There are two types of SQL descriptor areas.
One is defined with the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement. The other is defined
using the SQL descriptor area (SQLDA) structure. In this topic, only the SQLDA
form is discussed.
The following statements can use an SQLDA:
Unlike the SQLCA, more than one SQLDA can be in the program, and an SQLDA can have any valid name. The following list includes the statements that require a SQLDA. You can code an SQLDA in a C or C++ program either directly or by using the SQL INCLUDE statement. Using the SQL INCLUDE statement requests the inclusion of a standard SQLDA declaration:
A standard declaration includes only a structure definition with the name 'sqlda'.
C and C++ declarations that are included for the SQLDA are:
#ifndef SQLDASIZE struct sqlda { unsigned char sqldaid[8]; long sqldabc; short sqln; short sqld; struct sqlvar { short sqltype; short sqllen; unsigned char *sqldata; short *sqlind; struct sqlname { short length; unsigned char data[30]; } sqlname; } sqlvar[1]; }; #define SQLDASIZE(n) (sizeof(struct sqlda) + (n-1)* sizeof(struct sqlvar)) #endif
One benefit from using the INCLUDE SQLDA SQL statement is that you also get the following macro definition:
#define SQLDASIZE(n) (sizeof(struct sqlda) + (n-1)* sizeof(struc sqlvar))
This macro makes it easy to allocate storage for an SQLDA with a specified number of SQLVAR elements. In the following example, the SQLDASIZE macro is used to allocate storage for an SQLDA with 20 SQLVAR elements.
#include <stdlib.h> EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLDA; struct sqlda *mydaptr; short numvars = 20; . . mydaptr = (struct sqlda *) malloc(SQLDASIZE(numvars)); mydaptr->sqln = 20;
Here are other macro definitions that are included with the INCLUDE SQLDA statement:
When you have declared an SQLDA as a pointer, you must reference it exactly as declared when you use it in an SQL statement, just as you would for a host variable that was declared as a pointer. To avoid compiler errors, the type of the value that is assigned to the sqldata field of the SQLDA must be a pointer of unsigned character. This helps avoid compiler errors. The type casting is only necessary for the EXECUTE, OPEN, CALL, and FETCH statements where the application program is passing the address of the host variables in the program. For example, if you declared a pointer to an SQLDA called mydaptr, you would use it in a PREPARE statement as:
EXEC SQL PREPARE mysname INTO :*mydaptr FROM :mysqlstring;
SQLDA declarations can appear wherever a structure definition is allowed. Normal C scope rules apply.
Dynamic SQL is an advanced programming technique. With dynamic SQL, your program can develop and then run SQL statements while the program is running. A SELECT statement with a variable SELECT list (that is a list of the data to be returned as part of the query) that runs dynamically requires an SQL descriptor area (SQLDA). This is because you will not know in advance how many or what type of variables to allocate in order to receive the results of the SELECT.