Condensed printing
When specifying condensed printing on DBCS printers (by specifying IGCCPI(*CONDENSED)
on the CRTPRTF, CHGPRTF, or OVRPRTF command), consider the following:
- Specify the page width in alphanumeric print positions with the CPI parameter.
Although the record to be printed can contain 88 double-byte characters (which
would use 176 print positions in normal printing) and the page width is 132
print positions, the double-byte data should print properly in condensed mode.
- For program-described printer files, data might not be printed in the
proper position on the page. The system does not perform boundary alignment
for alphanumeric data in printed records. When double-byte and alphanumeric
data are printed on the same line, the printer begins printing alphanumeric
data in the first space following the double-byte data. As a result, characters
might not be printed on the proper position on the page.
- For DDS files, the printer begins printing alphanumeric data in the first
position following the double-byte data, when double-byte and alphanumeric
characters are mixed in a field defined with data type O (double-byte-capable).
As a result, data might not be printed on the proper position on the page.
This situation does not arise when the field contains only double-byte data
or when alphanumeric data is printed in a field defined with an alphanumeric
data type.