Submit Change Request (SBMCRQ)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Submit Change Request (SBMCRQ) command submits a change request to be run.


You must have *USE authority to the change request description object the submitted change request is based on.


The following notes provide information on how the command works.

  1. If the USRPRF attribute of the change request description specified is *SBM, this submitted change request runs under the profile that is running the SBMCRQ command. If the USRPRF attribute of the change request description is *OWNER, this submitted change request runs under the user profile of the owner of the change request description. For more information on the user profile attribute, see the USRPRF parameter of the Create Change Request Description (CRTCRQD) command and of the Change Request Description (CHGCRQD) command in the CL topic in the iSeries Information Center at
  2. If a node list object is referred in the change request and the node list changes after the change request submission, the submitted change request is not effected. If the change request description of the submitted change request is deleted after the submission is complete, the submitted change request is not effected.
  3. If the System Manager licensed program is not active, an information message is sent to the user of the SBMCRQ command. The message indicates that the submitted change request is not processed until the System Manager licensed program starts.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
CRQD Change request description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1
Qualifier 1: Change request description Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
CRQ Change request Element list Optional
Element 1: Name Name, *CRQD
Element 2: Sequence number 1-999999, *GEN

Change request description (CRQD)

Specifies the qualified name of the change request description object.

The possible library values are:

Locates the change request description in the library list of the current job.
Locates the change request description in the current library. If no library is specified as the job's current library, the QGPL library is used.
Search only the library specified in this parameter.

The possible change request description name value is:

Specify the name of the change request description on which the change request to submit is based.

Change request (CRQ)

Specifies the change request name and the sequence number of the submitted change request. The sequence number is a 6-digit number that uniquely defines the change request.

The possible values are:

Use the same name as the change request description specified.
Specify the name of the change request to submit.

The possible values are:

Generates a sequence number. The initial sequence number is 000010. Subsequent sequence numbers are generated in increments of ten. If the sequence number generated is already in use, the next increment of ten is used.
Specify the sequence number. The valid values range from 1 to 999999.


Example 1: Submitting a Change Request


This command submits a change request based on the change request description CHG222 in MYLIB. The change request name submitted is CHG222 with a sequence number of 123.

Example 2: Submitting a Change Request


This command shows how to submit change request CRQ0001 with sequence number 00010 if it is not already being used. The submitted change request is based on change request description CHG999 in the current library.


Error messages

