Change Directory Entry (CHGDIRE)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Change Directory Entry (CHGDIRE) command allows you to change the data for a specific entry in the system distribution directory.

This command provides support for the X.400 product (X.400). The X.400 is a limited program offering (LPO) developed for the &sys. system as an Open System Interconnect (OSI) application. It implements the X.400 series of recommendations developed by the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT) to allow the interchange of messages (mail) between users on systems from different vendors (for example, IBM and DEC).

The CHGDIRE command does not provide interactive display support. This is provided by the Work with Directory Entries (WRKDIRE) command.


  1. To prevent the system from changing lowercase characters to uppercase characters, enclose the values in apostrophes. This does not apply to user ID/address, system name/group, department, or X.400 originator/recipient (O/R) name.
  2. Only the user ID/address, system name/group, department, and X.400 O/R name are translated from the graphic character identifier (GCID) specified by the CMDCHRID parameter. All other parameters are stored exactly as they are entered and the GCID is stored with them. The default GCID value is taken from the QCHRID system value. The user can override the defaults by specifying a character set and code page or specify *DEVD to display the device description.
  3. Double-byte character set (DBCS) characters can be entered for the following system directory entry parameters:
    • USRD
    • LSTNAM
    • FSTNAM
    • MIDNAM
    • FULNAM
    • DEPT
    • TITLE
    • CMPNY
    • BLDG
    • OFC
    • ADDR1
    • ADDR2
    • ADDR3
    • ADDR4
    • TEXT
  4. Administrators have authority to update any directory entry. Users who are not administrators are restricted to changing specific fields on their own directory entry. If users who are not administrators run this command and specify a USRID other than their own, an error message is returned. If a non-administrator requests a change to any of the following fields, an error message is returned, indicating the person running the command is not authorized to update these fields.
    • Description (USRD)
    • User profile (USER)
    • System name (SYSNAME)
    • Indirect user (INDUSR)
    • Receiving personal mail (PRTPERS)
    • Last name (LSTNAM)
    • First name (FSTNAM)
    • Middle name (MIDNAM)
    • Preferred name (PREFNAM)
    • Full name (FULNAM)
    • Department (DEPT)
    • Forward from (FWDFRM)
    • Network user ID (NETUSRID)
    • Allow synchronization (ALWSYNC)
    • DLO Owner (DLOOWN)
    • Mail service level (MSFSRVLVL)
    • Preferred address (PREFADR)

An X.400 O/R name in the directory can be changed with this command. X.400 is an international standard for communications and the O/R name is the addressing information used in X.400 communications. The X.400 O/R name must be in character set 1169 and code page 500. This set includes A through Z, 0 through 9, and some special characters. Additional information on characters allowed is in the Globalization information in the iSeries Information Center at

Restrictions: You must have administrator authority to update any of the data contained in a directory entry, except the user ID and address. If you are not an administrator, you can update only a limited number of fields in your own directory entry.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
USRID User identifier Element list Required, Key, Positional 1
Element 1: User ID Character value
Element 2: Address Character value
USRD User description Single values: *SAME
Other values: Element list
Optional, Positional 2
Element 1: Existing description Character value, *FIRST
Element 2: New description Character value
USER User profile Name, *SAME, *NONE Optional
SYSNAME System name Single values: *SAME, *LCL, *PC, *ERROR
Other values: Element list
Element 1: System name Character value
Element 2: System group Character value
NETUSRID Network user ID Character value, *SAME, *USRID Optional
LSTNAM Last name Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
FSTNAM First name Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
MIDNAM Middle name Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
PREFNAM Preferred name Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
FULNAM Full name Character value, *SAME, *DFT Optional
DEPT Department Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
TITLE Job title Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
CMPNY Company Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
TELNBR1 Telephone number 1 Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
TELNBR2 Telephone number 2 Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
FAXTELNBR FAX telephone number Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
LOC Location Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
BLDG Building Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
OFC Office Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
ADDR1 Address line 1 Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
ADDR2 Address line 2 Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
ADDR3 Address line 3 Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
ADDR4 Address line 4 Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
FWDFRM Forward from user identifier Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values: Element list
Element 1: User ID Character value
Element 2: Address Character value
INDUSR Indirect user *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional
PRTPERS Print private mail *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional
PRTCOVER Print cover page *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
NFYMAIL Mail notification *SAME, *SPECIFIC, *ALLMAIL, *NOMAIL Optional
NFYPTYPERS Priority, private, important *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
NFYMSGS Messages *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
TEXT Text Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
CMDCHRID Command character identifier Single values: *SYSVAL, *DEVD
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Graphic character set Integer
Element 2: Code page Integer
COUNTRY Country or region ID Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
ADMD Administration domain Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
PRMD Private management domain Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
SURNAM Surname Character value, *SAME, *NONE, *LSTNAM Optional
GIVENNAM Given name Character value, *SAME, *NONE, *FSTNAM Optional
INITIALS Initials Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
GENQUAL Generation qualifier Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
ORG Organization Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
ORGUNIT Organizational units Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Character value
DMNDFNATR Domain-defined attributes Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Type Character value
Element 2: Value Character value
USRDFNFLD User-defined fields Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values (up to 100 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Field name Character value
Element 2: Product ID Character value, *NONE
Element 3: Value Character value
MSFSRVLVL Mail service level Single values: *SAME, *USRIDX, *SYSMS, *DOMINO
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Field name Character value
Element 2: Product ID Character value, *NONE
PREFADR Preferred address Element list Optional
Element 1: Field name Character value, *SAME, *USRID, *ORNAME, *SMTP
Element 2: Product ID Character value, *NONE
Element 3: Address type Character value
CCMAILADR cc:Mail address Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
CCMAILCMT cc:Mail comment Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional
ALWSYNC Allow synchronization *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional

User identifier (USRID)

Specifies the user ID and address of the directory entry being updated. Both parts must be provided.

This is a required parameter.

user-id and address
Specify both the user ID and address. Each part can have a maximum of 8 characters.

User description (USRD)

Specifies the specific description to be changed and the description that replaces it. The description must be unique only for a user ID and address. It does not need to be unique in the directory.

Note: Only an administrator can update this field.

The specific description is not being provided and no changes are made to any of the descriptions for this user.

The possible existing description values are:

The first description for the user is changed.
Specify the specific description for this user that is changed.

The possible new description values are:

Specify the new user description to replace the specified description value.

User profile (USER)

Specifies the user profile of the user.

Note: Only an administrator can update this field.

The user profile does not change.
The user profile is changed to blanks. This value is valid only for remote users.
Specify a maximum of 10 characters for the valid system user profile name. The profile name is required for all local users. A user profile is required for a remote user only if the user needs to work with documents and folders on the local system.

System name (SYSNAME)

Specifies the system name and group name for the system on which the user works.

More information is in the SNA Distribution Services book, SC41-5410.

Note: Only an administrator can update this field.

The system name and group name do not change.
The system name and group name default to the local system name.
*PC is for a distributed systems node executive (DSNX) user with a personal computer (PC) attached to this system.
Use this value if your network contains a central system that receives all unresolved distributions. In this type of network, you may encounter distribution looping when a distribution cannot find a specific user ID on the intended system and the intended system has a *ANY *ANY entry directing distributions to the central system. The central system also has a default *ANY address entry directing unresolved distributions to the intended system. To prevent distribution looping, specify *ERROR as the system name for the default entry you are adding or changing. When a distribution cannot find a specific user ID, but matches this default entry, the distribution is handled as a user that is not valid, just as if no directory match were found.

*ERROR is valid only when *ANY address or *ANY *ANY is specified on the User identifier (USRID) parameter.

Specify the system name and the group name of the system to which the user's distributions are sent. Only the system name is required. Each part can have a maximum of 8 characters.

A remote system name and group can be assigned to a user before they are defined to the system network tables, but distributions cannot be sent to that remote user until the system name and group are defined on the remote system. The remote system name and group are defined by using the Configure Distribution Services (CFGDSTSRV) command.


Network user ID (NETUSRID)

Specifies the network user ID for the directory entry. The network user ID is used to uniquely identify a user in a network.

The value does not change.
Change the network user ID to the user ID and address associated with this entry. The format of the network user ID is the 8 character user ID, 1 blank character, and the 8-character address.
Specify the network user ID for this user. A maximum of 47 characters can be specified.

Last name (LSTNAM)

Specifies the user's last name. If no names are provided (last, first, middle, preferred, or full) but a value is specified on the Department (DEPT) parameter, the last name defaults to an asterisk (*).

The last name does not change.
The last name is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 40 characters for the user's last name.

First name (FSTNAM)

Specifies the user's first name.

The first name does not change.
The first name is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 20 characters for the user's first name.

Middle name (MIDNAM)

Specifies the user's middle name.

The middle name does not change.
The middle name is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 20 characters for the user's middle name.

Preferred name (PREFNAM)

Specifies the name by which the user likes to be addressed.

The preferred name does not change.
The preferred name is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 8 characters for the user's preferred name.

Full name (FULNAM)

Specifies the user's full name. This field can be entered by an administrator, or it can be built by the system. If the administrator enters data in this field, it is stored in the format in which it is entered. If the full name is not specified, it is created by the system as follows:

Note: Only an administrator can change this field.

If the previous full name was entered by the administrator, the full name does not change.

If the previous full name was built by the system from the last name, first name, middle name, and preferred name, and a new last name, first name, middle name, or preferred name is specified, the full name is rebuilt by the system from the new values.

The full name is determined from the default values.
Specify a maximum of 50 characters for the user's full name.

Department (DEPT)

Specifies the name or number of the department of which the user is a member.

Note: Only an administrator can change this field.

The department name or number does not change.
The department name or number is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 10 characters for the name of the user's department.

Job title (TITLE)

Specifies the user's job title, such as marketing director, account manager, or production engineer.

The user's job title does not change.
The job title is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 40 characters for the user's job title.

Company (CMPNY)

Specifies the name of the company for which the user works.

The company name does not change.
The company name is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 50 characters for the company name.

Telephone number 1 (TELNBR1)

Specifies the user's primary telephone number. The telephone number can be specified in any arrangement appropriate to the user, including an international telephone number format.

The telephone number does not change.
The primary telephone number is changed to blanks.
telephone-number 1
Specify a maximum of 26 characters for the user's primary telephone number.

Telephone number 2 (TELNBR2)

Specifies the user's secondary telephone number. The telephone number can be specified in any arrangement appropriate to the user, including an international telephone number format.

The secondary telephone number does not change.
The secondary telephone number is changed to blanks.
telephone-number 2
Specify a maximum of 26 characters for the secondary telephone number of the user.

FAX telephone number (FAXTELNBR)

Specifies the user's facsimile telephone number. The facsimile telephone number can be specified in any format appropriate for the user, including an international telephone number format.

The facsimile telephone number does not change.
The facsimile telephone number is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 32 characters for the user's facsimile telephone number.

Location (LOC)

Specifies the user's location.

The user's location does not change.
The location is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 40 characters for the location of the user.

Building (BLDG)

Specifies the name of the building in which the user works.

The name of the building does not change.
The name of the building is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 20 characters for the name of the building in which the user works.

Office (OFC)

Specifies the name or number of the user's office.

The name or number of the user's office does not change.
The name or number of the user's office is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 16 characters for the name or number of the user's office.

Address line 1 (ADDR1)

Specifies the user's mailing address. A maximum of 40 characters can be entered into each of these fields.

The address line does not change.
The address line is changed to blanks.
Specify the user's mailing address in any format.

Address line 2 (ADDR2)

Specifies the user's mailing address. A maximum of 40 characters can be entered into each of these fields.

The address line does not change.
The address line is changed to blanks.
Specify the user's mailing address in any format.

Address line 3 (ADDR3)

Specifies the user's mailing address. A maximum of 40 characters can be entered into each of these fields.

The address line does not change.
The address line is changed to blanks.
Specify the user's mailing address in any format.

Address line 4 (ADDR4)

Specifies the user's mailing address. A maximum of 40 characters can be entered into each of these fields.

The address line does not change.
The address line is changed to blanks.
Specify the user's mailing address in any format.

Forward from user identifier (FWDFRM)

Specifies whether distributions are automatically forwarded from a specified user ID and address. This value is valid only for local users. This value cannot be an existing user ID, address, or forward-from value in the directory. It is used with the Rename Directory Entry (RNMDIRE) command to allow distributions to be sent to the old user until all users can be renamed or changed.

The value does not change.
Distributions are not forwarded.

Element 1: User ID

Specify the user ID from which distributions are to be forwarded. A maximum of 8 characters can be specified. If this value is specified, an address must be specified on Element 2.

Element 2: Address

Specify the address from which distributions are to be forwarded. A maximum of 8 characters can be specified.

Indirect user (INDUSR)

Specifies whether the user is an indirect user. An indirect user is a local user who does not sign on the system to receive mail. Mail is automatically printed for the indirect user. Each indirect user must have a profile on the local system.

Note: Only an administrator can update this field.

The indirect user indicator does not change.
The user is not an indirect user.
The user is an indirect user.

Print private mail (PRTPERS)

Specifies whether private mail for an indirect user is printed. Consideration should be given to restricting public access to the printer when private mail is printed.

Note: Only an administrator can update this field.

The print private mail indicator does not change.
Private mail is not printed for the indirect user.
Private mail is printed for the indirect user.

Print cover page (PRTCOVER)

Specifies whether a cover page is printed when a mail item is printed.

The print cover page indicator does not change.
A cover page is printed when a mail item is printed.
A cover page is not printed when a mail item is printed.

Mail notification (NFYMAIL)

Specifies whether the user is notified of the arrival of mail by receiving a message on the user's message queue.

The mail notification indicator does not change.
The user is notified only when the types of mail specified on the Priority, private, important (NFYPTYPERS) parameter and Messages (NFYMSGS) parameter arrive. These types of mail can include priority and personal mail, and messages.
The user is notified of the arrival of all types of mail.
The user is not notified of the arrival of mail.

Priority, private, important (NFYPTYPERS)

Specifies whether the user is notified of the arrival of priority, private, and important mail. This parameter is ignored if *NOMAIL or *ALLMAIL is specified on the Mail notification (NFYMAIL) parameter.

The value does not change.
The user is notified of the arrival of priority, private, and important mail.
The user is not notified of the arrival of priority, private, and important mail.

Messages (NFYMSGS)

Specifies whether the user is notified of the arrival of messages. This parameter is ignored if *NOMAIL or *ALLMAIL is specified on the Mail notification (NFYMAIL) parameter.

The mail messages indicator does not change.
The user is notified of the arrival of messages.
The user is not notified of the arrival of messages.

Text (TEXT)

Specifies additional information to describe the directory entry.

The text does not change.
The text is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 50 characters of text to describe additional information about the user.

Command character identifier (CMDCHRID)

Specifies the character identifier (graphic character set and code page) for the data being entered as command parameter values. The value you specify on this parameter applies to the User identifier (USRID) parameter, System name (SYSNAME) parameter, Department (DEPT) parameter, and to all of the X.400 O/R name parameters.


Note: Double byte character set (DBCS) characters can be entered on the following system directory entry parameters:

Single values

The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameters from the QCHRID system value.
The system determines the graphic character set and code page values from the display device description where this command was entered. This option is valid only when entered from an interactive job. If this option is specified in a batch job, an error occurs.

Element 1: Graphic character set

Specify the graphic character set to use.

Element 2: Code page

Specify the code page to use.

Country or region. (COUNTRY)

Specifies the country or region name part of the X.400 Originator/Recipient (O/R) name.

The country or region name does not change.
The country or region name is changed to blanks.
country or region-code
Specify an ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code or a CCITT country or region code from the ISO X.400 Code List Table. Refer to the COUNTRY parameter description in "Expanded descriptions" in the CL concepts and reference topic in the iSeries Information Center at for the ISO X.400 Code List Table.

Administration domain (ADMD)

Specifies the administration management domain part of the X.400 O/R name.

The administration management domain does not change.
The administrative management domain is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 16 characters for the description of the administration management domain. An administration management domain is a public organization that handles a management domain, which is a set of message transfer agents and user agents that comprise a system capable of handling messages.

Private management domain (PRMD)

Specifies the private management domain part of the X.400 O/R name.

The private management domain does not change.
The private management domain is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 16 characters for the description of the private management domain. A private management domain is a private company or noncommercial organization that handles a management domain, which is a set of message transfer agents and user agents that comprise a system capable of handling messages.

Surname (SURNAM)

Specifies the X.400 user last name part of the personal name within the X.400 O/R name.

Note: This parameter is required when a value is specified on the GIVENNAM, INITIALS or GENQUAL, parameter.

The surname does not change.
The surname is changed to blanks.
The user last name specified in the directory entry is used as the surname.
Specify a maximum of 40 characters for the surname.

Given name (GIVENNAM)

Specifies the X.400 user first name part of the personal name within the X.400 O/R name.

Note: The SURNAM parameter is required when a value is specified on this parameter.

The given name does not change.
The given name is changed to blanks.
The user first name specified in the directory entry is used as the given name. It is truncated to 16 characters.
Specify a maximum of 16 characters for the given name.

Initials (INITIALS)

Specifies the initials part of the personal name within the X.400 O/R name. For example, the initials for 'John Henry Smith' are 'JH.'

Note: The SURNAM parameter is required when a value is specified on this parameter.

The initials do not change.
The initials are changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 5 characters for the initials.

Generation qualifier (GENQUAL)

Specifies the generation qualifier part of the personal name within the X.400 O/R name. For example, the generation qualifier in the name 'John R. Smith, III' is 'III.'

Note: The SURNAM parameter is required when a value is specified on this parameter.

The generation qualifier does not change.
The generation qualifier is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 3 characters for the generation qualifier.

Organization (ORG)

Specifies the organization name part of the X.400 O/R name.

The organization name does not change.
The organization name is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 64 characters for the organization name.

Organizational units (ORGUNIT)

Specifies the organization-defined unit part of the X.400 O/R name.

The organizational unit does not change.
The organizational unit is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 32 characters for the name of an organizational unit. Up to 4 organizational units can be listed in order of descending significance.

Domain-defined attributes (DMNDFNATR)

Specifies the type and value of a domain-defined attribute not specified by X.400 standards but allowed in the X.400 O/R name to accommodate existing systems of sending messages. A maximum of 4 sets of attributes can be specified.

Note: To specify an X.121 address, type X.121 in the Type field, and then type the X.121 address in the Value field. A maximum of 15 numeric characters can be specified for the X.121 address.

If you are specifying other domain-defined attributes, the X.121 pair must be the last attribute specified. You must also specify a value for the Country or region field if you specify an X.121 address.

X.121 is a CCITT Recommendation that provides a method for the international numbering of X.25 packet-switching data networks.

The possible type values are:

The type does not change.
The type is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 8 characters for the type of domain-defined attribute.

The possible value values are:

The value does not change.
The value is changed to blanks.
Specify a maximum of 128 characters for the value of the domain-defined attribute.

User-defined fields (USRDFNFLD)

Specifies the user-defined field names and values. A list of these user-defined field names can be displayed using the CHGSYSDIRA command and prompting with the F4 key. Up to 100 user-defined fields can be specified. When you press F4, this field is not filled in with existing values when the size is over the maximum length. In this case, to see existing values, use the Work with Directory Entries (WRKDIRE) command. If the size of the existing values does not exceed the maximum length, this field is filled in with the existing values.

Note: The following SMTP user-defined fields are not always displayed when the CHGSYSDIRA command is prompted, but they can still be used in the user-defined field (USRDFNFLD) parameter to add SMTP information to the system distribution directory.

The value does not change.
All of the user-defined field values for this user will be blanked out.

The possible User-Defined-Field Name value is:

Specify up to 10 characters for the user-defined field name.

The possible User-Defined-Field Product ID values are:

No user-defined-field product ID is specified.
Specify up to 7 characters for the user-defined field product ID.

The possible User-Defined-Field Value value is:

Specify up to 512 characters for the value of the user-defined-field value. All the field will be replaced by the value specified here. Blanks will be padded on the right. Specifying a blank value will blank out the entire value.

Mail service level (MSFSRVLVL)

Specifies the mail server framework service level for a local user. This parameter is ignored for a remote user. It indicates where mail is stored on the system.

The value does not change.
The mail is stored in a user index.
The mail is stored in the Post Office Protocol (POP) mailbox, which can be accessed by POP clients on the personal computer through the iSeries POP server using the POP interface.
The mail is stored in the Lotus Domino mail database.

The possible Mail Service Level Field-Name value is:

Specify a maximum of 10 characters for the field name. This value should contain a user-defined field in the system directory that has been defined by the CHGSYSDIRA command on the USRDFNFLD parameter with a field type of *MSFSRVLVL. The user-defined field specified here should then contain information needed by the mail server framework user exit program when the program is determining where to store the mail. The address resolution exit point name is QIBM_QZMFMSF_ADR_RSL. See the AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework Support book, SC41-5411. for more information. This field could just be used as an indicator and the value does not have to be a user- defined field. It is recommended though, that the value specified here is a user-defined field.

The possible Mail Service Level Product-ID values are:

No user-defined-field product ID is specified.
Specify a maximum of 7 characters for the user-defined field product ID.

Preferred address (PREFADR)

Specifies the preferred address for a user. This tells the mail server framework what fields to use in the system distribution directory for the preferred address of a user. Specify *USRID for SNADS. SNADS handles all the distributions that go to a user index including the gateway for X.400 O/R names and for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) names.

The possible single values are:

The value does not change.
The user ID/address is the preferred address for this user.
The X.400 O/R name is the preferred address for this user.
The SMTP name is the preferred address for this user.

The possible Preferred Address Field-Name value is:

Specify a maximum of characters for the field name. This value should contain an IBM-defined or a user-defined field in the system directory that has been defined by the CHGSYSDIRA command on the USRDFNFLD parameter with a field type of *ADDRESS. The field specified here should then contain information needed by the mail server framework user exit program when the program is determining where to store the mail. This field could just be used as an indicator and the value does not have to be an IBM-defined or a user-defined field. Whenever possible, the value specified here should be an IBM-defined or a user-defined field.

The possible Preferred Address Product-ID values are:

No user-defined field product ID is specified.
The field name is an IBM-defined field in the system distribution directory. Allowed IBM-defined field names are:
  • USER (user profile)
  • CCMAILADR (cc:Mail address)
  • FULNAM (full name)
  • NETUSRID (network user ID)
  • TELNBR1 (telephone number 1)
  • TELNBR2 (telephone number 2)
  • FAXTELNBR (facsimile telephone number)
Specify a maximum of 7 characters for the user-defined field product ID.

The possible Preferred Address Address-Type value is:

Specify a maximum of 8 characters for the address type. The address type is a mail server framework type name that is specified in the Add Mail Framework Type Configuration (QzmfAddMailCfg) API. Whenever possible, this value should be one of the mail server framework configuration type names. When an address type is specified for a preferred address that is a special value, specify *N for the product ID.

cc:Mail address (CCMAILADR)

Specifies the cc:Mail address for this user.

The value does not change.
No cc:Mail address is specified.
Specify the cc:Mail address. The address value has a maximum of 126 characters. If the address includes both a remote post office name and an alias name, the maximum number or characters is 126 characters for each, with a space separating them (a total of 253 characters). If the remote post office name contains spaces, the name needs to be enclosed in quotation marks. This adds two characters to the limit for a total of 128 characters or 255 characters with the alias name.

cc:Mail comment (CCMAILCMT)

Specifies the cc:Mail comment for this user.

The value does not change.
No cc:Mail comment is specified.
Specify up to 126 characters for the cc:Mail comment value.

Allow synchronization (ALWSYNC)

Specifies whether synchronization of this entry with other directories should be allowed.

The value does not change.
Synchronization is allowed.
Synchronization is not allowed.

DLO owner (DLOOWN)

Specifies if the user profile or the group profile will be assigned the ownership of the Document Library Objects (DLOs) for this directory entry.

Note: If this directory entry does not have a user profile in the User profile field, the value in the DLO owner field will be ignored.

The value does not change.
The user profile associated with this directory entry is the owner of newly created DLOs.
The group profile specified in the user profile associated with this directory entry is made the owner of newly created DLOs and has all authority to the DLOs. If the group profile value is *NONE in the user profile, then the owner of the DLO is the user profile.


Example 1: Changing a User's Telephone Number


Assume the user who runs the command has user ID HURST PAYROLL and does not have security administrator authority. The primary telephone number for the user is changed. All other information remains the same. This command works the same if someone other than HURST PAYROLL runs the command and has security administrator authority. If the person running the command is not HURST PAYROLL and does not have security administrator authority, an error message is returned.

Example 2: Changing a User's Address, Telephone Number, and Text Information

          ADDR1('Dept55N/025-3')  ADDR2('IBM Rochester')
          ADDR3(*NONE)  ADDR4(*NONE)  TELNBR1('456-4489')
          LOC(Rochester)  TEXT('User transferred from Boca')

Assume the person running this command has security administrator authority. The user (BYRD NEWYORK) has transferred from a remote user to a local user. The profile name must now be specified since the user is now a local user. The user's address, telephone number, and text information are updated.

Example 3: Changing a User's Full Name, Department, and Office

          FULNAM(*DFT)  DEPT(55N)  OFC(L305)

Assume the person running this command has security administrator authority. The user JANE CHICAGO has changed her name and at the same time has moved to a new office and department. Jane's full name is changed to 'Smith, Jane Allen'. If FULNAM(*SAME) is specified or is used as the default, Jane's full name remains the same, even though her first and middle names are changed.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Not enough storage for commitment control operation.
Operation not successful due to authority reasons.
Operation not successful due to data validation reasons.
Directory entry for network user ID &1 not changed.
Library QUSRSYS not completely installed.
*SECADM special authority required to do requested operation.
System cannot get correct record to finish operation.
Error occurred trying to find a translation table.
You can only change your own directory entry.
Specified parameters not allowed.
User ID and address &1 &2 not changed.
Cannot use CMDCHRID(*DEVD), DOCCHRID(*DEVD) in batch job.
User profile storage limit exceeded.
Error occurred while opening file &1.
Error while processing file &1 in library &2.