Change Distribution Attributes (CHGDSTA)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Change Distribution Attributes (CHGDSTA) command changes the content of message services attributes (X.400 support) for mail distributions and the OfficeVision/400 program.

Restriction: You need security administrator (*SECADM) authority to use this command.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
KEEPRCP Keep recipients *SAME, *BCC, *ALL, *NONE Optional, Positional 1
USEMSFLCL Use MSF for local *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional
SMTPRTE Route to SMTP gateway Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values: Element list
Element 1: User ID Character value
Element 2: Address Character value

Keep recipients (KEEPRCP)

Specifies the recipient information that is stored and sent within each mail distribution. Information can be stored and sent for the primary recipient and the copy recipients.

The number of recipients that will be kept (stored and sent within each mail distribution) is limited to 1000. This is not a limit on the number of recipients that a mail item can be sent to, only the number of recipients that are kept.

When KEEPRCP(*BCC) is specified and more than 1000 recipients exist in the blind copy list, the recipients are not kept.

When KEEPRCP(*ALL) is specified and more than 1000 recipients exist for the mail item, the recipients are not kept.

The value does not change.
The copy recipients that are not identified on the distribution are stored and sent within each mail distribution. This is the default value at the time of system installation.
All recipients of the distribution, whether or not they are identified on the distribution, are stored and sent within each mail distribution.
The recipients are not stored or sent within mail distributions.

Use MSF for local (USEMSFLCL)

Specifies if the mail service framework (MSF) will be used by the office mail services for local-to-local mail.

The value does not change.
Local-to-local mail will be distributed directly by the mail services and will not use the mail service framework (MSF). This is the default value at the time of system installation.
Local-to-local mail will use the mail service framework (MSF) for distribution of mail.

Route to SMTP gateway (SMTPRTE)

Specifies the User ID and Address that the mail services will use to route mail, within this system and/or the SNADS network to the SMTP/MIME gateway, that have an internet address as recipients. Within the SNADS network, this User ID and Address should appear to be on the node where the TCP/IP SMTP/MIME gateway is active. At the gateway node, this User ID and Address must have a preferred address of PREFADR(NETUSRID *IBM ATCONTXT) in the system distribution directory entry.

The value does not change.
There is no route to the SMTP/MIME gateway defined on this system. When this is specified, internet addresses cannot be entered on the SNDDST command or on the office products send panels.

The possible User ID value is:

Specify the user ID of the route to the SMTP/MIME gateway.

The possible Address value is:

Specify the address of the route to the SMTP/MIME gateway. This address must be specified if a User ID is specified.



This command changes the distribution attribute so that all recipients of the distribution are stored and sent within each mail distribution. It also sets the Internet address route to the User ID and Address, INET USERS.


Error messages

