Troubleshoot: HTTP plug-in component

If you are having problems with the HTTP plug-in component - the component which sends requests from your HTTP server, such as IBM HTTP Server, Apache, Domino, iPlanet, or IIS, to the WebSphere Application Server, perform the following steps:

If the log files do not reveal the cause of the problem, follow the plug-in problem determination steps:

Plug-in Problem Determination Steps

The plug-in provides readable tracing that can be beneficial for problem analysis. Set the LogLevel attribute in the config/plugin-cfg.xml file to Trace. (For the default application server, you can find this file in the /QIBM/UserData/WebAS51/Base/default/config/cells directory.) From there, you can follow the request processing to see what is going wrong. The process is as follows:

  1. The plug-in gets a request.
  2. The plug-in checks the routes defined in the plugin-cfg.xml file.
  3. It finds the server group.
  4. It finds the server.
  5. It picks the transport protocol, usually HTTP.
  6. It sends the request.
  7. It reads the response.
  8. It writes it back to the client.

You can see the process by reading through the trace for a single request:

If none of these steps solves the problem:

For current information available from IBM Support on known problems and their resolutions, see the following Web sites:

IBM Support has documents that can save you time gathering information needed to resolve this problem. Before you open a problem report, see the following Web sites: