IBM Service log files

The IBM Service, or activity, log file is a binary file to which the application server writes the message events for any servers running under an instance (node). The application server runtime creates the file, named activity.log by default, in the logs subdirectory of your application server instance. By default, the logs are contained in the subdirectory logs/appservername of the /QIBM/UserData/WebASE51/ASE/appservername directory, where appservername is the name of your application server.

The log files must have the following granted authorities:

If the application server is running under a user profile other than the default (QEJBSVR) and the user profile does not have QEJBSVR specified as a group profile, the user profile must have explicit *RW authority to the activity.log file.

See these topics for information on how to use the JVM log files: