General Miscellaneous APIs
The general miscellaneous APIs perform a variety of functions, including
removing bookmarks from a course, converting date and time, starting
pass-through, and retrieving data on a target system.
The general miscellaneous APIs are:
- Add Seed for Pseudorandom Number Generator (QC3ADDSD, Qc3AddPRNGSeed) allows the user to add seed into the server's pseudorandom number generator system seed digest.
- Check Communications Trace (QSCCHKCT) returns, in bytes, the maximum size configured for the communications trace tool.
- Control Device (QTACTLDV) provides a direct command interface to a device.
- Convert Date and Time Format (QWCCVTDT) allows you to convert date and time formats from one format to another format.
- Generate Pseudorandom Numbers (QC3ADDSD, Qc3GenPRNs) generates a pseudorandom binary stream.
- Remove All Bookmarks from a Course (QEARMVBM) allows you to remove the bookmarks from a Tutorial System Support course.
- Retrieve Data (QPARTVDA) retrieves up to 1KB of user data, which was passed to this system with the Start Pass-through (QPASTRPT) API.
- Start Pass-Through (QPASTRPT) starts a 5250 pass-through session and optionally passes up to 1KB of user data from the source system to the target system. This data can be accessed on the target system with the Retrieve Data (QPARTVDA) API.
Update Device Microcode (QTAUPDDV) provides an interface for updating device microcode from a code image stored in an Integrated File System (IFS) stream file. 
- WebFacing Environment (QqfEnvironment)
The exit program within the general miscellaneous APIs is:
- Device Selection provides an interface to control virtual device selection and automatic creation used by the system for connection requests from clients using virtual device support.