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<title>pwrite64()--Write to Descriptor with Offset (large file enabled)</title>
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<h2 id="HDRPWRITE64">pwrite64()--Write to Descriptor with Offset (large file

<div class="box" style="width: 70%;">

 #include &lt;unistd.h&gt;

 ssize_t pwrite64
   (int <em>file_descriptor</em>, const void <em>*buf</em>,
    size_t <em>nbyte</em>, off64_t <em>offset</em>);    

&nbsp;&nbsp;Service Program Name: QP0LLIB1<br>
<!-- iddvc RMBR -->
&nbsp;&nbsp;Default Public Authority: *USE<br>
<!-- iddvc RMBR -->
&nbsp;&nbsp;Threadsafe: Conditional; see <a href="#USAGE_NOTES">Usage Notes</a>.<br>
<!-- iddvc RMBR -->

<p>The <strong>pwrite64()</strong> function writes <em>nbyte</em> bytes from
<em>buf</em> to the file associated with <em>file_descriptor</em>. The <em>
offset</em> value defines the starting position in the file and the file
pointer position is not changed.</p>

<p>The <em>offset</em> will also be ignored if <em>file_descriptor</em> refers
to a descriptor obtained using the <strong>open()</strong> function with
O_APPEND specified.</p>

<p><strong>pwrite64()</strong> is enabled for large files. It is capable of
operating on files larger than 2GB minus 1 byte as long as the file has been
opened by either of the following:</p>

<li>Using the <strong>open64()</strong> function (see <a href="open64.htm">
open64()--Open File (large file enabled)</a>).</li>

<li>Using the <strong>open()</strong> function (see <a href="open.htm">
open()--Open File</a>) with O_LARGEFILE set in the oflag parameter.</li>

<p>For additional information about parameters, authorities, and error
conditions, see <a href="pwrite.htm">pwrite()--Write to Descriptor with

<h3><a name="usage_notes">Usage Notes</a></h3>

<ol type="1">
<li>When you develop in C-based languages, the prototypes for the 64-bit APIs
are normally hidden. To use the <strong>pwrite64</strong> API, you must compile
the source with the _LARGE_FILE_API macro defined.</li>

<li>All of the usage notes for <strong>pwrite()</strong> apply to <strong>
pwrite64()</strong>. See <em>Usage Notes</em> in the <strong>pwrite</strong>


<p>See <a href="../apiref/aboutapis.htm#codedisclaimer">Code disclaimer information</a>
for information pertaining to code examples.</p>

<p>The following example writes a specific number of bytes to a file:</p>

#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;
#include &lt;sys/types.h&gt;
#include &lt;sys/stat.h&gt;
#include &lt;fcntl.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;

#define mega_string_len 1000000

main() {
  char *mega_string;
  int  file_descriptor;
  int  ret;
  off64_t  off=5;
  char fn[]="write.file";

  if ((mega_string = (char*) malloc(mega_string_len+off)) == NULL)
    perror("malloc() error");
  else if ((file_descriptor = creat64(fn, S_IWUSR)) &lt; 0)
    perror("creat64() error");
  else {
    memset(mega_string, '0', mega_string_len);
    if ((ret = pwrite64(file_descriptor, mega_string, mega_string_len, off)) == -1)
      perror("pwrite64() error");
    else printf("pwrite64() wrote %d bytes at offset %d\n", ret, off);
    if (close(file_descriptor)!= 0)
       perror("close() error");
    if (unlink(fn)!= 0)
       perror("unlink() error");


pwrite64() wrote 1000000 bytes at offset 5

API introduced: V5R2 

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