Configure Device Media Library (CFGDEVMLB)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Configure Device Media Library (CFGDEVMLB) command connects the media library device description with the communication interface for media library devices that require a communication interface. The CFGDEVMLB command will configure the necessary communication information based on the input to the command, will update the necessary information in the device description specified, and will attempt to vary on the media library device description. Refer to the Storage Solutions topic in iSeries Information Center at for more information about configuring media library devices.

For a LAN-attached media library device, the information on the Library Manager console must also be updated. To determine the necessary information for the Library Manager, use the Display LAN Media Library (DSPLANMLB) command.

This command must be issued once for each media library device description that uses a communication interface.

User *PUBLIC will be given *USE authority to any objects that this command creates: controller, device, and so on. The objects that the CFGDEVMLB command creates will be named the same as the resource name specified on the command for ADPTTYPE(*RS232) and same as the remote location name for ADPTTYPE(*LAN). The owner of the objects will be the user profile of the user executing the command.




Keyword Description Choices Notes
DEV Library device Name Required, Positional 1
ADPTTYPE Adapter type *RS232, *LAN Optional, Positional 2
RSRCNAME Communication resource name Name Optional
PROTOCOL Protocol *APPC, *TCP Optional
LIND Line description Values (up to 2 repetitions): Name Optional
RMTLOCNAME Remote location Values (up to 2 repetitions): Character value Optional
ADPTADR LAN remote adapter address Values (up to 2 repetitions): 000000000001-FFFFFFFFFFFF Optional
ROBOTHOST Robot host Values (up to 2 repetitions): Character value Optional
LCLINTNETA Local internet address Character value Optional

Library device (DEV)

Specifies the media library device. The device description must exist on the system whether it was autoconfigured, or it was created with the Create Device Media Library (CRTDEVMLB) command.

This is a required parameter.

Specify the name of the media library device.

Adapter type (ADPTTYPE)

Specifies how the media library device is attached to the system.

Indicates that the media library device is attached with a RS-232 port.
Indicates that the media library device is attached with a token-ring or ethernet local area network line.

Communication resource name (RSRCNAME)

Specifies the resource name of the RS-232 port. Use the Work with Hardware Resources (WRKHDWRSC) command with TYPE(*CMN) to determine what resources exist on the system.

Note: This parameter is required when ADPTTYPE(*RS232) is specified.

Specify the resource name.

Protocol (PROTOCOL)

Specifies the communication protocol to use to communicate with the robot.

Note: This parameter is required when ADPTTYPE(*LAN) is specified.

Indicates the APPC protocol will be used to communicate with the robot.
Indicates the TCP/IP protocol will be used to communicate with the robot.

Line description (LIND)

Specifies the line description to which the media library device is attached. The line description must already exist on the system. Use the Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) command, with CFGTYPE(*LIN), to display a list of line descriptions that are configured on the system.

Note: This parameter is required when ADPTTYPE(*LAN) and PROTOCOL(*APPC) are specified. A maximum of 2 line descriptions can be specified.

Specify the name of line description.

Remote location (RMTLOCNAME)

Specifies the remote location name of the Library Manager to which the media library device will communicate.

This parameter information should be obtained from the Library Manager console. To determine the remote location name on the Library Manager, select COMMANDS from the action bar of the MAIN MENU. From the COMMANDS pull-down, select LM LAN Options, and then select LM LAN Information. The LM LAN Information panel will display the correct location name and network identifier for this media library device.

Note: This parameter is required when ADPTTYPE(*LAN) and PROTOCOL(*APPC) are specified. A maximum of 2 remote location names can be specified.

Specify the remote location nameusing the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc, where nnnnnnnn is the remote network identifier (ID) and cccccccc is the remote location name. If no network ID is specified, the network attributes are used to determine the default network ID.

LAN remote adapter address (ADPTADR)

Specifies the LAN adapter address of the remote controller from the Library Manager.

This parameter information should be obtained from the Library Manager console. To determine the adapter address on the Library Manager, select COMMANDS from the action bar of the MAIN MENU. From the COMMANDS pull-down, select LM LAN Options, and then select LM LAN Information. The LM LAN Information panel will display the correct adapter address for this media library device.

Note: This parameter is required when ADPTTYPE(*LAN) and PROTOCOL(*APPC) are specified. A maximum of 2 adapter addresses can be specified.

Specify the LAN adapter address.

Robot host (ROBOTHOST)

Specifies the TCP/IP host name or internet address of the robotic library manager.

Note: This parameter is required when ADPTTYPE(*LAN) and PROTOCOL(*TCP) are specified. A maximum of 2 robot host names or robot internet addresses can be specified.

Specify the name of the robotic library manager. You may enter the host name by entering the robot host name or the domain qualified robot host name. The domain qualified robot host name allows input of 255 bytes.
Specify the internet address of the TCP/IP interface.

The robot host internet address must be of the form ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd where ddd is a decimal number ranging from 0 to 255 and should not contain leading zeroes.


Local internet address (LCLINTNETA)

Specifies the local internet address of the interface that is connecting to the robot library manager. This is the interface the operating system will start when TCP/IP needs to be started to use the media tape library.

Note: This parameter may only be specified when ADPTTYPE(*LAN) and PROTOCOL(*TCP) are specified.

Specify the local internet address to be started.

The internet address must be of the form ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd where ddd is a decimal number ranging from 0 to 255 and should not contain leading zeroes.



Example 1: Configuring a RS232-attached Media Library Device


This command will create the necessary RS-232 communication line, controller, and device and change the necessary parameters in the media library device description. It will also attempt to vary on the media library device. The command does this in the following order:

If any of these commands is not successful, the CFGDEVMLB command will not be successful. Note that multiple media library device descriptions could have the same communication line. In this case, the line description, controller, and device will not be recreated, but the CHGDEVMLB and VRYCFG commands will still be used.

Example 2: Configuring a LAN-attached Media Library Device

            RMTLOCNAME(APPN.MLD01)  ADPTADR(0123456789AB)

This command will create the necessary LAN communication controller and device and change the necessary parameters in the media library device description. It will also attempt to vary on the media library device. Note that the line description must exist prior to using the CFGDEVMLB command. The command does this in the following order:

If any of these commands is not successful, the CFGDEVMLB command will not be successful. Note that multiple media library device descriptions could have the same communication line. In this case, the controller description, and device will not be recreated, but the CHGDEVMLB and VRYCFG commands will still be used.

Example 3: Configuring a LAN-attached Media Library Device with Two Remote Locations

            ADPTADR(0123456789AB 0123456789CD)

This command will create the necessary LAN communication controllers and devices and change the necessary parameters in the media library device description. It will also attempt to vary on the media library device. Note that the line description must exist prior to using the CFGDEVMLB command. The command does this in the following order:

If any of these commands is not successful, the CFGDEVMLB command will not be successful. Note that multiple media library device descriptions could have the same communication line. In this case, the controller description, and device will not be recreated, but the CHGDEVMLB and VRYCFG commands will still be used.

Example 4: Configuring a LAN-attached Media Library Device to Communicate Using TCP/IP


This command will change the robot information in the device description to the TCP/IP information provided. It will also attempt to vary on the media library device. Note that TCP/IP should be configured prior to using the CFGDEVMLB command. The command does this in the following order:

If any of these commands is not successful, the CFGDEVMLB command will not be successful.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

&1 special authority is required.
Command ended due to error.
Resource &1 not valid.
Device &1 not allowed.
Network ID &1 not in correct format.
Line description &2 wrong type.
Resource &1 not found.
Device &1 not a media library device.
Local area network information not valid.
Device &1 not found.
Not authorized to device &1.