Access interface definition files for all iSeries™ Access for Windows® C/C++ API groups in the iSeries Access for Windows Programmer's Toolkit.
For each iSeries Access for Windows C/C++ API group, the table below provides:
To find this iSeries Access for Windows programming API group header file: | Select this Programmer's Toolkit topic: |
Administration | Client Information |
Data transformation | Data Manipulation |
National language support | |
LDAP | Directory |
Serviceability | Error Handling |
AS/400® Object | AS/400 Operations |
System Object Access |
The import libraries that are shipped with the Programmer'sToolkit were built with the Microsoft® Visual C++ compiler. As a result, they are in the Common Object File Format (COFF). Some compilers, such as Borland's C compiler, do not support COFF. To access the iSeries Access for Windows C/C++ APIs from these compilers, you must create Object Model Format (OMF) import libraries by using the IMPLIB tool. For example:
implib cwbdq.lib %windir%\system32\cwbdq.dll
API group | Header file | Import library | DLL |
Administration | cwbad.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbad.dll |
Communications and Security | cwbcosys.h |
cwbapi.lib | cwbco.dll |
Data Queues | cwbdq.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbdq.dll |
Data transformation | cwbdt.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbdt.dll |
Directory Update | cwbup.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbup.dll |
Emulation (Standard HLLAPI interface) | hapi_c.h | pscal32.lib | pcshll.dll |
Emulation (Enhanced HLLAPI interface) | ehlapi32.h | ehlapi32.lib | ehlapi32.dll |
Emulation (Windows EHLLAPI interface) | whllapi.h | whllapi.lib | whllapi.dll |
whlapi32.lib | whllapi32.dll | ||
Emulation (HACL interface) | eclall.hpp | pcseclva.lib | pcseclva.dll |
pcseclvc.lib | pcseclvc.dll | ||
Emulation (PCSAPI interface) | pcsapi.h | pcscal32.lib | pcsapi.dll |
National language
support (General NLS) |
cwbnl.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbnl.dll |
National language
support (Conversion NLS) |
cwbnlcnv.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbnl1.dll |
National language
support (Dialog-box NLS) |
cwbnldlg.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbnldlg.dll |
iSeries objects | cwbobj.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbobj.dll |
ODBC | sql.h |
odbc32.lib | odbc32.dll |
APIs (Optimized SQL) Note: Choose this link for important information
regarding these APIs.
cwbdb.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbdb.dll |
OLE DB Provider | ad400.h |
cwbzzodb.dll See the OLE
DB Section of the Microsoft Universal Data Access Web Site |
Remote Command/Distributed Program Call | cwbrc.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbrc.dll |
Serviceability | cwbsv.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbsv.dll |
System Object Access | cwbsoapi.h | cwbapi.lib | cwbsoapi.dll |