You can create DES and PKA keys and store them in a DES key store.
You can use your Cryptographic Coprocessor to create two types of cryptographic
- Data Encryption Standard (DES) keys base their content on a symmetric
algorithm. This means that cryptography uses the same key value to encrypt
and decrypt data. Use DES keys to encrypting or decrypting files, working
with PINS, and managing keys.
To create DES keys with your Cryptographic
Coprocessor, write a program.
- Public key algorithm (PKA) keys base their content on an asymmetric algorithm,
meaning that cryptography uses different keys for encryption and decryption.
Use PKA keys for signing files with digital signatures and for managing keys.
create PKA keys with your Cryptographic Coprocessor, write a program.
Note: If you choose to use the program examples provided, change them to suit
your specific needs. For security reasons, IBM® recommends that you individualize these
program examples rather than using the default values provided.
Store your DES and PKA keys in the key store file you created for them
using a key store file.You can also store PKA keys in your Cryptographic Coprocessor.
See the information at
for more information on storing your keys in the hardware.