This field-level keyword prints the current system time as a constant field 6 bytes long.
You can specify the location of the field, or name
the field with the special name *NONE if the POSITION (Position) keyword is
used in the record to specify the location of the fields. Also, you can specify
the TIME keyword, and optionally, you can specify the EDTCDE, EDTWRD, COLOR,
HIGHLIGHT, CHRSIZ, FONT, UNDERLINE, or TEXT keyword. Positions 17 through
38 must be blank.
This keyword has no parameters.
The edit word '0_:__:__' (_ represents a blank) is assumed for a TIME field. You can specify another edit word or one of the user-defined edit codes (5 through 9) to change the IBM-supplied editing.
Option indicators are not valid for this keyword, although you can use option indicators to condition the field specified.
The following example shows how to specify the TIME keyword.
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 00010A 20 1 56TIME 00020A 21 1 56TIME A EDTWRD('0 &HRS&; &MINS&; &SECS') A
If the system time is 110645, the time prints as follows:
11 HRS 06 MINS 45 SECS