Installing the PTFs required for Linux integration support

This topic discusses the required PTFs for installing integrated Linux® support.

Before you attempt to install Linux integration support on an Integrated xSeries® Server or Integrated xSeries Adapter server, you should ensure that all the PTFs listed on the following Web site are installed on your iSeries™ server: Link outside information center

Most problems that arise during and after installation are due to the fact that required PTFs have not been installed.

PTFs fall into two categories:

Cumulative PTFs

Cumulative PTF packages contain code updates for most of the iSeries Licensed Program Products including 5722-SS1 option 29 and 5722-LSV, which contain the Linux integration support code. They are made available on a regular basis. As the name implies, they are cumulative in that each package contains all PTFs supplied with previous packages for a particular i5/OS™ release. Group PTFs are very similar to cumulative PTFs, but only contain PTFs for a particular program product or set of related products.

You should order the latest cumulative package well in advance so that you can install it at least a week before you plan to install Linux.

To determine the latest cumulative PTF level installed on your iSeries, complete the following steps:

Type DSPPTF LICPGM(5722999), the Display PTF command. This command displays a list of PTFs for the i5/OS Systems Licensed Internal Code (SLIC). The cumulative PTF package numbers are at the top.

The top-most number (for example, TL03364) is the most current CUM, and 03364 is the date of release of the package, that is, day 364 of 2003 in the example.

Take note of the Status and IPL Action. The Status should be either Temporarily applied or Permanently applied. If the IPL Action is shown as anything other than None, enter 5 next to the PTF to determine if an IPL of the i5/OS partition or some other action is required. Note that cumulative PTFs require a restart (IPL) of the i5/OS partition.

You can determine how far behind you are with your cumulative updates by comparing the TLxxxxx number with the latest CUM listed on the following Web site: Link outside information center

Individual PTFs

There might be PTFs available specifically for the iSeries Linux integration environment that have not yet been included in a cumulative PTF package. Linux integration support code fixes can be included in PTFs for iSeries Licensed Program products including:

  • 5722-999: System Licensed Internal Code
  • 5722-SS1: i5/OS
  • 5722-LSV: IBM i5/OS Integration for Linux on xSeries

A list of all available PTFs not included in the latest cumulative PTF package can be found on the integrated xSeries solutions Web site at: Link outside information center

You must install all individual PTFs listed for your release that are listed on this Web site. To determine if the listed PTFs are already installed on your system, use one of the following commands:

MFxxxxx PTFs often require a restart (IPL) of the hosting i5/OS partition, while SIxxxxx PTFs rarely do. If you need assistance applying PTFs, go to the Information Center at the following Web site:

Install fixes Link outside information center

Updates to the integration code running on Linux are called service packs, and are provided in the form of PTFs to 5722-LSV. A Linux utility is used to download the integration service pack to the Linux server.

Note: Do not confuse iSeries integration service packs with service packages for the Linux distributions. The integration service packs only address issues in the i5/OS Linux support code, whereas distribution service packs address issues in Linux.