Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: Conditional |
Parameters Examples Error messages |
The Copy File (CPYF) command copies all or part of a file from the database or from an external device to the database or to an external device. It can:
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Keyword | Description | Choices | Notes |
FROMFILE | From file | Qualified object name | Required, Positional 1 |
Qualifier 1: From file | Name | ||
Qualifier 2: Library | Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB | ||
TOFILE | To file | Single values: *PRINT Other values: Qualified object name |
Required, Positional 2 |
Qualifier 1: To file | Name | ||
Qualifier 2: Library | Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB | ||
FROMMBR | From member | Generic name, name, *FIRST, *ALL | Optional, Positional 3 |
TOMBR | To member or label | Name, *FIRST, *FROMMBR, *ALL | Optional, Positional 4 |
MBROPT | Replace or add records | *NONE, *ADD, *REPLACE, *UPDADD | Optional, Positional 5 |
CRTFILE | Create file | *NO, *YES | Optional, Positional 6 |
OUTFMT | Print format | *CHAR, *HEX | Optional |
Which records to print | Single values: *NONE Other values (up to 3 repetitions): *EXCLD, *COPIED, *ERROR |
Optional | |
RCDFMT | Record format of logical file | Name, *ONLY, *ALL | Optional |
FROMRCD | Copy from record number | Unsigned integer, *START | Optional |
TORCD | Copy to record number | Unsigned integer, *END | Optional |
FROMKEY | Copy from record key | Single values: *NONE Other values: Element list |
Optional |
Element 1: Number of key fields | Integer, *BLDKEY | ||
Element 2: Key value | Values (up to 50 repetitions): Character value | ||
TOKEY | Copy to record key | Single values: *NONE Other values: Element list |
Optional |
Element 1: Number of key fields | Integer, *BLDKEY | ||
Element 2: Key value | Values (up to 50 repetitions): Character value | ||
NBRRCDS | Number of records to copy | Unsigned integer, *END | Optional |
INCCHAR | Include records by char test | Single values: *NONE Other values: Element list |
Optional |
Element 1: Field | Name, *RCD, *FLD | ||
Element 2: Character position | Integer | ||
Element 3: Relational operator | *EQ, *GT, *LT, *NE, *GE, *NL, *LE, *NG, *CT | ||
Element 4: Value | Character value | ||
INCREL | Include records by field test | Single values: *NONE Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Element list |
Optional |
Element 1: Relationship | *IF, *AND, *OR | ||
Element 2: Field | Name | ||
Element 3: Relational operator | *EQ, *GT, *LT, *NE, *GE, *NL, *LE, *NG | ||
Element 4: Value | Character value, *NULL | ||
FMTOPT | Record format field mapping | Single values: *NONE, *NOCHK, *CVTSRC Other values (up to 2 repetitions): *MAP, *DROP, *CVTFLOAT, *NULLFLAGS |
Optional |
SRCOPT | Source update options | Single values: *SAME Other values (up to 2 repetitions): *SEQNBR, *DATE |
Optional |
SRCSEQ | Source sequence numbering | Element list | Optional |
Element 1: Starting sequence number | 0.01-9999.99, 1.00 | ||
Element 2: Increment number | 0.01-9999.99, 1.00 | ||
ERRLVL | Errors allowed | Unsigned integer, 0, *NOMAX | Optional |
COMPRESS | Compress out deleted records | *YES, *NO | Optional |
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Specifies the database file or device file that contains the records to be copied. A database file can be a physical file or a logical file. A device file can be a diskette file or a tape file.
This is a required parameter.
Qualifier 1: From file
Qualifier 2: Library
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Specifies the file that receives the copied records.
This is a required parameter.
Note: A device file can be a diskette file, tape file, or printer file. However: (1) If the from-file and to-file are both diskette files, the to-file must be spooled (SPOOL(*YES) must be specified on the Create Diskette File (CRTDKTF), Change Diskette File (CHGDKTF), or Override Diskette File (OVRDKTF) command). (2) An externally described printer file cannot be specified.
If the device file is a print file or if TOFILE(*PRINT) is specified, shift-out and shift-in (SO-SI) characters are not added around the graphic data. OUTFMT(*HEX) can be specified to print the data in hexadecimal format.
Single values
Qualifier 1: To file
Qualifier 2: Library
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Specifies the database file member, or the diskette file label or tape file label, in the from-file that is to be copied.
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Specifies the database file member name, or the diskette or tape file label identifier of the to-file member that receives the copied data records. If *PRINT is specified for the To file (TOFILE) parameter, either *FIRST or *FROMMBR must be specified on this parameter.
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Specifies whether the new records replace or are added to the existing records.
Note: If the records are being copied to an existing physical file, this parameter must specify *ADD, *UPDADD, or *REPLACE. If the to-file does not exist but CRTFILE(*YES) is specified, the copy operation assumes MBROPT(*ADD) for all records copied to the file after it is created, regardless of the value specified on this parameter.
If *ADD or *UPDADD is specified and the from-file is empty (contains no records), the copy operation completes normally. If *REPLACE is specified and the from-file is empty, the copy operation ends abnormally.
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Specifies, when this command is used to copy from a physical file or a logical file, whether a physical file is created to receive the data if the specified to-file does not exist. If the to-file is a Distributed Data Management (DDM) file that identifies a remote file that does not exist, the to-file file is created on the target system.
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Specifies whether records are printed in character format, or in both character and hexadecimal format. This parameter is used only when *PRINT is specified for the To file (TOFILE) parameter or *EXCLD or *COPIED is specified for the Which records to print (PRINT) parameter.
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Specifies whether copied records, excluded records, or both, are printed.
Single values
Other values (up to 3 repetitions)
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Specifies, for copying from a database file only, the name of the record format that is copied. If the from-file is not a logical or physical file, *ONLY is the only value allowed. A record format name is optional if the logical file has only a single record format, but either a format name or *ALL must be specified if the from-file has more than one record format.
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Specifies the record number from which to start the copy. A record number is not valid if a value other than *NONE is specified for the Copy from record key (FROMKEY) parameter or for the Copy to record key (TOKEY) parameter, and it is not allowed if the from-file is a keyed logical file.
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Specifies the record number of the last record in the from-file (or each from-file member) that is copied. A record number is not valid if a value other than *NONE is specified for the Copy from record key (FROMKEY) parameter or the Copy to record key (TOKEY) parameter, if a value other than *END is specified for the Number of records to copy (NBRRCDS) parameter, or if the from-file is a keyed logical file.
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Specifies, when a file with key fields is copied, the key value of the first record in the from-file (or each from-file member) is copied. This parameter is valid only for a from-file that is a keyed database file, and is not allowed if record number values are specified for the Copy from record number (FROMRCD) parameter or for the Copy to record number (TORCD) parameter.
Single values
Element 1: Number of key fields
The list of values specified for element 2 is applied (in order) to corresponding fields in the from-file key. For character fields, the character strings are converted from the current job CCSID to the from-file field CCSID. For date, time, or timestamp fields, corresponding input values are converted to the format and separator form of the from-file field. For variable-length fields, only enter the character data, not the 2-byte length portion. When a DBCS graphic field is specified, the input string (DBCS data) must be enclosed between shiftout (SO) and shiftin (SI) characters. The SO-SI characters are removed from the input string and the remaining DBCS data is converted from the associated DBCS CCSID of the current job to the DBCS CCSID of the DBCS graphic field.
Element 2: Key value
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Specifies, when a file with key fields is copied, the key value of the last record in the from-file (or each from-file member) that is copied. This parameter is valid only for a from-file that is a keyed database file, and it is not allowed if record number values are specified for the Copy from record number (FROMRCD) parameter or for the Copy to record number (TORCD) parameter, or if a number of records is specified for the Number of records to copy (NBRRCDS) parameter.
Single values
Element 1: Number of key fields
The list of values specified for element 2 is applied (in order) to corresponding fields in the from-file key. For character fields, the character strings are converted from the current job CCSID to the from-file field CCSID. For date, time, or timestamp fields, corresponding input values are converted to the format and separator form of the from-file field. For variable-length fields, only enter the character data, not the 2-byte length portion. When a DBCS graphic field is specified, the input string (DBCS data) must be enclosed between shiftout (SO) and shiftin (SI) characters. The SO-SI characters are removed from the input string and the remaining DBCS data is converted from the associated DBCS CCSID of the current job to the DBCS CCSID of the DBCS graphic field.
Element 2: Key value
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Specifies the number of records copied to the to-file.
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Specifies that records are copied based on a comparison of a character string value and the data in some position of either a field in the record or the entire record.
Single values
Comparison values
To specify the comparison that determines which records are to be copied, four values must be entered. Either *RCD or the name of a field must be entered, followed by the three values that control the comparison: starting position, operator, and character string value. All records that satisfy the relationship are copied to the to-file.
Element 1: Field
Element 2: Character position
Element 3: Relational operator
Specify the operator that indicates the relationship that must exist between the record or field and the specified character string.
Element 4: Value
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Specifies that records are copied based on whether certain fields in the record contain data that satisfies specified relationships. This parameter is not valid for a copy from all record formats of a logical file with more than one format.
Single values
Relationship values
To specify the conditions under which records are copied, a set of values is specified for each condition. Up to 50 sets of realtionship values can be specified. Each set must contain exactly four values:
Element 1: Relationship
Element 2: Field
Element 3: Relational operator
Specify the operator that indicates the relationship which must exist between the field in the record and the specified field value.
Element 4: Value
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Specifies, when a physical or logical from-file is copied to a physical to-file, what field-level record format processing (if any) is done. If the from-file and to-file are database files with different file types (one is *SRC and the other is *DATA), *CVTSRC must be specified.
Single values
Other values (up to 2 repetitions)
If *MAP is specified, *DROP can also be specified. Mapped fields may have different starting positions in the from-file and to-file record formats.
If *MAP is specified and a valid conversion is defined between the from-file field CCSID and the to-file field CCSID, the character data is converted to the to-file field CCSID. However, if either the from-file field CCSID or the to-file field CCSID is 65535, the character data is not converted.
*MAP allows for the conversion of date/time data and the copying of null values.
Note: If *CVTFLOAT or *NULLFLAGS is specified and the input file is externally described, the input file external description will not be used in doing the mapping of the copied data. If *CVTFLOAT or *NULLFLAGS is specified, any other value is ignored (unless both are specified). TOFILE must be an externally-described physical data file. The following parameter values cannot be specified when *CVTFLOAT or *NULLFLAGS is specified:
*CVTFLOAT and *NULLFLAGS must only be used for conversion of data to OS/400 format, and they must be used correctly to avoid possible data corruption.
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Specifies, only for copying to a source physical file, whether new sequence numbers are inserted in the sequence number fields and whether the date fields are set to zero. Both *SEQNBR and *DATE can be specified.
Single values
Other values (up to 2 repetitions)
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Specifies, only when *SEQNBR is specified for the Source update options (SRCOPT) parameter, the sequence number that is given to the first record copied to the to-file, and what value is added to renumber all other records that are copied.
Element 1: Starting sequence number
Element 2: Increment number
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Specifies the maximum number of recoverable read or write errors for the file that are tolerated during the copy operation for a single database from-file member or tape from-file label identifier.
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Specifies whether the to-file contains a compressed form of the from-file. Compression occurs when deleted records in the from-file are not copied to the to-file. *NO is used to copy all records when the from-file and to-file are both physical files. If from-file is delete-capable and the to-file is not delete-capable, then *YES must be specified.
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Example 1: Physical File to Physical File
This command copies all of the records in the physical file named PAYROLL in the PERSONNEL library to the file PAYROLL in the TESTPAY library. If the from-file contains more than one member, only the first member is copied. If TESTPAY/PAYROLL does not exist, it is created before the records are copied and a member with the same name as the from-file is added to TESTPAY/PAYROLL to receive the copied records.
Because MBROPT(*ADD) is specified, the copied records are added to any existing records in the to-file member. Because RCDFMT(*NONE) is assumed, the to-file TESTPAY/PAYROLL must have the same record format as the from-file. If the to-file (TESTPAY/PAYROLL) is created by the copy operation, it will have the same record format and access path as the from-file (PERSONNEL/PAYROLL). If more than ten recoverable errors occur during the copy operation, the operation ends.
If FROMMBR(*ALL) and TOMBR(*FROMMBR) had also been specified, all of the members in the from-file would be copied to corresponding members (having the same names) in the to-file. For each from-member that has no corresponding to-member, a member is added to the to-file and all the records in the from-member are copied to the new member. For each to-member that already exists, only new records are added to the member. No updates are made to existing records on any type of copy operation. If the to-file contains members for which there are no corresponding members in the from-file, the to-file contains more members than the from-file after the copy operation.
If more than ten recoverable errors occur within a member being copied, the copy operation ends at that point, and remaining members are not copied. ERRLVL(*NOMAX) can be specified to tolerate all recoverable errors, so the copy operation does not end no matter how many recoverable errors occur in a particular file member.
Example 2: Physical File to Physical File
In this example, the to-file (VACLEFT) is an existing physical file, but its record format differs from that of the physical file named EMP1, which is being copied. Both files are in the PERSONNEL library. The from-file contains employee records and has a key (employee number). The records selected in the from-file are those with employee numbers ranging from 008872 through 810199. Only records for employees with more than five days of vacation (VAC) are mapped to the receiving file. Records are selected from member VAC, and they replace existing records in the first member of file VACLEFT.
Because the key for the file is a packed decimal number, the FROMKEY and TOKEY values must be specified as hexadecimal strings, and the leading zeros and hexadecimal sign are required in the value. An alternative way of specifying the same key value range follows:
When *BLDKEY is specified, the copy operation converts each number to the format required for the file key definition. Because only a single value is specified, only one key field is used. The *BLDKEY form of the FROMKEY and TOKEY parameters allows omission of leading zeros and a positive sign value when the key is numeric.
If the key for a file is a composite of more than one key field, the *BLDKEY form is used with a list of values for the FROMKEY and TOKEY parameters. For instance, if the key fields for a file are a sales region (10 characters) and the sales for the last month (7 packed decimal numbers with 2 decimal positions), a complete key is specified in either of the following ways:
FROMKEY(*BLDKEY (GEORGIA 99.50)) - or - FROMKEY(2 X'C7C5D6D9C7C9C14040400009950F')
When the *BLDKEY form is used, each character field is padded with blanks, and each numeric field is converted to the actual key format with the value shifted left or right to correctly align the decimal point.
Example 3: Physical Data File to Physical Source File
This command copies records from physical file DATAFILE in library MYLIB, which is defined as FILETYPE(*DATA), to physical file QTXTSRC in library QIDU, which is defined as FILETYPE(*SRC). Because the two database files are of different types, FMTOPT(*CVTSRC) must be specified. Records are copied to member A1, which has the same name as the from-file member. Values are assigned to the sequence number source field of the records copied to the source file, starting with 1.00 and incremented by 1.00. If SRCOPT(*SEQNBR) is specified, the SRCSEQ parameter is used to control the sequence numbers that are created. The date source field is always set to zeros.
Example 4: Logical File to Physical File
This command copies five records from member TOTSALES of logical file SALES (in library DEPTS) to member MARCH in the physical file YTDSALES (in library DEPTS). If member MARCH does not exist, it is created and added to the to-file automatically by the copy operation. Only records from the logical file SALES in library DEPTS that use record format AA are copied, and they are copied to YTDSALES, which has the same format. After the copy operation, the MARCH member contains only five nondeleted records, because all records in that member are first cleared, then only the data in the first five records (in keyed sequence) in the TOTSALES member are copied to it.
Example 5: Device File to a Physical File
This command copies records from the generic set of diskette labels with names that start with the characters PAY. They are copied to like-named members in source file QCLSRC in the QGPL library. Even though the to-file is a source file, a diskette file (QDKT) defined as FILETYPE(*DATA) is used as the from-file, because QDKT is more efficient than a device file defined as FILETYPE(*SRC). For each label copied, the sequence number of the first record is 1.00 and is incremented by .25 for each subsequent record. The source date field is automatically set to zeros.
Example 6: Physical File to the Printer
This command copies records from member EMP1 in the file named TEMPFILE. The records are employee records. One key field, the employee number, is used to search the record keys. Twenty records, starting with employee number 448762, are copied to the IBM-supplied printer file QSYSPRT and listed in both character and hexadecimal format. The IBM-supplied printer file is indicated by coding TOFILE(*PRINT).
Example 7: Physical File to a Device File
This command copies all employee records of employees whose last name is SMITH and that have accumulated more than ten and a half vacation days, none of which is holidays, from the PAYROLL file in the PERSONNEL library to a diskette. The file member name copied is VAC1. The vacation (VAC) and holiday (HOLIDAYS) fields are defined as packed decimal, but a value is specified in character form on the INCREL parameter. The diskette device file used is DISK1, which contains the label of the file being copied to, and other diskette attributes such as location and volume ID.
Example 8: Physical File to Device Files
This command copies all members of file PAYROLL in the PERSONNEL library to data files on diskette (device file DISK1). Each from-file member name must be a valid diskette label identifier; if not, use the RNMM (Rename Member) command to rename the members in the from-file before they are copied.
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*ESCAPE Messages
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