Create NWS Storage Space (CRTNWSSTG)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Create Network Server Storage Space (CRTNWSSTG) command creates a storage space used by a network server. The network storage space must be linked to a network server description before it can be used. For more information see the Add Network Server Storage Link (ADDNWSSTGL) command.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
NWSSTG Network server storage space Name Required, Positional 1
NWSSIZE Size Integer, *CALC Optional, Positional 2
FROMNWSSTG From storage space Name, *NONE Optional
FORMAT Format *NTFS, *FAT, *FAT32, *OPEN, *NTFSQR Optional
ASP Auxiliary storage pool ID 1-255, 1 Optional
ASPDEV ASP device Name Optional
CLUDMN Cluster domain name Character value Optional
CLUPORTCFG Cluster port configuration Element list Optional
Element 1: Connection port *VRTETH0, *VRTETH1, *VRTETH2, *VRTETH3, *VRTETH4, *VRTETH5, *VRTETH6, *VRTETH7, *VRTETH8, *VRTETH9
Element 2: Cluster internet address Character value
Element 3: Cluster subnet mask Character value
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *BLANK Optional

Network server storage space (NWSSTG)

Specify the name of the network server storage space to be created.



Specifies the size of the network server storage space to be created.

If the FROMNWSSTG parameter is *NONE, and a format of *NTFS is specified, the storage space size will be set to '2' MB. When *FAT32 is specified, the storage space size will be set to '512' MB. When *FAT or *OPEN is specified, the size will be set to '1' MB. When *NTFSQR is specified, the storage space size will be set to '500' MB.

If a valid network server storage space name has been specified in the FROMNWSSTG parameter, the new storage space will be created with the same size as the storage space specified in the FROMNWSSTG parameter.

Specify the size for the network server storage space, in megabytes.
  • The range for FORMAT types *NTFS, *FAT, *FAT32, and *OPEN is from 1 to 1024000 megabytes.
  • The range for FORMAT(*NTFSQR) is from 500 to 1024000 megabytes.

When a FROMNWSSTG network server storage space is specified, the NWSSIZE parameter must be set equal to or greater than the size of the network server storage space specified in the FROMNWSSTG parameter.


From storage space (FROMNWSSTG)

Specifies the name of an existing network server storage space that will be copied to the new network server storage space.

A copy operation from an existing network server storage space will not be performed.
An existing network server storage space name used to copy to the new network server storage space being created.

Format (FORMAT)

When a storage space is initially created, it is not formatted by the system. The storage space will need to be linked to a network server description and formatted by the hosted operating system.

The storage space should be formatted using Windows NT File System. Storage spaces created with this format can be linked to network server descriptions with connection types of *IXSVR, *ISCSI or *GUEST. This option offers the greatest benefit in a Windows server environment because of its better performance and integrated support of long filenames, larger disks, extended file attributes, file-security and recoverability features.

This option offers the greatest benefit in a Windows server environment because of its better performance and integrated support of long filenames, larger disks, extended file attributes, file-security and recoverability features. The size (NWSSIZE) parameter for a NTFS storage space must be at least 2 megabytes.

The storage space should be formatted using the File Allocation Table file system. Storage spaces created with this format can be linked to network server descriptions with connection types of *IXSVR, *ISCSI, or *GUEST.

In most cases, however, greater efficiency and space utilization are achieved using the NTFS file system for Windows operating system types.

The storage space should be formatted using the 32-bit File Allocation Table file system. Storage spaces created with this format can be linked to network server descriptions with connection types of *IXSVR, *ISCSI, or *GUEST.

It includes support of long filenames and larger disk sizes. The size (NWSSIZE) parameter for a FAT32 storage space must be at least 512 megabytes.

The storage space should be formatted with an open file source file system. Storage spaces with this format can be linked to network server descriptions with Linux or AIX operating systems only.
The storage space should be formatted using Windows NT File System. Storage spaces created with this format will contain special attributes which makes it only linkable as a quorum resource disk used for Windows clustering.

Auxiliary storage pool ID (ASP)

Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) that will contain the new network server storage space.

Note: You cannot specify a value for both the ASP and ASPDEV parameters.

The network server storage space is created in the system auxiliary pool ASP 1.
The network server storage space is created in user auxiliary storage pool 2-32 or in independent auxiliary storage pools 33-255.

ASP device (ASPDEV)

Specifies the name of the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device where storage is allocated for the network server storage space.

Note: The ASP must have been activated (by varying on the ASP device) and have a status of 'Available'.

Note: You cannot specify a value for both the ASP and ASPDEV parameters.

The device name of the ASP to use for the network server storage space.

Cluster domain name(CLUDMN)

Specifies the domain name of the cluster. This is the domain where the cluster service account will be created.

Note: This parameter is required when FORMAT(*NTFSQR) is specified.


Cluster port configuration(CLUPORTCFG)

Specifies the TCP/IP configuration values that are specific to the cluster service. This information consists of three parts including the identification of the cluster connection port, the cluster internet address, and the cluster subnet mask.

Note: This parameter is required when FORMAT(*NTFSQR) is specified.

Element 1: Connection port

Specifies the virtual ethernet port to be configured for this cluster. This connection will be used as a private cluster connection between each cluster node.

Element 2: Cluster internet address

Specifies the internet address of this cluster. The internet address is specified in the form, nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255. An internet address that has a binary value of all ones or all zeros for the network identifier (ID) portion or the host ID portion of the internet address is not valid.

Element 3: Cluster subnet mask

Specifies the subnet mask associated with cluster internet address. Subnetting provides the capability to partition an internet domain. Specify the mask for the network subnet and host address fields of the internet address that defines a subnet. The subnet mask is in the form, nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.


Text 'description' (TEXT)

Specifies text describing the storage space.

Text is not specified.
Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.


Example 1: Create NTFS-format Storage Space


This command creates a network server storage space called STGSPACE3 with a size of 200 megabytes. The storage space will not be formatted and must be linked to a network server description with a connection type of *IXSVR, *ISCSI or *GUEST.

Example 2: Copy Existing Storage Space


This command creates a network server storage space called STGSPACE4 with a size and format the same as FROMSTG and copies the contents into STGSPACE4. It will be created in user auxiliary storage pool (ASP) 3.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Storage space &1 not created.