Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No |
Parameters Examples Error messages |
The Reclaim Document Library Object (RCLDLO) command allows you to reclaim:
When using the RCLDLO command to reclaim all document library objects, the objects are synchronized with the search details index and the text search index. The synchronization with the text search index is complete when all the requests to update the text search index generated using the RCLDLO command have been processed.
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Keyword | Description | Choices | Notes |
DLO | Document library object | Character value, *SYSOBJNAM, *INT, *ALL, *FLR, *DOCDTL | Required, Positional 1 |
FLR | In folder | Character value, *NONE | Optional, Positional 2 |
SYSOBJNAM | System object name | Name | Optional |
SYSOBJATR | System object attributes | *NONE, *INTDOC, *DST | Optional |
ASP | Auxiliary storage pool ID | 1-32, *ANY | Optional |
OUTFILE | File to receive output | Qualified object name | Optional |
Qualifier 1: File to receive output | Name, *NONE | ||
Qualifier 2: Library | Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB | ||
OUTMBR | Output member options | Element list | Optional |
Element 1: Member to receive output | Name, *FIRST | ||
Element 2: Replace or add records | *REPLACE, *ADD |
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Specifies the name of object to reclaim.
This is a required parameter.
Note: The internal document library system objects are used to manage the documents and folders on the system. RCLDLO DLO(*INT) is only necessary if the internal objects become damaged. If the internal objects are damaged, attempts to access documents and folders will result in the message CPF8A46 (Internal system objects are damaged), possibly followed by the message CPF9032 (Document interchange session not started),
Note: The RCLDLO DLO(*DOCDTL) command can be a long-running function, performing a subset of the RCLDLO DLO(*ALL) processing necessary to guarantee consistency between internal system objects, document details, and DLOs.
Note: The RCLDLO DLO(*ALL) command can be a long-running function, depending on the number of documents and folders on the system. If the RCLDLO command can be issued at the user's discretion, the user may wish to avoid the operation until the time required can be scheduled.
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Specifies the folder containing the folder or document to reclaim, or specifies the folder to reclaim along with all documents and folders directly or indirectly within it. A folder name is entered on this parameter only if a folder or document name or *FLR is entered on the Document library object (DLO) parameter.
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Specifies the system object name of the object to reclaim. A system object name must be entered on this parameter if *SYSOBJNAM is specified on the Document library object (DLO) parameter.
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Specifies the attributes of the object to reclaim. A value other than *NONE may be entered on this parameter only if *SYSOBJNAM is specified on the Document library object (DLO) parameter.
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Specifies the identifier (ID) of the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) of the document library object to be reclaimed. A value other than *ANY can be specified on this parameter only if *ALL or *DOCDTL is specified on the DLO parameter.
Note: Unfiled distribution documents are classified as document library objects in the system ASP.
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Specifies the name of the database file to which special output is directed. If the output file does not exist, this command creates a database file in the specified library. If the file is created by this function, the descriptive text is "OUTFILE created by RCLDLO" and the authority for users without specific authority to the file is *EXCLUDE. A value other than *NONE can be specified on this parameter only if *ALL or *DOCDTL is specified on the DLO parameter.
The output directed to this file includes the names of any documents that are physically damaged (and therefore unusable) or documents or folders that were missing from the system (and for which the document details have been removed). This file is intended to provide the user with a record of what was lost (such as a user ASP) when recovering from hardware failure.
Qualifier 1: File to receive output
Qualifier 2: Library
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Specifies the name of the database file member that receives the output of the command.
Element 1: Member to receive output
Element 2: Replace or add records
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Example 1: Reclaiming a Folder
This command reclaims folder FLR1.
Example 2: Reclaiming a Document Within a Folder
This command reclaims folder or document A in folder FLR2.
Example 3: Reclaiming a Folder and All Documents and Folders Within It
This command reclaims folder FLR3 and all folders and documents directly or indirectly contained within it.
Example 4: Reclaiming an Internal Document
This command reclaims the internal document specified by the system object name AMBT133080.
Example 5: Reclaiming a Distribution Document
This command reclaims the distribution document specified by the system object name AMBT133082.
Example 6: Reclaiming Document Library System Objects
This command reclaims internal document library system objects.
Example 7: Reclaiming Document Library System Objects and Document Details
This command reclaims internal document library system objects and document details for all folders and documents.
Example 8: Reclaiming Document Library System Objects and All Documents and Folders
This command reclaims internal document library system objects and all documents and folders and synchronizes their document details.
Example 9: Reclaiming Document Library System Objects and All Documents and Folders in an ASP
This command reclaims internal document library system objects and all documents and folders residing in ASP 2 and synchronizes their document details.
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*ESCAPE Messages
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