You can follow this checklist before you call service. The checklist
includes instructions for solving the most common problems so that you can
avoid a service call. In the event that you need to call service, the checklist
can help you gather the information that a service person needs in order to
better help you.
The following sequential steps can help you solve problems with your DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries™ database. Proceed through
the steps until you reach a solution or determine that you need to call service:
- Check the online help and documentation in the iSeries Information
Center. Along with this topic, the Troubleshooting topic contains
an FAQ and information about monitoring database errors.
- Search for a possible match to your problem from Software
Knowledge Base
. The Knowledge Base is maintained
by the iSeries Support
Center, and contains information about known problems and answers to frequently
asked customer questions.
- Determine if there is a program temporary fix (PTF), also called
a fix, related to your problem. To find fixes to apply, check iSeries Support
for information about obtaining fixes. Also see PTF
Cover Letters
for a list of cover letters sorted by release,
by date, or by fix number. A PTF cover letter provides information
about the specific PTF, releases affected, prerequisite and corequisite PTFs,
and so on. If you find the PTF that you need, you can obtain the fix by following
the instructions in the Ordering PTFs for your iSeries family system
information. You can order PTFs
over the Internet, on Media, through Program Services, or using telephone
Voice Support.
- Debug your program and determine if the problem is in the software
supplied by companies other than IBM®. If you suspect that the
problem is within the non-IBM software, contact the software vendor directly.
- Check the level of your database fix pack using the Display Data Area (DSPDTAARA) command, DSPDTAARA
SA99vrm, where v is the version, r is the
release, and m is the modification.
- If the data area is not found, order and apply the appropriate group PTF,
which can be found at Preventative Service Planning - Group PTFs
- If the data area is found, and your problem is not urgent, order and apply
the Group PTFs
- If the data area is not found, and your problem is urgent, proceed to
the next step.
- If you are unable to solve the problem in the previous steps, contact
service. You can report your problem online at the Software
Service Request
page. Be prepared to give the following information: - PTF level
- Job log with details. To obtain this, run the query in DEBUG mode and
check JOBLOG. Also save the system settings, SQL packages, and DB monitor
- Details on the action that caused the problem.
- Resources and work management:
- Memory and MAX ACTIVE settings
- List of other jobs and programs that are running
- File statistics:
- Size of objects
- Number of rows
- Number of indexes
- History of the problem:
- Performance of application or query before the problem occurred
- Reproducibility of problem
- Fixes applied
- Last upgrade
- Details on how the problem impacts your business