iSeries™ Access
for Web provides support to tailor the product.
A list of tasks that can be performed is shown below.
- Preferences
- Preferences are used by iSeries Access for Web to control how functions operate.
For example, users can select which columns to display when viewing a printer
output list. By default, all users can configure their own preferences, but
by using a policy, an administrator can take away this ability. Preferences
are saved and associated with the user's iSeries user profile. See the Preferences
online help text for more information about this function.
- Policies
- Policies are used to control user and group access to iSeries Access
for Web functionality. For example, the Files access policy
can be set to Deny to restrict a user or group from accessing
the file function. Policies are saved and associated with the appropriate iSeries user
or group profile. See the Policies online help text for more information about
this function.
- Settings
- Settings are used for product configuration. For example, the Sametime® community
server used for sending Sametime announcements can be set. Settings are
saved and associated with the current instance of iSeries Access for Web. They are not
associated with an iSeries user or group profile.
Transfer configuration
- Transfer configuration is used to copy or move configuration data from
one user or group profile to another profile. Configuration data include 5250
session and macro definitions, saved commands, database requests, folder items,
and policy settings.
The Policies, Settings,
and Transfer configuration functions can only be accessed by iSeries Access
for Web administrators. An iSeries Access for Web administrator is an iSeries user
profile with *SECADM special authority or with iSeries Access for Web administrator
privileges. A user profile can be granted administrator privileges using
the customize function and setting the Grant administrator privileges policy
to Allow.