Journal receivers can quickly use a lot of auxiliary storage space. Therefore an important journal management task is to delete journal receivers after you no longer need them.
When you are determining whether to delete a journal receiver, consider the following:
Do not delete a journal receiver that has not been saved if you need that journal for recovery. Any journal receiver that you need to perform an apply or remove journaled changes operation is needed for recovery.
To determine if a journal receiver has been saved, in iSeries™ Navigator, right-click the journal receiver, and select Properties. If the Saved field shows no date, then you have not saved the journal receiver.
If you have saved the journal receiver, but the journaled objects are not saved, then you still need that journal receiver for recovery. If you have space on your system, wait to delete journal receivers until it is unlikely that you need them for a recovery. (You saved the journaled object). Restoring journal receivers before applying or removing journaled changes may significantly increase your recovery time.
Although it is not recommended, the system does not prevent you from deleting a receiver you detached and is not saved or that is required to provide adequate recovery. If you try to delete a journal receiver that was once attached but has not been saved, the system issues an inquiry message. You can then continue or cancel the delete operation. You can use the system reply list to specify the reply the system is to send for this inquiry message (rather than explicitly responding to each inquiry message).
If you are journaling only for access path protection
or commitment control, most likely you do not need the journal receivers to
recover journaled changes. You do not need to save these journal receivers
before deleting them.
To make your journaling tasks easier, you can even automate the deletion of these journal receivers by specifying the following:
When you specify automatic deletion of journal receivers,
the system does not send a message when it deletes a journal receiver. By
specifying automatic deletion for journal receivers, you indicate that you
do not need the journal receivers for user recovery.
To ensure logical recovery, the system does not allow you to delete a journal receiver from the middle of the receiver chain unless one of the following conditions exists:
However, if a journal receiver is damaged, you can delete
it from the middle of the chain. If an attached journal receiver is damaged,
you must perform a change journal operation to detach the damaged receiver
before you can delete it.
The rules for deleting journal receivers are as follows:
You can also use the Delete Journal Receiver (DLTJRNRCV) command to delete journal receivers. If you use the DLTJRNRCV command, an exit point is available to use with an exit program to help automate journal receiver deletion.
One example of using this exit point is a situation where your application is using the data in the journal receiver. The application is dependent on the journal receiver being present until your application processing is complete. By registering an exit program with the QIBM_QJO_DLT_JRNRCV exit point, the program will be called every time a journal receiver is deleted from the system. If your program determines that your application is not yet done with the receiver, it can indicate that the journal receiver is not eligible for deletion.
If you must delete the receiver regardless of what an exit program indicates, you can specify *IGNEXITPGM for the DLTOPT parameter on the DLTJRNRCV command. This parameter value requests that any user exit programs that are registered for QIBM_QJO_DLT_JRNRCV exit point be ignored.
You can also use the following values for the DLTOPT parameter: