Change SNTP Attributes (CHGNTPA)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Change Network Time Protocol Attributes (CHGNTPA) command is used to change configurable Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) service attributes. The changes take effect the next time the SNTP service is started either by the Start TCP/IP(STRTCP) command or by the Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) command.

Most of the SNTP attributes have an initial value. The following figure shows the initial values, as shipped by IBM, for the command keyword parameters:

Figure: Shipped initial values for SNTP attributes

    POLLITV       60 minutes
    MINADJ        20 milliseconds
    MAXADJ        20 minutes
    ACTLOG        *NONE
    SYNCRQD       *NO




Keyword Description Choices Notes
RMTSYS Remote system Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values (up to 3 repetitions): Character value
AUTOSTART Client autostart *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional
POLLITV Client poll interval 1-1440, *SAME Optional
MINADJ Client minimum adjustment 0-300000, *SAME, *NONE Optional
MAXADJ Client maximum adjustment 1-120, *SAME Optional
ADJTHLD Client adjustment threshold 1-7200, *SAME, *MAXADJ Optional
ACTLOG Client activity log *SAME, *NONE, *CHANGE, *POLL Optional
SVRAUTOSTR Server autostart *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional
SVRACTLOG Server activity log *SAME, *NONE, *ALL, *ERROR Optional
SYNCRQD Synchronization required *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional

Remote system (RMTSYS)

Specifies one or more remote systems to which the SNTP client can connect for the time service. The first parameter value in the list that can provide valid time service will be selected. When the selected time server fails, a new time server will be selected. The remote system name must be valid, and the system must be able to communicate with the local system. The user can assign names to an internet address with the Work with TCP/IP host table entries option on the Configure TCP/IP menu (CFGTCP command). Also, a remote name server can be used to map remote system names to internet addresses.

A list of public time servers is maintained on the Internet. You can use a search engine with a query of "NTP servers", or refer to the resources in the SNTP topic in the iSeries Information Center. The time server should be selected based on minimum network response time delay at the location where the iSeries machine is installed. If a firewall is installed between the local system and the time server, the firewall configuration may need to be updated to allow the passing of UDP packets on port 123.

Single values

The remote systems used for the time service do not change.
No remote systems are to be used for the time service.

Other values (up to 3 repetitions)

Specify the host name or internet address of the NTP or SNTP time server system.
  • An internet address is specified in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.
  • A host name can be either the short form or the full domain version of the name. A common practice is to define one short name that is unique within your local network and to also define the full domain version of the host name that is unique within the internet. A domain name or a host name can be a text string having 1 to 255 characters. Domain names consist of one or more labels separated by periods. Each label can contain up to 63 characters.

Client autostart (AUTOSTART)

Specifies whether to start the SNTP client automatically when TCP/IP is started using the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command, or by specifying SERVER(*AUTOSTART) on the Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) command.

The client autostart value does not change if it was previously set.
Do not automatically start the SNTP client. AUTOSTART(*NO) is the initial value.
Automatically start the SNTP client.

Client poll interval (POLLITV)

Specifies the time interval, in minutes, after which the SNTP client will connect to the NTP or SNTP time server in order to determine if the iSeries clock needs correction.

The polling interval does not change if it was previously set.
Specify the number of minutes to use as the polling interval.

Client minimum adjustment (MINADJ)

The threshold, in milliseconds, between the NTP or SNTP server time and the local clock time. When the difference is below this value, the local clock will not be adjusted.

The minimum adjustment does not change if it was previously set.
The value is set to zero.
Specify the number of milliseconds to use as the clock minimum adjustment threshold.

Client maximum adjustment (MAXADJ)

The threshold, in minutes, between the NTP or SNTP server time and the local clock time. When the difference is above this value, the local clock will not be set/adjusted.

The maximum adjustment does not change if it was previously set.
Specify the number of minutes to use as the clock maximum adjustment threshold.

Client adjustment threshold (ADJTHLD)

Specifies the threshold which determines whether changing the clock will require setting or adjusting the clock.

The threshold does not change if it was previously set.
Adjusting of the clock will be done for all time differences up to the value specified for the Client maximum adjustment (MAXADJ) parameter.
Specify the number of seconds between the NTP or SNTP time server and the SNTP client clock to be used as the threshold value. For time differences less than or equal to this value, an adjustment of the clock will be done. Otherwise a setting of the clock will be done.

Client activity log (ACTLOG)

Specifies the activities which cause logging for updating the clock to be done. Logging entries are written to a file in directory /QIBM/USERDATA/OS400/TCPIP/NTP for the client.

The activity logging value does not change if it was previously set.
No logging will be done. ACTLOG(*NONE) is the initial value.
Logging will be done only when a change is made on the clock.
Logging will occur every time the NTP or SNTP server sends a valid time value to the SNTP client. In addition, all *CHANGE activities will be logged.

Server autostart (SVRAUTOSTR)

Specifies whether to start the SNTP server automatically when TCP/IP is started by the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command or by specifying SERVER(*AUTOSTART) on the Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) command.

The server autostart value does not change if it was previously set.
Do not automatically start the SNTP server. SVRAUTOSTR(*NO) is the initial value.
Automatically start the SNTP server.

Server activity log (SVRACTLOG)

Specifies the activities which cause logging for the SNTP server. Logging entries are written to a file in directory /QIBM/USERDATA/OS400/TCPIP/NTP/SERVER.

The activity logging value does not change if it was previously set.
No logging will be done. SVRACTLOG(*NONE) is the initial value.
Logging will be done only when an error status is returned by the server.
Logging will occur every time a request is made to the SNTP server.

Synchronization required (SYNCRQD)

Specifies whether the SNTP system client must be synchronized with an external time server before valid time will be served.

The synchronization requirement value does not change if it was previously set.
No synchronization of the SNTP system client to an external time server is required.
The system clock must be synchronized by the SNTP client and adjustment of the system clock must be completed before valid time will be served. When the time difference between the time server and the system time is less than twice the MINADJ value or 100 milliseconds, whichever is greater, the clock is considered synchronized.


Example 1: Setting the SNTP Client


This command sets the SNTP client server to be host name AAAA.BBBBB.CCC.

Example 2: Setting Clock Time Adjustment Thresholds


This command sets the client minimum adjustment threshold to 50 milliseconds and the maximum adjustment threshold to 10 minutes. If the time value returned from the NTP or SNTP server system is more than 50 milliseconds and less than 10 minutes different from the local clock, the local clock will be set/adjusted.

Example 3: Setting the Clock Set/Adjustment threshold


This command sets the SNTP client set/adjustment threshold value to 2 seconds. For time difference between the NTP or SNTP server and SNTP clock of 2 seconds or less, the clock will be adjusted. For time difference greater than 2 seconds, a set of the clock will be done.

Example 4: Setting the SNTP Server to Require Synchronized Client


This command sets the SNTP server to require the system clock to be synchronized by the SNTP client. If the SNTP system clock has not been synchronized, an unsynchronized response code will be returned by the SNTP server. An unsynchronized condition can be caused by inability of the SNTP client to contact the SNTP server, an error condition to prevent the SNTP client from updating the system clock, or the adjustment of the system clock has not been completed.

Example 5: Setting the SNTP Client using multiple servers


This command sets the SNTP client clock server to be host names AAAA.BBBBB.CCC, DDD.EEE.FFF, and GGG.HHH.III. If a valid time cannot be obtained from server AAAA.BBBBB.CCC, the SNTP client will attempt to contact server DDD.EEE.FFF followed by GGG.HHH.III.

Example 6: Setting the Set/Adjustment threshold


This command sets the SNTP server to start automatically when the command STRTCP is issued.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Error detected by prompt override program.
Error accessing member &3
Attribute file keyword &4 missing
Internet address &1 not valid.
Specified host name not valid.
Error occurred processing file.
*IOSYSCFG authority required to use &1.
NTP attributes not changed.
System clock adjustment is not supported.
File &3 in library &2 not available.
Internal system error in program &1.