Analyze Libraries using BRM (ANZLIBBRM)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Analyze Libraries using BRM (ANZLIBBRM) command prints an analysis of libraries that you have backed up as well as those that you did not back up. The size of the library and the number of objects is listed for each library.

Before you can run the ANZLIBBRM command you must have first run the Retrieve Disk Information (RTVDSKINF) command. The RTVDSKINF command creates the files required by ANZLIBBRM to analyze your libraries.

You can run the RTVDSKINF command by using Option 1 = Retrieve disk space information from the BRMS Backup Analysis panel (GO BRMBKUANL). If you have auxiliary storage pool devices on the system, you will need to run the RTVDSKINF command multiple times, once for each auxiliary storage pool device.

Note: The RTVDSKINF command requires you to be enrolled in system distribution directory. Use the Work with Directory Entries (WRKDIRE) command to create a distribution directory entry.

You only need run the ANZLIBBRM command once after the RTVDSKINF jobs have completed. The RTVDSKINF commands are submitted to the QBATCH job queue using a job name of RTVDSKINF. Monitor for the completion of all RTVDSKINF jobs in the QBATCH subsystem before running the ANZLIBBRM command.

The report produced by the ANZLIBRBM command is the Library Backup Analysis report. There will be multiple reports if you run the RTVDSKINF command for auxiliary storage pool devices in addition to the basic system report. The reports are written to printer file QP1ALA for the system and basic user auxiliary storage pools, and to printer file QP1ALAnnnnn for auxiliary storage pool devices, where nnnnn is the ASP identifier.

There are no parameters for this command.

The command uses the first device listed in the System Policy to determine the Transfer rate entry shown on the report. The transfer rate defaults to the device transfer rate as reported by the operating system. The transfer rate for a device can be changed using the Work with Devices using BRM (WRKDEVBRM) command, selecting option 2=Change from the Work with Devices panel, and changing the value of the Transfer rate per second prompt on the Change Tape Device display.

If BRMS cannot find the device specified in the System Policy, the transfer rate used in the report will be zero, the estimated times on the report will also be zero, and the following message will be printed at the bottom of the report.

Error: Device information entries do not exist or
default device not specified in the System Policy.

The command uses the Media Class listed in the System Policy to determine the Media capacity entry shown on the report. The media capacity defaults to a fixed value established by BRMS for that Media Class. The media capacity for a Media Class can be changed using the Work with Classes using BRM (WRKCLSBRM) command, selecting option 2=Change from the Work with Media Classes panel, and changing the value of the Media capacity prompt on the Change Media Class display.

If BRMS cannot find the Media Class specified in the System Policy, the Media capacity used in the report will be zero, the estimated volumes will also be zero, and the following message will be printed on the report.

Error: Default media class has not been established or
is not specified in the System Policy.

To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed.





Example 1: Analyse the Base System

1. Retrieve Disk Space Information

These commands retrieve the disk information for the system and basic user auxiliary storage pools. Analysis of the retrieved data generates report QP1ALA.

Example 2: Analyse Auxiliary Storage Pool PRIMETIME

1. Retrieve Disk Space Information

These commands retrieve the disk information for the auxiliary storage pool device which uses device description PRIMETIME and is configured as auxiliary storage pool 35. Analysis of the retrieved data generates report QP1ALA00035.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Feature not installed.
Feature not licensed.
Access denied for user &1.
BRMS product initialization required.
All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.