Remote job entry (RJE) allows an i5/OS user to use zSeries® applications and data in combination with i5/OS functions. RJE is part of the IBM® Communications Utilities licensed program (5722-CM1), which runs on all iSeries servers with communications capabilities installed.
When using RJE, the iSeries server functions as a remote workstation that submits jobs to a zSeries server for processing under one or more of the following systems:
RJE can communicate with the host system using either of the following line protocols:
For BSC, multiple user-defined RJE subsystems can be used concurrently on different lines, each subsystem operating independently of the other. For SNA, multiple subsystems can share the same line.
A writer (printer or punch) output stream can be directed to one of the following:
Communications line protocols for RJE
A communications line physically connects an iSeries server to the host. It can be a remote link operating over a long distance or a cable connecting them on a local area network. The protocol used depends on whether you are in an SNA or a BSC environment.
The physical interfaces supported by RJE follow.
SDLC X.25 Token-ring network BSC V.35 Yes No No Yes X.21bisV.35 Yes Yes No Yes RS232/V.24 Yes Yes No Yes X.21bisV.24 Yes Yes No Yes X.21 Yes Yes No No Medium Access Control (MAC) IEEE 802.5 / ISO 8802-5 No No Yes No
For more information, see Remote Job Entry (RJE)