Change NDS Context (CHGNDSCTX)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Change NetWare Directory Services Context (CHGNDSCTX) command changes the NDS current context to the context specified in the command. The current context is used by iSeries commands to locate and create NDS objects in the NDS tree. The NDS current context is changed only for the job in which the command is run. The change remains in effect until another CHGNDSCTX command is run or until the job ends.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
NDSCTX NDS context Path name, *SAME, *NWSA, *NWSUSRA, *ROOT Optional, Positional 1
NDSTREE NDS tree Character value, *SAME, *NWSA, *NWSUSRA Optional, Positional 2

NDS context (NDSCTX)

Specifies the NetWare Directory Services context to be used when changing the current context.

The value does not change.
The NetWare Directory Services context specified in the system network server attributes is used. The default NDS context name in the network server attributes can be changed using the Change Network Server Attributes (CHGNWSA) command.
The NetWare Directory Services context specified in the network server user attributes for the current user profile is used. The default NDS context name for a specific user profile can be changed using the Change Network Server User Attributes (CHGNWSUSRA) command.
The current context is set to the root of the NDS tree.
Specify the path name of the NDS context to be used. This context will become the current working context for the job. A single period can be used to move up one level in the NDS tree. An additional period can be added for each additional level to be moved up.

To set the new context from the root, a period can be specified in front of the context.



Specifies the NetWare Directory Services tree to be used when changing the current context.

The value does not change.
The tree name from the network server attributes is used.
The tree name from the network server user attributes for the current user profile is used.
Specify the NDS tree name to be used when changing the context.

Note: When changing the current context to a context in a different NDS tree, the value specified for the NDSCTX parameter must be a distinguished name (beginning with a period).




Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

NetWare Directory Services context not changed.