Performance data files: QAPMDPS
Field Name
INTNUMInterval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.PD (5,0)
DTETIMInterval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the
sample interval.C (12)
INTSECElapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample
interval.PD (7,0)
DTECENCentury digit. 0 indicates 19xx, and 1 indicates 20xx.C (1)
DPTYPEClient type. The type of client that is registered to data port services: - 1 -- Remote independent ASP mirroring.
B (4,0)
DPNAMEClient name. The name of the client registered to data port services.
This name is unique for a particular client type but might not be unique across
all client types. This name is defined as follows by client type: - 1 -- ASP resource name of remotely mirrored primary independent ASP.
C (10)
DPIPVIP version. This field defines the IP version (4 or 6) for the target
IP address.B (4,0)
DPIPADTarget IP address. The IP address of the target system. This record
reports statistics for the client's communication on the connection associated
with this IP address. An IP version 4 address, which is 4 bytes wide, is right-justified
and padded with zeroes.H (16)
DPIPASTarget IP address status. The valid value for this field
is 1 or 0. The value of this field is 1 if the target IP address is
currently being used for messaging; otherwise, it is 0.C (1)
DPNIDTarget node ID. The node ID of the target system in the cluster.C (8)
DPDTA1Client data 1. Optional data provided by the client. This data is defined
as follows by client type: - 1 -- ASP number of remotely mirrored primary independent ASP.
B (9,0)
DPDTA2Client data 2. Optional data provided by the client. This data is defined
as follows by client type:
B (9,0)
DPDTA3Client data 3. Optional data provided by the client. This data is defined
as follows by client type:
C (10)
DPDTA4Client data 4. Optional data provided by the client. This data is defined
as follows by client type:
C (40)
DPASYNAsynchronous mode. The valid value for this field is
1 or 0. The value of this field is 1 for asynchronous mode; otherwise,
this field is 0 for synchronous mode. For asynchronous mode, the client sends
a message and receives an ACK back when the message is received but before
it is processed by the remote client. For synchronous mode, the client sends
a message and receives an ACK back after the message is received and processed
by the remote client.C (1)
DPMSMessages sent. The number of messages sent by the client. This value
is incremented when the client requests a send; it does not depend on whether
the send is successful.B (18,0)
DPASAcknowledgments sent. The number of acknowledgments (ACKs) sent by
the client.B (18,0)
DPNSNegative acknowledgments sent. The number of negative acknowledgments
(NACKs) sent by the client.B (18,0)
DPMRMessages received. The number of messages received by the client.B (18,0)
DPARAcknowledgments received. The number of acknowledgments (ACKs) received
by the client.B (18,0)
DPNRNegative acknowledgments received. The number of negative acknowledgments
(NACKs) received by the client.B (18,0)
DPMROMessages retried once. The number of client messages retried only once.
The messages counted are those associated with a data port services initiated
retry and not a TCP-initiated retry.B (18,0)
DPMRMMessages retried more than once. The number of client messages retried
more than once. The messages counted are those associated with data port services
initiated retries and not TCP-initiated retries. If a message is retried two
or more times, then this value is incremented by 1.B (18,0)
DPTMRTotal message retries. The total number of client message retries.
The retries counted are data port services initiated retries and not TCP-initiated
retries. If a message is retried n times, then this value is incremented
by n.B (18,0)
DPMRRMessages rerouted to alternate address. The number of messages rerouted
to an alternate IP address because the attempt to transmit the message timed
out too many times.B (18,0)
DPMNAMessages not acknowledged. The number of client messages sent that
did not receive an ACK or NACK in response.B (18,0)
DPMBRMessage bytes received. The number of bytes associated with messages
received by the client. This does not include bytes associated with retries
or ACK and NACK responses.B (18,0)
DPMBSMessage bytes sent. The number of bytes associated with messages sent
by the client. This does not include bytes associated with retries or ACK
and NACK responses. This value is incremented when the client requests a send;
it does not depend on whether the send is successful.B (18,0)
DPSMSSmall messages sent. Number of messages of size less than or equal
to 4K sent by the client.B (18,0)
DPMMSMedium messages sent. Number of messages of size greater than 4K but
less than or equal to 64K sent by the client.B (18,0)
DPLMSLarge messages sent. Number of messages of size greater than 64K sent
by the client.B (18,0)
DPSRTTSmoothed round trip time in microseconds. Current estimate of the average
round trip time up to the time the data was collected (see DTETIM field).
This estimate is maintained by data port services. The round trip time is
the time it takes for a client message to be sent and acknowledged successfully.B (18,0)
DPTRTTTotal round trip time in microseconds. The sum of all of the round
trip times. The round trip time is the time it takes for a client message
to be sent and acknowledged successfully. Divide this value by round trips
to get the average round trip time.B (18,0)
DPRTRound trips. The number of round trips. Divide total round trip time
by this value to get average round trip time.B (18,0)