Generate Cross-domain Keys (GENCRSDMNK)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Generate Cross-Domain Key (GENCRSDMNK) command generates random key values, installs them in the cross-domain key table, and prints a listing of the keys generated. The spooled file containing this listing is sent to the output queue associated with the job from which the command is submitted.

Note: To avoid any security exposure, you should use the Generate Cross-Domain Key (GENCRSDMNK) command only in a secure environment. Print the listing immediately and store it in a safe place.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
CRSDMNK Cross-domain key name base Name Required, Positional 1
NBR Number to generate 1-9999 Required, Positional 2
SEED Generation seed Character value Required, Positional 3
KUSE Key use *SND, *RCV, *PIN Required, Positional 4

Cross-domain key name base (CRSDMNK)

Specifies a valid system name, or a variable containing a name, to be used when generating the key names.

All generated key names will be 10 characters long with numerics in positions 7 through 10. When you specify a key name, any characters in positions 7 through 10 must be numeric. If you specify a key name base less than 10 characters, the name is filled in with 0's up to the last character, which is made a 1. This becomes the name of the first key generated.

For each succeeding key value, the last 4 characters of the key name, which is always a 4-digit number, is increased by 1 to become the next key name. This command does not generate any key names past 9999. This is a required parameter.


Number to generate (NBR)

Specifies the number, or a variable containing the number, of keys to be generated. The value specified plus the 4-digit number from the first key name cannot exceed 10,000.


Generation seed (SEED)

Specify 16 hexadecimal characters, or a character variable containing 16 hexadecimal characters, representing the 8-byte value to be used to initialize the random number generation routine. This is a required parameter.


Key use (KUSE)

Specifies the use of the keys to be generated. This is a required parameter.

The possible values are:

The generated keys are added to the cross-domain key table as sending cross-domain keys.
The generated keys are added to the cross-domain key table as receiving cross-domain keys.
The generated keys are added to the cross-domain key table as personal identification number keys.



Error messages
