Create Product Load (CRTPRDLOD)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Create Product Load (CRTPRDLOD) command defines a control object for a product option.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
PRDLOD Product load Name, *LNG Required, Positional 1
PRDID Product ID Character value Required, Positional 2
RLS Release level Character value Required, Positional 3
OPTION Product option 1-99, *BASE Required, Positional 4
LODTYPE Product load type *CODE, *LNG Required, Positional 5
LODID Load ID Character value, *CODEDFT Required, Positional 6
RGSID Registration identifier Single values: *PRDDFN
Other values: Element list
Required, Positional 7
Element 1: Registration type *PHONE, *CUSTOMER
Element 2: Registration value Character value
DVLLIB Principal development library Name, *PRDDFN, *CODE Required, Positional 8
PRILIB Principal primary library Name, *DVLLIB, *CODE Optional
PREOPRPGM Preoperation exit program Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Name
PSTOPRPGM Postoperation exit program Name, *NONE Optional
MINTGTRLS Minimum target release Character value, *CURRENT, *PRV, *CODE, *BASECODE Optional
LNGLIB Secondary language library Name Optional
ADLLIB Additional libraries Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Development library Name
Element 2: Primary library Name, *DVLLIB, *CODE
Element 3: Preoperation exit program Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Name
Element 4: Postoperation exit program Name, *NONE
FLRL Folder list Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 100 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Development folder Character value
Element 2: Primary folder Character value, *DVLFLR
DIRL Directory list Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Home directory Path name
Element 2: Product directory Values (up to 300 repetitions): Path name, *HOME
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *BLANK Optional

Product load (PRDLOD)

Specifies the name of the product load. The product load object is created in the development library (DVLLIB).


The name of the language load object and the code load object must be different to ensure both can reside in the same library. A language load can be installed into the same library as the code load if the language matches the primary language of the system.

The possible values are:

The name of the load object is the same as the previously created language load object for this product, version, release, modification level, and option.
Specify the name of the product load object.

The first language load created for a product option at a given release must be named. Specify PRDLOD(*LNG) for all other language loads created to ensure all language loads for the product option have the same name.


Product ID (PRDID)

Specifies the identifier (ID) for the product for which a product load is being created. This value must be 7-characters in length (see PRDID parameter for CRTPRDDFN).


Release level (RLS)

Specifies the version, release, and modification level of the product.


Product option (OPTION)

Specifies the product option for which a product load is being created.

The possible values are:

The product option is the base option of the product.
Specify the option number for the product load being created. Valid values range from 1 through 99.

Product load type (LODTYPE)

Specifies whether the product load object being created describes a language or a code product load.

The possible values are:

The objects associated with this product load are not translated.
The objects associated with this product load are the translatable objects for the option.


Specifies the load identifier for the product load being created.

The possible values are:

The default code load ID, 5001, is used.
Specify a language load ID (29xx) or a valid code load ID. 5001-9999 are valid code load IDs.

Registration identifier (RGSID)

Specifies the registration ID of the product developer.

The possible values are:

The registration ID in the product definition of the load being created is used.

The possible registration type values are:

The value used for the 14-character registration value consists of a country or region code, city code or area code, and telephone number.
The registration value as a country or region code with an IBM customer number appended to the end.

The possible registration value is:

Specify the 14-character value to be used as the registration ID.

Principal development library (DVLLIB)

Specifies the name of the principal development library. This is the library into which the product load is created.

The possible values are:

The name of the library in which the product definition exists is used for the development library name.
The name of the development library for the code load is used.
Specify the principal development library name.

Principal primary library (PRILIB)

Specifies the name of the principal primary library for the load being created. This is the default library that will be used when the product is installed.

The possible values are:

The development library name is used as the primary library name.
The name of the development library for the code load is used.
Specify the principal primary library name.

Preoperation exit program (PREOPRPGM)

Specifies the programs needed in the principal library to perform special setup before the product load is saved, restored, or deleted.

The possible values are:

No exit program for the principal library is called before the product load is saved, restored, or deleted,
Specify a maximum of 10 programs to be called. Only the first program in the list is called. All other programs in the list can be called by the first program.

Postoperation exit program (PSTOPRPGM)

Specifies the programs needed in the principal library to perform special setup after the product load is saved, restored, or checked.

The possible values are:

No exit program for the principal library are called after the product load is saved or restored.
Specify the program that is called after the product load is saved with the Save Licensed Program (SAVLICPGM) command, restored with the Restore Licensed Program (RSTLICPGM) command, or checked with the Check Product Option (CHKPRDOPT) command.

Minimum target release (MINTGTRLS)

Specifies the minimum release of the operating system for which the Save Licensed Program (SAVLICPGM) command can save the object.

The code load must specify the earliest target release for a given option. In addition, the code load for the base option must specify the earliest release for a given product.

The possible values are:

Uses the version, release, and modification level of the installed operating system. For example, if V5R4M0 is running on the system, then specifying MINTGTRLS(*CURRENT) is the same as specifying MINTGTRLS(V5R4M0).
Uses the previous version, release, and modification level of the installed operating system. The previous release of the operating system uses a modification level 0. For example, if V5R4M0 is running on the system, then *PRV means V5R3M0.
Uses the minimum target release of the code load for this option. This value is valid only for a load type of *LNG. The code load for this option must exist on the system for this value to be used.
Uses the minimum target release of the code load for the base option. The code load for the base option must exist on the system for this value to be used.
Specify the version, release, and modification level of the minimum release of the operating system for which the load will be saved. The format is VxRyMz. Valid values for x, y, and z are 0 through 9.

Secondary language library (LNGLIB)

Specifies the name of the secondary language library for the language load being described.

The load and language objects are installed into this library if the language identifier for this load does not match the system primary language ID and no override library name is specified on the Restore Licensed Program (RSTLICPGM) command.


Additional libraries (ADLLIB)

Specifies additional libraries for the product load.

The possible values are:

The load has no additional libraries specified.

The possible development library values are:

Specify the name of the additional development library.

The possible primary library values are:

The development library name is used.
The primary library in the code load corresponding to the immediately preceding development library is used. This value is not valid when LODTYPE (*CODE) is specified.
Specify the additional primary library name.

The possible preoperation exit program values are:

No exit program is called for this additional library before the product load is saved, restored, or deleted.
Specify a maximum of 10 programs to be called. Only the first program in the list is called. All other programs in the list can be called by the first program.

The possible postoperation exit program values are:

No program for this additional library is called after the product load is saved, restored, or checked.
Specify the program that is called after the product load is saved with the Save Licensed Program (SAVLICPGM) command, restored with the Restore Licensed Program (RSTLICPGM) command, or checked with the Check Product Option (CHKPRDOPT) command.

Folder list (FLRL)

Specifies the names of the folders assigned to the product load being described. The documents in the development folders are saved when the product load is saved. When creating a code load, the first folder specified must be a root folder. When creating a language load, the first folder specified must be a sub-folder of a root folder. You cannot specify a folder list if any directory names are specified in the DIRL parameter.

The possible values are:

No folders are specified for this product load.

The possible development folder values are:

Specify the folder path of a folder which is part of the product load.

The possible primary folder values are:

The development folder path is used for the primary folder path.
Specify the folder path for the primary folder. This is the default name of the folder path when the product option is installed.

Directory list (DIRL)

Specifies the names of the directories assigned to the product loads. You cannot specify a directory list if any folder names are specified.

Naming restrictions for assigned directories include:

The possible values are:

No directories are specified for this product load.

The possible home directory values are:

home directory
Specify the path name of the home directory. Up to 300 home directories may be specified.

The possible product directory values are:

Specify the product directory to be associated with the home directory. Up to 300 product directories may be specified.

The special system directories named '/QSYS.LIB' and '/QDLS' are not supported and must not be alone or as a containing directory.

Use the home directory name for the product directory.

Refer to the System Manager Use book for more information about assigning names to home and product directories.


Text 'description' (TEXT)

Specifies text that briefly describes the product load.

Text is not specified.
Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.

Authority (AUT)

Specifies the authority given to you if you do not have specific authority to the product load, if you are not on an authorization list, and if your user group has no specific authority to the product load.

The public authority for the product load is taken from the value on the CRTAUT parameter of the target library (the library that is to contain the product load). The public authority is determined when the product load is created. If the CRTAUT value for the library changes after the product load is created, the new value does not effect any existing objects.
You can perform basic operations on the product load, such as running a program or reading a file. You cannot change the product load. *USE authority provides operational authority and read authority to the object, and *EXCLUDE authority to the library.
You can perform all operations except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. You can control the object's existence and specify the security for the object, change the object, and perform basic functions on the object. You can change ownership of the product load.
You can perform all operations on the object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. The user can change and perform basic functions on the object. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data authority.
The user cannot access the product load.


Example 1: Creating a product load

            OPTION(*BASE)  LODTYPE(*CODE)  LODID(5050)
            RGSID(*PHONE 1234567)  DVLLIB(TESTLIB)
            TEXT('Product Load *BASE 9XYZ123') AUT(*LIBCRTAUT)

This command creates product load MYLOAD. The product ID is 9XYZ123, the release level of the product is V5R2M0, the option is *BASE, the load type is *CODE, the load ID is 5050, and the registration telephone number is 1234567. The development library is TESTLIB and the principal library is also TESTLIB.

Example 2:Create a product load with one home directory and five product directories

            OPTION(*BASE)  LODTYPE(*CODE)  LODID(5050)
            RGSID(*PHONE 1234567)  DVLLIB(TESTLIB)
            DIRL(('/TESTDIR' ('/DIR001' '/DIR002' '/DIR003'
              '/DIR004' '/DIR005')))

Example 3:Create a product load with five home directories with each home directory having one product directory

            OPTION(*BASE)  LODTYPE(*CODE)  LODID(5050)
            RGSID(*PHONE 1234567)  DVLLIB(TESTLIB)
            DIRL(('/TESTDIR001' (*HOME))
              ('/TESTDIR002' (*HOME)) ('/TESTDIR003' (*HOME))
              ('/TESTDIR004' (*HOME)) ('/TESTDIR005' (*HOME)))


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Registration identifier not valid.
Product load &6 in library &5 not created.
Error occurred while creating product load &6 in library &5.
Load identifier &4 not valid.
Secondary language library name required.
Minimum target release not valid.
Registration ID problem with path.
Directory in use.
Duplicate primary product directory.
Specified product directory name not allowed.
Product directory not allowed.
Object name *LNG not valid for code load.
*CODE not valid for library.
Secondary language library not valid.