Find out how planning can help you minimize your downtime and make your upgrade as easy as possible.
Every upgrade is unique. You may be upgrading from one server to another. Or, you may be upgrading your i5/OS™ release. If you have hardware features that will not work on the target server, you must plan to replace or convert those features either before or during the upgrade. There are additional considerations for upgrading a partitioned server. It is important to consider that the time you spend planning for your upgrade will help minimize your downtime and make performing the upgrade easier.
You can view planning tasks or create a customized planning checklist using
the information available in the Planning topic of the Information Center. To use this information, you
need to know specific information about your order, such as model release,
features, and any additional solutions you have ordered. Return to this topic
when you have completed the planning tasks in the checklist for your environment.
You can also review a number of scenarios that describes a current environment and a target environment, and then explains how to upgrade from that current environment to the target environment.
When you have completed the tasks in your custom planning checklist, your next step is to perform the upgrade.
If you choose, iSeries™ Planning and Migration Services can help you in planning and upgrading to the latest iSeries models. This service includes a planning session to discuss customer requirements. For more information, select Migration on the Integrated Applications Services Web site.