Delete Override Pgm Dev Entry (DLTOVRDEVE)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Delete Override Device Entry (DLTOVRDEVE) command deletes one or more program device overrides that were previously specified in a call level.

For each overridden program device named in the DLTOVRDEVE command, the override specified in the same call level as the DLTOVRDEVE command is deleted. When the command is entered interactively or outside a program in a batch job, the program device overrides for the call level are deleted; when the command is used in a CL program, the program device overrides for that program call level are deleted. A program device override is the result of an override program device command Override Intersystem Communications Function Device Entry (OVRICFDEVE).

The DLTOVRDEVE command can delete all the program device overrides in the same call level, or it can delete a specific program device override in the same call level. Only the call level in which the command is entered has its program device overrides deleted. For example, if an override command is entered in one program in a routing step, and then another program is called that also contains override commands, a DLTOVRDEVE command entered in the second program can delete only overrides that occurred in that program. The DLTOVRDEVE command has no effect on the override command that was entered before the program was called. The deleted program device override has no effect on subsequent uses of the program device.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
PGMDEV Overridden program device Single values: *ALL
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Name
Required, Positional 1
LVL Call level *ACTGRPDFN, *, *JOB Optional

Overridden program device (PGMDEV)

Specifies the program device overrides being deleted. One or more program device overrides can be specified by name.

Single values

All program device overrides that exist in the call level where this command is entered are deleted.

Other values (up to 50 repetitions)

Specify the names of one or more overridden program devices for which the overrides in the call level are to be deleted.

Call level (LVL)

Specifies the call level of the program device overrides to be deleted. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the call stack entries shown on the call stack from the Work with Job (WRKJOB) command and the call level for that call stack entry.

The first call stack entry name on the call stack (at the top of the list) is the call program or procedure at call level one. The second call stack entry name is the program or procedure at call level two. The last call stack entry name is the program or procedure at the highest call level for the job.

The call level of the program device overrides to be deleted is determined by the activation group of the program that calls this command. When the activation group is the default activation group, the call level of the program device overrides to be deleted equals the call level of the calling program. When the activation group is not the default activation group, the call level of the program device overrides to be deleted equals the activation group of the calling program.
The call level of the program device overrides to be deleted is the call level of the program that called the DLTOVRDEVE command processing program. If the DLTOVRDEVE command is called through QCMDEXC, the call level is the same level as that of the caller of QCMDEXC.
The program device overrides scoped to the job are deleted. Only overrides at the job level with OVRSCOPE(*JOB) specified are deleted.


Example 1: Deleting Program Device Overrides With Calling Program in Default Activation Group


This command deletes all program device overrides that exist in the call level, when the calling program runs in the default activation group. When the calling program runs in an activation group other than the default activation group, the program device overrides that are scoped to that activation group are deleted.

Example 2: Deleting Program Device Overrides With Calling Program in Any Activation Group


This command deletes all program device overrides that exist in the call level, regardless of the activation group the calling program runs in.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Function &1 not allowed.
Function &1 not allowed.
Override not found at specified level.