quorum resource.

Specifies that the size should be calculated to be the default value based on the Windows server version (WNTVER) parameter.
Specifies the Windows quorum resource size in megabytes. The size must be at least 550 megabytes but no larger than 1024000 megabytes.

Element 3: Quorum resource ASP

Specifies the auxiliary storage pool for the storage space used as the Windows quorum resource.

Note: You cannot specify both a Quorum resource ASP and a Quorum ASP device value.

The storage space is created in auxiliary storage pool 1, the system auxiliary storage pool.
Specify a value ranging from 2 through 255 for the ASP identifier. Valid values depend on how many ASPs are defined on the system.

Element 4: Quorum ASP device

Specifies the independent auxiliary storage pool device name for the storage space used as the Windows quorum resource.

Note: You cannot specify both a Quorum resource ASP and a Quorum ASP device value.

Specify the name of the independent auxiliary storage pool device. Valid values depend on which IASPs are defined on the system.

Element 5: Connection port

Specifies the connection port used for the Cluster service communication.

The network server virtual Ethernet port 'n' is configured, where 'n' has a value of 0 through 9.

Element 6: Cluster internet address

Specifies the internet address for the cluster.

Specify the Cluster internet address.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Note: The internet address selected must be unique across all NWSD objects and the system's TCP/IP configuration.

Element 7: Cluster subnet mask

Specifies the subnet mask for the Cluster internet address.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.


Virtual PTP Ethernet port (VRTPTPPORT)

Specifies the TCP/IP configuration for the virtual point-to-point Ethernet port.


  1. The VRTPTPPORT parameter must be used for Integrated xSeries servers running on the host system.
  2. The subnet mask that is used for both sides of the virtual point-to-point Ethernet port is by default. Therefore, the internet addresses that are chosen for both sides of the virtual point-to-point Ethernet port must have the same values for the first three parts of the internet addresses.

Element 1: Internet address

Specifies the internet address for the host side of the virtual point-to-point Ethernet connection. Specify one of the following values:

Specify *GEN to let the INSWNTSVR command configure a virtual point-to-point Ethernet port with a generated internet address.
Specify the host internet address for the virtual point-to-point Ethernet port.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Note: The internet address selected must be unique across all NWSD objects and the system's TCP/IP configuration.

Element 2: Windows internet address

Specifies the internet address for the Windows side of the virtual point-to-point Ethernet connection. Specify one of the following values:

Specify *GEN to let the INSWNTSVR command configure a virtual point-to-point Ethernet port with a generated internet address.
Specify the Windows server internet address for the virtual point-to-point Ethernet port.

The value is entered in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Note: The internet address selected must be unique across all NWSD objects and the system's TCP/IP configuration.



Example 1: Installing a Windows Terminal Server

             TCPPORTCFG((1 '' ''
             SVRSTGSIZE(*CALC 2500) SVRSTGASP(1 1)
             FULNAM('John Smith') ORG('XYZ Corporation')
             TEXT('Windows 2000 Terminal Server')

This command installs a Windows server named W2KSERV. W2KSERV is the network server description associated with the Windows 2000 Server operating system that will be installed on the Integrated xSeries Server resource LIN09.

A fully controlled install will be performed with a system drive size of 2500 MB that will automatically be converted to NTFS during the install. The Windows 2000 Server will join the XYZGROUP workgroup. A per seat license mode will be configured and Terminal Services will be installed on the server.

The TCP/IP local host name is the same as the server description name. The TCP/IP local domain name is the same as the OS/400 system and the same name servers will be used. The TCP/IP address will automatically be configured for the first LAN adapter detected on the Integrated xSeries Server.

Example 2: Installing a Windows Cluster Node

             TCPPORTCFG((1 '' ''
             VRTETHPORT((*VRTETH5 ''
             TCPNAMSVR('' ''
             SVRSTGSIZE(*CALC 4000) SVRSTGASP(1 1)
             FULNAM('John Smith') ORG('XYZ Corporation')
             TEXT('Windows 2000 Cluster Node 1')
             CLUCFG(XYZDOMAIN 600 1 *N *VRTETH5 ''

This command installs a Windows server named W2KNODE1. W2KNODE1 is the network server description associated with the Windows 2000 Server operating system that will be installed on the Integrated xSeries Server resource LIN03.

A fully controlled install will be performed with a system drive size of 4000 MB that will automatically be converted to NTFS during the install. The Windows 2000 Server will join the XYZDOMAIN domain. A per seat license mode will be configured on the server. The TCP/IP address will automatically be configured for the first LAN adapter detected on the Integrated xSeries Server. A virtual ethernet LAN will be created on virtual ethernet 5 configured with TCP/IP address

The TCP/IP local host name is the same as the server description name. The TCP/IP local domain name is The TCP/IP name servers will use and

A new Microsoft Cluster will be enabled by creating a quorum resource drive named XYZDOMAIN that is 600 MB is size. Virtual ethernet 5 will be used for the private communication between clustered nodes.

Example 3: Installing Windows Server 2003 on an iSCSI attached server

             TCPPORTCFG((1 '' ''
             SVRSTGSIZE(*CALC 2500) SVRSTGASP(1 1)
             FULNAM('John Smith') ORG('XYZ Corporation')
             EID(1234567 418477U)
             SPAUT(spadmin spuid)
             CHAPAUT(mychapid mychapsecret)
             RMTIFC((020134304760 '' ''
                    (020134604750 '' ''
             TEXT('Windows Server 2003 iSCSI Server')

This command installs a Windows server named WS03LAN. WS03LAN is an iSCSI attached server using Windows Server 2003. Network server host adapter (NWSH) device NWSHRG1 is configured for the storage and virtual Ethernet path.

A default security rule using the *AUTO IP Security mode and a generated pre-shared key. The service processor is automatically configured and is located using the enclosures serial number 1234567 and type/model 418477U.

The remote system is dynamically configured and secured using a generated CHAP name and secret. Remote SCSI and LAN interfaces for the remote systems iSCSI adapter are configured.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Network server &1 must be varied off.
Vary on or off of the Windows server not successful.
Network server installation not successful.
Storage space assigned to server &1 missing, damaged or not valid.
Internal error occurred.