The journal object limit (JRNOBJLMT) parameter allows you to set the maximum number of objects that will be allowed to be journaled to the journal.
The journaled object limit is the maximum number of objects
that can be journaled to one journal. You can set the journal object limit
to either 250,000 or 10,000,000. Use the Journal Object Limit (JRNOBJLMT)
parameter on the Create Journal (CRTJRN) or Change Journal (CHGJRN) command
to set the maximum number of journaled objects.
The value *MAX10M can only be specified for the Journal Object
Limit (JRNOBJLMT) parameter if the Receiver Size Option (RCVSIZOPT) parameter
has one of the receiver maximum values specified, or if RCVSIZOPT is *SYSDFT.
Some factors to consider in determining the journal object limit are:
The maximum number of objects that can be journaled to one journal is 250,000. This is the default value.
The maximum number of objects that can be journaled to a single journal is 10,000,000. A journal employing this attribute cannot be saved and restored to any releases prior to V5R4 nor can it be replicated to any remote journals on any systems prior to V5R4.
If the number of currently journaled objects is greater than
the maximum number of journaled objects, a start journal request will fail.