Process-Related APIs
The process-related APIs perform process-related or other general
operations. These APIs are C language functions that can be used in ILE C
The process-related APIs are:
- getopt() (Get flag letters from argument vector) returns the next flag letter in the argv list that matches a letter in optionstring.
- getpgrp() (Get process group ID) returns the process group ID of the calling process.
- getpid() (Get process ID) returns the process ID of the calling process.
- getppid() (Get process ID of parent process) returns the parent process ID of the calling process.
- getrlimit() (Get resource limit) returns the resource limit for the specifiedresource.
- pipe() (Create interprocess channel) creates a data pipe and places two file descriptors, one each into the arguments fildes[0] and fildes[1], that refer to the open file descriptions for the read and write ends of the pipe, respectively.
- QlgSpawn() (Spawn process (using NLS-enabled path name)) creates a child process that inherits specific attributes from the parent.
- QlgSpawnp() (Spawn process with path (using NLS-enabled file name)) creates a child process that inherits specific attributes from the parent.
- Qp0wChkChld() (Check status for child processes) returns the status and process table entry information for the child processes of the specified process ID.
- Qp0wChkPgrp() (Check status for process group) returns the status and process table entry information for the processes that are members of the process group identified by pid in the structure QP0W_PID_Entry_T.
- Qp0wChkPid() (Check status for process ID) returns the status and process table entry information for the process specified by the process ID pid.
- Qp0wGetJobID() (Get qualified job name and ID for process ID) returns the qualified job name and internal job identifier for the process whose process ID matches pid.
- Qp0wGetPgrp() (Get process group ID) returns the process group ID of the calling process.
- Qp0wGetPid() (Get process ID) returns the process ID of the calling process.
- Qp0wGetPidNoInit (Get process ID without initializing for signals) returns the process ID of the calling process without enabling the process to receive signals.
- Qp0wGetPPid() (Get process ID of parent process) returns the parent process ID of the calling process.
- Qp0zPipe() (Create interprocess channel with sockets) creates a data pipe that can be used by two processes.
- Qp0zSystem() (Run a CL command) spawns a new process, passes CLcommand to the CL command processor in the new process, and waits for the command to complete.
- setpgid() (Set process group ID for job control) is used to either join an existing process group or create a new process group within the session of the calling process.
- setrlimit() (Set resource limit) sets the resource limit for the specifiedresource.
- spawn() (Spawn process) creates a child process that inherits specific attributes from the parent.
- spawnp() (Spawn process with path) creates a child process that inherits specific attributes from the parent.
- ulimit() (Get and set process limits) provides a way to get and set process resource limits.
- wait() (Wait for child process to end) suspends processing until a child process has ended.
- waitpid() (Wait for specific child process) allows the calling thread to obtain status information for one of its child processes.
For additional information, see About shell scripts.