#define INCL_DOSERRORS #define INCL_DOSFILEMGR #include <os2.h> APIRET APIENTRY DosSetFileLocks64(HFILE FileHandle, PFILELOCK64 ppUnLockRange, PFILELOCK64 ppLockRange, ULONG ulTimeOut, ULONG ulFlags);Service Program Name: QP0LLIB1
The DosSetFileLocks64() function locks and unlocks a range of an open file. A non-zero range indicates that a lock or unlock request is being made.
The DosSetFileLocks64() treats the values specified in the PFILELOCK64 structure as unsigned.
The maximum offset that can be specified using DosSetFileLocks64() is the largest value that can be held in an 8-byte, unsigned integer, 264 - 1.
The maximum length that can be specified using DosSetFileLocks64() is the largest value that can be held in an 8-byte, unsigned integer, 264 - 1.
DosSetFileLocks64() is enabled for large files. It is capable of operating on files larger than 2GB minus 1 byte as long as the file has been opened by either of the following:
For details about parameters, authorities required, error conditions, and examples, see DosSetFileLocks()--Lock and Unlock a Byte Range of an Open File.
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