Once you secure objects with an authorization list, use the Edit Authorization List (EDTAUTL) command to add the users listed on your Authorization list form:
- Type EDTAUTL authorization-list-name.
- On the Edit Authorization list display, press F6 (Add new users).
- Enter the names of the users or groups and the authority they should have to the items on the list and press the Enter key. The new users should appear on the list.
Possible error |
Recovery |
You gave a user or group the wrong authority to the list. |
You can change the authority on the Edit Authorization List display. |
You added the wrong user or group to the list. |
You can remove a user or group using the Remove Authorization List Entry (RMVAUTLE) command, or you can type blanks over the user's authority on the Edit Authorization List display. |
Checking your work
- Use the Display Authorization List (DSPAUTL) command to list all the user authorities to the authorization list.
- Use F15 from the display to list all the objects secured by the authorization list.
Before you set up specific authorities, complete these tasks:
- Use the CRTAUTL command to create any authorization lists you need for the application.
- Secure objects with authorization lists by using the EDTOBJAUT command.
- Add users to authorization lists by using the EDTAUTL command.