Allocate a statement handle (SQLAllocStmt) allocates a new statement handle and associates it with the connection specified by the connection handle.
Allocate connection handle (SQLAllocConnect) allocates a connection handle and associated resources within the environment identified by the input environment handle.
Connect to a data source (expanded) (SQLDriverConnect) establishes a connection to the target database, but SQLDriverConnect() uses a connection string to determine the data source name, user ID and password.
Copy description statement (SQLCopyDesc) copies the fields of the data structure associated with the source handle to the data structure associated with the target handle.
Describe column attributes (SQLDescribeCol) returns the result descriptor information (column name, type, precision) for the indicated column in the result set generated by a SELECT statement.
Determine if there are more result sets (SQLMoreResults) determines whether there is more information available on the statement handle which has been associated with a stored procedure that is returning result sets.
Fetch array of rows (SQLExtendedFetch) extends the function of SQLFetch() by returning a block of data containing multiple rows (called a rowset), in the form of an array, for each bound column.
Fetch from a scrollable cursor (SQLFetchScroll) positions the cursor based on the requested orientation, then retrieves any bound columns.
Fetch next row (SQLFetch) advances the cursor to the next row of the result set, and retrieves any bound columns.
Get cursor name (SQLGetCursorName) returns the cursor name associated with the input statement handle.
Get data from a column (SQLGetData) retrieves data for a single column in the current row of the result set.
Get data type information (SQLGetTypeInfo) returns information about the data types that are supported by the DBMSs associated with DB2 UDB CLI. The information is returned in an SQL result set.
Get functions (SQLGetFunctions) queries whether a specific function is supported.
Get general information (SQLGetInfo) returns general information, (including supported data conversions) about the DBMS that the application is currently connected to.
Get list of data sources (SQLDataSources) returns a list of target databases available, one at a time.
Get list of procedure names (SQLProcedures) returns a list of procedure names that have been registered at the server, and which match the specified search pattern.
Get native SQL text (SQLNativeSql) is used to show how DB2 UDB CLI interprets vendor escape clauses.
Get row count (SQLRowCount) returns the number of rows in a table affected by an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement executed against the table, or a view based on the table.
Passing data value for a parameter (SQLPutData) is called following an SQLParamData() call returning SQL_NEED_DATA to supply parameter data values.
Prepare a statement (SQLPrepare) associates an SQL statement with the input statement handle and sends the statement to the DBMS to be prepared.
Process the next result set (SQLNextResult) determines whether there is more information available on the statement handle which has been associated with a stored procedure that is returning result sets.
Retrieve error information (SQLError) returns the diagnostic information associated with the most recently called DB2 UDB CLI function for a particular statement, connection or environment handle.
Retrieve length of a string value (SQLGetLength) is used to retrieve the length of a large object value, referenced by a large object locator that has been returned from the server (as a result of a fetch, or an SQLGetSubString() call) during the current transaction.
Retrieve portion of a string value (SQLGetSubString) is used to retrieve a portion of a large object value, referenced by a large object locator that has been returned from the server (returned by a fetch or a previous SQLGetSubString() call) during the current transaction.
Return diagnostic information (concise) (SQLGetDiagRec) returns the diagnostic information associated with the most recently called DB2 UDB CLI function for a particular statement, connection or environment handle.
Return diagnostic information (extensible) (SQLGetDiagField) returns the diagnostic information associated with the most recently called DB2 UDB CLI function for a particular statement, connection or environment handle.
Return starting position of string (SQLGetPosition) is used to return the starting position of one string within a LOB value (the source).