Use the Display Journal (DSPJRN) command to display journal entries. The entries are displayed at a work station, printed, or written to an output file. You cannot directly access the journal entries in the form in which they are contained in the journal receivers.
The Journal entry information finder describes each type of journal entry and the information that it contains. It also provides links for topics that provide the layouts for the fixed-length portion and the variable-length portion of the journal entry. See the Display Journal (DSPJRN) Command Description for complete layouts for the model database output files that are provided by the system.
Often, to prepare for a recovery, you display or print the journal entries first. The Journal code descriptions provides a description of each code. Use this list to help you analyze the journal entries and to do the following:
The DSPJRN command can either selectively
list journal entries for a particular object or list entries for all objects
within a particular library or directory subtree. You can further identify
journal entries by specifying other selection criteria such as:
The online help describes all the parameters for the DSPJRN command. To view the help, type DSPJRN on a command line and press F1.
You can display entries that have specific journal codes, such as all file-member-level entries (F), all record-level entries (R), or all security entries (T). You specify journal codes in paired values. The first value in the pair is the journal code. The second value indicates whether the object selections you have specified apply when deciding to display entries with the journal code.
Following is an example:
In this example, entries for the FILEA file with journal codes F and R are displayed if the entries meet all other selection criteria, such as date and time. Entries with journal code U are displayed regardless of whether they are for file FILEA, because ignore file selection (*IGNFLSLT) is specified for journal code U. Entries with journal code U must meet all other selection criteria, such as date and time, to be displayed.
There are several ways to specify output for journal entries: