Change Manager Services Atr (CHGMGRSRVA)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Change Manager Services Attributes (CHGMGRSRVA) command enables you to control the cleanup time interval, the maximum time that command requests remain active, and the maximum time that command requests are kept in the remote command history file.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
CLNUP Remote command cleanup Element list Optional, Positional 1
Element 1: Cleanup interval 0-999, *SAME, *STARTUP
Element 2: Maximum active time 1-999, *SAME
Element 3: Maximum history days 0-999, *SAME, *NOMAX

Remote command cleanup (CLNUP)

Specifies how often active remote commands are cleaned up, how long remote commands are allowed to remain active, and how long completed commands are kept in the history database file. Cleanup will always take place whenever the remote command manager service is started. Cleanup is done to remove the following from the system:

Outstanding active command requests that are cleaned up will be placed in the history log.

Cleanup interval

The possible cleanup interval values are:

The current value is not changed.
Cleanup is done only when the remote command manager service is started.
Specifies the interval of time in hours that cleanup should take place. For example, if 24 is specified, cleanup will be started every 24 hours. Valid values range from 0 to 999.

Maximum active time

The possible active time values are:

The current value is not changed.
Specifies the number of hours that an active remote command request is allowed to remain active on the remote system before it is cleaned up. When cleanup is started, all active requests that have been active longer than the specified time are cleaned up. Valid values range from 1 to 999.

Maximum history days

The possible history values are:

The current value is not changed.
Specifies the history log is not cleaned up by the remote command manager. The user is responsible for deleting the entries within the history log.
Specify the number of days that a completed remote command request is allowed to remain in the history log database file before it is cleaned up. When cleanup is started, all completed requests stored in the history database file for longer than the specified time are cleaned up. Valid values range from 0 to 999.

Note: If the database file runs out of space, completed requests will no longer be logged.




This command configures the remote command service to do cleanup processing when the service is started. Commands should remain active for 48 hours and logged in the history file for 7 days.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Managed system attributes not found or damaged.
*ALLOBJ special authority required.