AFP reference information

This topic contains additional reference materials related to Advanced Function Presentation™ (AFP™) printing.

Form definitions included with the server
This topic lists the form definitions that are included with the iSeries server.

Page definitions included with the server
This topic lists the page definitions that are included with the iSeries server.

CL commands for PSF configuration objects
This topic describes the commands to use to create, change, display, and delete a PSF configuration object.

CL commands for device descriptions
This topic describes how to create and change a printer device description.

Purchase fonts
This topic describes the IBM® font products.

TrueType fonts on OS/400 V5R2
This topic describes how to use TrueType fonts on V5R2 operating systems.

S/390 parameters and corresponding i5/OS printer file parameters
This topic provides a table relating zSeries® printer parameters and VM commands to i5/OS™ printer file parameters, along with a description of the parameter.

ANSI carriage control characters
This topic provides a table that lists the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) carriage control characters for line or mixed data. It also describes what each is used for.

Machine code carriage control characters
This topic provides a table that lists the carriage control characters for line or mixed data in IBM machine code. It also describes what each character is used for.

Printer file parameter considerations
This topic provides more detailed information about certain printer file parameters.

Printing related CL commands
This topic provides a list of CL commands that are related to printing.

DDS for printer files
This topic provides information you need to know for coding the data description specifications (DDS) for printer files.