This table shows the language identifiers and the job default CCSID (DFTCCSID) values associated with those identifiers.
If the QTQ_DEFAULT_CCSID system level environment variable is not defined, then the defaults act as indicated in the following table.
If the QTQ_DEFAULT_CCSID system level environment variable is defined, then it consists of pairs of valid language ID and single byte or mixed byte EBCDIC CCSID values. You can use this environment variable to change to the Euro value. If this value is not properly defined, the system issues an informational message and uses the value in the following table.
For example, the following command specifies that you want
the default CCSID to be 500 for the ENU and ENP language identifiers:
00500 ENP 00500') LEVEL(*SYS)
You should be careful to ensure that this environment is
set to a valid value. If this value is not set correctly, you might not be
able to log in to the server. Before you change this value, you might consider
having two signed-on sessions. Then, you can test your change on one of the
sessions and make changes on the other if needed.
The Job default coded character set identifier topic includes
information about the QTQ_DEFAULT_CCSID system-level environment variable
and how it is used to find the default value.
Language identifier | Single-byte CCSID | Mixed-byte CCSID | Language |
AFR | 00037 | None | Afrikaans |
ARA | 00420 | None | Arabic |
BEL | 01025 | None | Byelorussian |
BGR | 01025 | None | Bulgarian |
CAT | 00284 | None | Catalan |
CHS | 00836 | 00935 | Simplified Chinese |
CHT | 00037 | 00937 | Traditional Chinese |
CSY | 00870 | None | Czech |
DAN | 00277 | None | Danish |
DES | 00500 | None | Swiss German |
DEU | 00273 (1141 with Euro) | None | German |
ELL | 00875 (4971 with Euro) | None | Greek |
ENA | 00037 | None | Australian English |
ENG | 00285 | None | United Kingdom English |
ENP | 00037 | None | Uppercase English |
ENU | 00037 | None | United States English |
ESP | 00284 (1145 with Euro) | None | Spanish |
FAR | 01097 | None | Farsi |
FIN | 00278 (1143 with Euro) | None | Finnish |
FRA | 00297 (1147 with Euro) | None | French |
FRB | 00500 (1148 with Euro) | None | Belgian French |
FRC | 00500 | None | Canadian French |
FRS | 00500 | None | Swiss French |
GAE | 00285 (1146 with Euro) | None | Irish Gaelic |
HEB | 00424 | None | Hebrew |
HRV | 00870 | None | Croatian |
HUN | 00870 | None | Hungarian |
ISL | 00871 (1149 with Euro) | None | Icelandic |
ITA | 00280 (1144 with Euro) | None | Italian |
ITS | 00500 | None | Swiss Italian |
JPN | 00290 | 05026 | Japanese Katakana The mixed value for DFTCCSID is 05026 when the job CCSID is 65535. In order for the DFTCCSID to be 05035, the job CCSID must be 05035. |
KOR | 00833 | 00933 | Korean |
MKD | 01025 | None | Macedonian |
NLB | 00500 (1148 with Euro) | None | Belgian Dutch |
NLD | 00037 (1140 with Euro) | None | Dutch |
NON | 00277 | None | Norwegian Nynorsk |
NOR | 00277 | None | Norwegian Bokmal |
PLK | 00870 | None | Polish |
PTB | 00037 | None | Brazilian Portuguese |
PTG | 00037 (1140 with Euro) | None | Portuguese |
ROM | 00870 | None | Romanian |
RUS | 01025 | None | Russian |
SKY | 00870 | None | Slovakian |
SLO | 00870 | None | Slovenian |
SQI | 00500 | None | Albanian |
SRB | 01025 | None | Serbian Cyrillic |
SRL | 00870 | None | Serbian Latin |
SVE | 00278 | None | Swedish |
THA | 00838 | None | Thai |
TRK | 01026 | None | Turkish |