Change Graph Format (CHGGPHFMT)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Change Graph Format (CHGGPHFMT) command changes a graph format used to display performance and historical graphs.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
GPHFMT Graph format Qualified object name Required, Key, Positional 1
Qualifier 1: Graph format Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, QPFRDATA
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *SAME, *BLANK Optional, Positional 2
TITLE Title Character value, *SAME, *BLANK, *MBRTEXT Optional
SUBTITLE Subtitle Character value, *SAME, *BLANK, *MBRTEXT Optional
AREAFILL Area fill *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
REFLINE Reference line 1-99999, *SAME, *NONE Optional
XAXIS X-axis Element list Optional
Element 2: Title Character value, *SAME, *DFT, *BLANK
Element 3: Range Single values: *SAME, *AUTO
Other values: Element list
Element 1: First 0-99999
Element 2: Last 0-99999
YAXIS Y-axis Element list Optional
Element 2: Title Character value, *SAME, *DFT, *BLANK
Element 3: Range Single values: *SAME, *AUTO
Other values: Element list
Element 1: First 0-99999
Element 2: Last 0-99999
FCNARA Functional area entry Single values: *SAME
Other values (up to 16 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Functional area Character value, *OTHER
Element 2: Legend 'description' Character value, *DFT, *BLANK
Element 3: Line type 1-8, 7
Element 4: Non-graphic display symbol Character value, *
JOBTYPE Job type entry Single values: *SAME
Other values (up to 16 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Job type *ALL, *ALLINTER, *ALLBATCH, *ALLSYSTEM, *ASJ, *BCH, *CA4, *DDM, *EVK, *INT, *MRT, *PCS, *PDJ, *PJ, *PTH, *RDR, *S36, *SBS, *SYS, *WTR, *OTHER
Element 2: Legend 'description' Character value, *DFT, *BLANK
Element 3: Line type 1-8, 7
Element 4: Non-graphic display symbol Character value, *
PRIORITY Job priority entry Single values: *SAME
Other values (up to 16 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Lower priority boundary 0-99, *OTHER, *ALL
Element 2: Upper priority boundary 0-99
Element 3: Legend 'description' Character value, *DFT, *BLANK
Element 4: Line type 1-8, 7
Element 5: Non-graphic display symbol Character value, *
IOP IOP data entry Single values: *SAME
Other values (up to 2 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Type of utilization *AVG, *MAX
Element 2: Legend 'description' Character value, *DFT, *BLANK
Element 3: Line type 1-8, 7
Element 4: Non-graphic display symbol Character value, *
DISK Disk data entry Single values: *SAME
Other values (up to 2 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Type of utilization *AVG, *MAX
Element 2: Legend 'description' Character value, *DFT, *BLANK
Element 3: Line type 1-8, 7
Element 4: Non-graphic display symbol Character value, *
CMNLINE Communications line entry Single values: *SAME
Other values (up to 16 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Communications line Name, *MAX
Element 2: Legend 'description' Character value, *DFT, *BLANK
Element 3: Line type 1-8, 7
Element 4: Non-graphic display symbol Character value, *
ALLDATA All data entry Single values: *SAME
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Legend 'description' Character value, *DFT, *BLANK
Element 2: Line type 1-8, 7
Element 3: Non-graphic display symbol Character value, *

Graph format (GPHFMT)

Specifies the graph format to be changed.

This is a required parameter.

The IBM-supplied performance data library, QPFRDATA, is where the graph format is located.
Specify the name of the library where the graph format is located.
Specify the name of the graph format to be changed.

Text 'description' (TEXT)

Specifies the user-defined text that briefly describes the graph format or graph package.

The text does not change.
The text description for the graph format or graph package is left blank.
Specify text no more than 50 characters enclosed in apostrophes.

Title (TITLE)

Specifies the title for the graph.

The title does not change.
The title is left blank.
The text of the database member used in creating the graph with this format is used as the title.
Specify a graph title of no more than 50 characters in length. Enclose the user-defined title in apostrophes.

Subtitle (SUBTITLE)

Specifies the subtitle for the graph.

The subtitle does not change.
The subtitle for the graph is left blank.
The text of the database member used in creating the graph with this format is used as the subtitle.
Specify a graph subtitle of not more than 50 characters in length. Enclose the user defined subtitle in apostrophes.

Graph type (GPHTYPE)

Specifies the type of graph being created using this format.

The type of graph to produce does not change.
The graph is a surface graph.
The graph is a line graph.
The graph is a composite bar graph.
The graph is a floating bar graph.
The graph is a scatter diagram.

Data type (DATATYPE)

Specifies the type of data to include in the graph.

The data type does not change.
The graph presents information for all jobs.
This value puts jobs into each of the functional areas that are to be graphed. Functional areas must be unique over the data that is graphed. That is, if a job exists in more than one of the functional areas selected for the graph, an error message is issued indicating that the job exists in more than one functional area. Also, you cannot use functional areas to graph historical data.
This value includes individual job types, such as interactive, and conglomerate types, such as *ALLINTER (all interactive), *ALLBATCH (all batch), and *ALLSYSTEM (all system). All interactive refers to a job with a job type of I and includes interactive, iSeries Access, System/36, MRT, and display station pass-through jobs.
This value puts jobs into priority ranges. For example, the range 10-20 includes all jobs that have priorities between 10 and 20, inclusive.
This value allows you to graph maximum and average utilization lines for the particular type of input/output processor.

If you specify DATATYPE(*IOP), one of the following combinations must be specified:

This value allows you to graph maximum and average utilization lines for the disk arms. It also allows maximum and average lines for the percentage of disk occupied.

If you specify DATATYPE(*DISK), then one of the following combinations must be specified:

This value allows you to graph individual communications line use or the maximum use of all communications lines. This value is valid only if YAXIS(*CMNLINE) and XAXIS(*TIME) are specified.

Area fill (AREAFILL)

Specifies whether areas on the graph are filled in.

The area-fill value does not change.
The areas on the graph are filled in.
The areas on the graph are not filled in.

Reference line (REFLINE)

Specifies where to place a reference line on the graph. The reference line is placed on the Y-axis. The line is parallel to the X-axis.

The reference line value does not change.
No reference line is placed on the graph.
Specify the number on the Y-axis on which the reference line is placed.

X-axis (XAXIS)

Specifies the list of characteristics that are used for changing the X-axis on the graph.

The possible X-axis variable values are:

The X-axis variable does not change.
Time is mapped along the X-axis.
Utilization of the processing unit is mapped along the X-axis.
The number of transactions per hour is mapped along the X-axis.
The total number of transactions is mapped along the X-axis.
Response time is mapped along the X-axis.
Synchronous disk input/output (I/O) per second is mapped along the X-axis.
The total number of synchronous disk I/O operations is mapped along the X-axis.
Asynchronous disk I/O per second is mapped along the X-axis.
The total number of asynchronous disk I/O operations is mapped along the X-axis.
Total disk I/O operations per second is mapped along the X-axis.
The total number of disk I/O is mapped along the X-axis.

The possible X-axis Title values are:

The X-axis title does not change.
The X-axis variable is used for the X-axis title.
The title for the X-axis is left blank.
Specify a title of no more than 30 characters for the X-axis. Enclose the title in apostrophes.

The possible Starting and Ending Range for the X-axis values are:

The X-axis range values do not change.
The X-axis range is automatically calculated. This value must be specified if *TIME is specified for the X-axis variable.
Specify the starting number for the range on the X-axis. If you specify a starting number, you must also specify an ending number.
Specify the ending number for the range on the X-axis. If you specify an ending number, you must also specify a starting number.

Y-axis (YAXIS)

Specifies the list of characteristics that are used for changing the Y-axis on the graph.

The possible Y-axis variable values are:

The Y-axis variable does not change.
Utilization of the processing unit is mapped along the Y-axis.
The number of transactions per hour is mapped along the Y-axis.
The total number of transactions is mapped along the Y-axis.
Response time is mapped along the Y-axis.
Synchronous disk input/output (I/O) per second is mapped along the Y-axis.
The total number of synchronous disk I/O operations is mapped along the Y-axis.
Asynchronous disk I/O per second is mapped along the Y-axis.
The total number of asynchronous disk I/O operations is mapped along the Y-axis.
Total disk I/O per second is mapped along the Y-axis.
The total number of disk I/O operations is mapped along the Y-axis.
Utilization of the communications input/output processor (IOP) is mapped along the Y-axis. If YAXIS(*CMNIOP) is specified, then XAXIS(*TIME) must be specified.
Utilization of the disk IOP is mapped along the Y-axis. If YAXIS(*DSKIOP) is specified, then XAXIS(*TIME) must be specified.
Utilization of the local work station IOP is mapped along the Y-axis. If YAXIS(*LWSIOP) is specified, then XAXIS(*TIME) must be specified.
Utilization of the multifunction IOP for communications is mapped along the Y-axis. If YAXIS(*MFCIOP) is specified, then XAXIS(*TIME) must be specified.
Utilization of the multifunction IOP for disks is mapped along the Y-axis. If YAXIS(*MFDIOP) is specified, then XAXIS(*TIME) must be specified.
Utilization of the disk arm is mapped along the Y-axis. If YAXIS(*DSKARM) is specified, then XAXIS(*TIME) must be specified.
The percentage of information occupying the disk is mapped along the Y-axis. If YAXIS(*PCTDSKOCC) is specified, then XAXIS(*TIME) must be specified.
Utilization of communications lines is mapped along the Y-axis. If YAXIS(*CMNLINE) is specified, then XAXIS(*TIME) must be specified.
The total number of logical database I/O operations is mapped along the Y-axis.

The possible Y-axis Title values are:

The Y-axis title does not change.
The Y-axis variable is used for the Y-axis title.
The title for the Y-axis is left blank.
Specify a title of no more than 30 characters for the Y-axis. Enclose the title in apostrophes.

The possible Starting and Ending Range for the Y-axis values are:

The Y-axis range values do not change.
The Y-axis range is automatically calculated.
Specify the starting number for the range on the Y-axis. If you specify a starting number, you must also specify an ending number.
Specify the ending number for the range on the Y-axis. If you specify an ending number, you must also specify a starting number.

Functional area entry (FCNARA)

Specifies the list of characteristics to be used for each functional area on the graph. This parameter is valid only when DATATYPE(*FCNARA) is specified. When DATATYPE(*FCNARA) is specified, at least 1, but not more than 16 functional area entries must be specified.

The characteristics of the functional areas do not change.

The possible Functional Area Name values are:

All jobs that do not belong in one of the functional areas specified in this parameter are grouped together.
Specify the name of the functional area.

The possible Functional Area Legend Description values are:

The name or special value specified for the functional area name is used as the legend description.
The legend description for the functional area is left blank.
Specify the legend description for the functional area. Enclose the description in apostrophes.

The possible Graphic Display Line Type values are:

7 (Solid)
The solid line is used for the lines representing the functional area on graphic terminals.
Specify the number of the line type to use for lines representing the functional area on graphic terminals. There are 8 types of lines from which you can choose:
  1. Dotted
  2. Short-dashed
  3. Dash-dot
  4. Double-dot
  5. Long-dashed
  6. Dash-dot-dot
  7. Solid
  8. Invisible

The possible Nongraphic Work Station Symbol used for the Functional Area values are:

The asterisk symbol is used for graphic representation of the functional area on nongraphic terminals.
Specify a character to use for graphic representation of the functional area on nongraphic terminals.

Job type entry (JOBTYPE)

Specifies the list of characteristics to be used for changing job type information on the graph. This parameter is valid only when DATATYPE(*JOBTYPE) is specified. When DATATYPE(*JOBTYPE) is specified, at least 1, but not more than 16 job type entries must be specified.

The characteristics for the job types do not change.

The possible Job Type values are:

All job types are grouped together.
All interactive job types include:
  • DDM jobs
  • Pass-through jobs
  • iSeries Access server jobs, except those that process batch activities only
  • Interactive jobs
  • System/36 environment jobs
  • Multiple requester terminal jobs
All batch job types include:
  • Batch jobs
  • iSeries Access server jobs, those that process batch activities only
  • Evoke jobs
  • Writer jobs
  • Reader jobs
  • Prestart jobs
  • Autostart jobs
  • Print driver jobs
All system jobs includes:
  • System jobs
  • Subsystem monitor jobs
Autostart jobs
Batch jobs
iSeries Access server jobs
Distributed Data Management (DDM) jobs
Jobs started by a procedure start request
Interactive jobs
Multiple requester terminal jobs
iSeries Access server jobs
Print Driver jobs
Prestart jobs
Pass-through jobs
Reader jobs
System/36 environment jobs
Subsystem monitor jobs
System jobs
Writer jobs
All job types that have not been specified on this parameter are grouped together.

The possible Job Type Legend Description values are:

The value specified for the job type is used as the legend description.
The legend description for the job type is left blank.
Specify the legend description for the job type. Enclose the description in apostrophes.

The possible Graphic Display Line Type for the Job Type values are:

7 (Solid)
The solid line is used for lines representing the job type on graphic terminals.
Specify the number of the line type to use for lines representing the job type on graphic terminals. There are 8 types of lines from which you can choose:
  1. Dotted
  2. Short-dashed
  3. Dash-dot
  4. Double-dot
  5. Long-dashed
  6. Dash-dot-dot
  7. Solid
  8. Invisible

The possible Nongraphic Work Station Symbol used for the Job Type values are:

The asterisk (*) is used for graphic representation of the job type on nongraphic terminals.
Specify a character to use for graphic representation of the job type on nongraphic terminals.

Job priority entry (PRIORITY)

Specifies the characteristics to be used for changing job priority information on the graph. This parameter is valid only when DATATYPE(*PRIORITY) is specified. When DATATYPE(*PRIORITY) is specified, at least 1, but not more than 16 job priority entries must be specified.

The characteristics for the job priorities do not change.

The possible Job Priority Boundaries values are:

All job priorities are grouped together.
All job priorities that do not fall within the job priority boundaries specified on this parameter are grouped together.
Specify the lower job priority boundary. Valid values range from 0 through 99.
Specify the upper job priority boundary. You can specify a value ranging from 0 through 99. The upper boundary value must be greater than or equal to the lower boundary value.

The possible Job Priority Legend Description values are:

The value specified for the boundaries is used as the legend description.
The legend description for the job priority is left blank.
Specify the legend description for the job priority. Enclose the description in apostrophes.

The possible Graphic Display Line Type for the Job Priority values are:

7 (Solid)
The solid line is used for lines representing the job priority on graphic terminals.
Specify the number of the line type to use for lines representing the job priority on graphic terminals. There are 8 types of lines from which you can choose:
  1. Dotted
  2. Short-dashed
  3. Dash-dot
  4. Double-dot
  5. Long-dashed
  6. Dash-dot-dot
  7. Solid
  8. Invisible

The possible Nongraphic Work Station Symbol used for the Job Priority values are:

The asterisk symbol is used for graphic representation of the job priority on nongraphic terminals.
Specify a character to use for graphic representation of the job priority on nongraphic terminals.

IOP data entry (IOP)

Specifies the characteristics to be used for changing input/output processor (IOP) information on the graph. This parameter is valid only when DATATYPE(*IOP) is specified. When DATATYPE(*IOP) is specified, at least 1, but not more than 2 IOP data entries must be specified.

The characteristics of the IOP information do not change.

The possible Amount of Utilization for IOP type values are:

The average utilization of the IOP type is presented on the graph.
The maximum utilization of the IOP type is presented on the graph.

The possible IOP Type Legend Description values are:

The value specified for the amount of utilization is used as the legend description.
The legend description for the IOP data is left blank.
Specify the legend description for the IOP data. Enclose the description in apostrophes.

The possible Graphic Display Line Type for the IOP type values are:

7 (Solid)
The solid line is used for lines representing the IOP type on graphic terminals.
Specify the number of the line type to use for lines representing the IOP type on graphic terminals. There are 8 types of lines from which you can choose:
  1. Dotted
  2. Short-dashed
  3. Dash-dot
  4. Double-dot
  5. Long-dashed
  6. Dash-dot-dot
  7. Solid
  8. Invisible

The possible Nongraphic Work Station Symbol used for the IOP type values are:

The asterisk (*) is used for graphic representation of the IOP type on nongraphic terminals.
Specify a character to use for graphic representation of the IOP type on nongraphic terminals.

Disk data entry (DISK)

Specifies the characteristics to be used for changing disk data information on the graph. This parameter is valid only when DATATYPE(*DISK) is specified. When DATATYPE(*DISK) is specified, at least 1, but not more than 2 disk data entries must be specified. The types of disk data are disk arm utilization and percent of disk occupied.

The characteristics for disk data information do not change.

The possible Amount of Utilization for Disk Data type values are:

The average utilization of the disk data type is presented on the graph.
The maximum utilization of the disk data type is presented on the graph.

The possible Disk Data Type Legend Description values are:

The value specified for the amount of utilization is used as the legend description.
The legend description for the disk data type is left blank.
Specify the legend description for the disk data type. Enclose the description in apostrophes.

The possible Graphic Display Line Type for the Disk Data Type values are:

7 (Solid)
The solid line is used for lines representing the disk data type on graphic terminals.
Specify the number of the line type to use for lines representing the disk data on graphic terminals. There are 8 types of lines from which you can choose:
  1. Dotted
  2. Short-dashed
  3. Dash-dot
  4. Double-dot
  5. Long-dashed
  6. Dash-dot-dot
  7. Solid
  8. Invisible

The possible Nongraphic Work Station Symbol used for the Disk Data type values are:

An asterisk (*) is used for graphic representation of the disk data on nongraphic terminals.
Specify a character to use for graphic representation of the disk data on nongraphic terminals.

Communications line entry (CMNLINE)

Specifies the characteristics to be used for changing communications line information on the graph. This parameter is valid only when DATATYPE(*CMNLINE) is specified. When DATATYPE(*CMNLINE) is specified, at least one, but not more than 16 communications line entries must be specified.

The characteristics of the communications line information do not change.

The possible Communications Line Name values are:

The maximum utilization of all the communications lines is presented on the graph.
Specify the name of the communications line whose utilization is presented on the graph.

The possible Communications Line Legend Description values are:

The name or special value specified for the communications line name is used for the legend description.
The legend description for the communications line is left blank.
legend description
Specify the legend description for the communications line. Enclose the description in apostrophes.

The possible Graphic Display Line Type for the Communications Line values are:

7 (Solid)
The solid line is used for lines representing the communications line on graphic terminals.
Specify the number of the line type to use for lines representing the communications line on graphic terminals. There are 8 types of lines from which you can choose:
  1. Dotted
  2. Short-dashed
  3. Dash-dot
  4. Double-dot
  5. Long-dashed
  6. Dash-dot-dot
  7. Solid
  8. Invisible

The possible Nongraphic Work Station Symbol used the Communications Line values are:

The asterisk (*) is used for graphic representation of the communications line on nongraphic terminals.
Specify a character to use for graphic representation of the communications line on nongraphic terminals.

All data entry (ALLDATA)

Specifies the characteristics to be used for changing information on the graph for all jobs. This parameter is valid only when DATATYPE(*ALL) is specified.

The characteristics for all of the job data do not change.

The possible Legend Description for All of the Job Data values are:

The value *ALL is used for the legend description.
The legend description for the data is left blank.
Specify the legend description for the data. Enclose the description in apostrophes.

The possible Graphic Display Line Type for all of the Job Data values are:

7 (Solid)
The solid line is used for lines representing all of the job data on graphic terminals.
Specify the number of the line type to use for lines representing all of the job data on graphic terminals. There are 8 types of lines from which you can choose:
  1. Dotted
  2. Short-dashed
  3. Dash-dot
  4. Double-dot
  5. Long-dashed
  6. Dash-dot-dot
  7. Solid
  8. Invisible

The possible Nongraphic Work Station Symbol used for all of the Job Data values are:

The asterisk symbol is used for graphic representation of all of the job data on nongraphic terminals.
Specify a character to use for graphic representation of all of the job data on nongraphic terminals.



This command changes the graph format named FORMAT1 in the QPFRDATA library and groups all the data together. The data legend description is ABCCOMPANY, and it is represented on the graph with a solid line.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Error detected by prompt override program.
DATATYPE(*IOP) must be specified to use IOP variable.
DATATYPE(*DISK) must be specified to use a disk variable.
An IOP variable must be specified for YAXIS.
Disk variable must be specified for YAXIS.
*TIME must be specified for XAXIS.
*TIME must be specified for XAXIS.
Graph format &2 not found in library &1.
No functional area &2 exists.
Graph axis range specified not correct.
Priority boundaries specified not correct.
Value for FCNARA parameter must be specified.
Value for JOBTYPE parameter must be specified.
Value for PRIORITY parameter must be specified.
Value for IOP parameter must be specified.
Value for DISK parameter must be specified.
Both axis variables cannot be the same.
Package &1 contains format &2.
Specify *AUTO for range with *TIME for variable.
Functional area name not valid.
DATATYPE(*CMNLINE) must be specified to use a communications line variable.
Communications line variable must be specified for YAXIS.
Value for CMNLINE parameter must be specified.
Graph format &3 not found in library &2.
Too many data lines specified for scatter graph.
*LGLDBIO only valid when *JOBTYPE specified for DATATYPE parameter
*DDM must be specified for Job type parameter.