Delete Java Program (DLTJVAPGM)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Delete Java Program (DLTJVAPGM) command deletes a Java program associated with a Java class file, JAR file, or ZIP file.

If no Java program is associated with the file specified, informational message JVAB526 is sent and command processing continues.

Restriction: The file must be in one of the following file systems: QOpenSys,"root", or a user-defined file system.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
CLSF Class file or JAR file Path name Required, Positional 1
SUBTREE Directory subtree *NONE, *ALL Optional

Class file or JAR file (CLSF)

Specifies the class file name from which to delete the associated Java program. The class file name may be qualified by one or more directory names.

Specify the name of the class file or a pattern for identifying the class file or files to be used. A pattern can be specified in the last part of the name. An asterisk matches any number of characters and a question mark matches a single character. If the name is qualified or contains a pattern it must be enclosed in apostrophes. An example of a qualified class file name is '/directory1/directory2/myclassname.class'. An example of a pattern is '/directory1/directory2/myclass*.class'.
Specify the name of the Java archive (JAR) file or pattern for identifying the JAR or ZIP file or files to be used. A file is assumed to be a JAR file if the file name ends with '.jar' or '.zip'. A pattern can be specified in the last part of the name. An asterisk matches any number of characters and a question mark matches a single character. If the name is qualified or contains a pattern it must be enclosed in apostrophes. An example of a qualified JAR file name is '/directory1/directory2/myappname.jar'. An example of a pattern is '/directory1/directory2/myapp*.zip'.

Directory subtree (SUBTREE)

Specifies whether directory subtrees are processed when looking for files that match the CLSF keyword.

Only the files that match the object name pattern will be processed. No subtrees are processed. If the directory has subdirectories, neither the subdirectories nor the objects in the subdirectories are processed.
The entire subtree of the path specified in CLSF is processed to create java programs for files matching the name specified on CLSF parameter.


DLTJVAPGM   CLSF('/projectA/myJavaclassname.class')

This command will delete the Java program associated with the class file myJavaclassname.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Unable to delete Java program for "&1".
&1 Java programs deleted. &2 Java programs not deleted.
Unmonitored exception received.