The Display PTF (DSPPTF) command shows fix status
You can manage your PTFs with the options available from the GO PTF menu.
Option 5 (Display Program Temporary Fix) shows you the status of your PTFs. In addition to the status of a PTF,
you can also find out
general information about a PTF.
The possible fix statuses are described in the table that follows. Note that the pending and action status indicate that additional actions need to be taken to make the PTF active or inactive. PND means the PTF status will be updated after the actions are taken. ACN means the PTF status will not be updated until the next IPL as no exit program was provided to verify that the actions were actually performed. Temporarily applied - ACN does not mean that the fix is not in effect. It means that the system cannot verify that it is in effect.
Status | Description |
On order | Ordered but not received by the system. |
Cover letter only | Indicates only the cover letter for the PTF has been received. |
Save file only | PTF exists in a save file in library QGPL. The PTF has never been loaded, or has been permanently removed. |
Not applied | PTF has been loaded but not applied, or has been temporarily removed. |
Not applied - IPL | PTF has been loaded but not applied. It is set to be applied at the next IPL. It requires a server IPL to enable the PTF to be actively running on the system. |
Temporarily applied | A temporary fix that can either be removed from the system or permanently applied. The PTF is not a permanent part of the system. |
Temporarily applied - IPL | A temporary fix that requires a server IPL to be actively running on the system. The PTF is not a permanent part of the system. |
Temporarily applied - PND | The PTF is applied temporarily, but an action is necessary to make the PTF active. This field is updated when the PTF details are displayed. |
Temporarily applied - ACN | The PTF is applied temporarily, but an action is necessary to make the PTF active. This field is not updated until the next IPL. If you have done the actions necessary to make the PTF active, it is not necessary to do an IPL at this time. This action pending field will be cleared on the next IPL. |
Permanently applied | PTF is a permanent part of the system. |
Permanently applied - IPL | The PTF is a permanent part of the system. A server IPL is required for the PTF to be actively running on the system. |
Permanently applied - PND | The PTF has been applied permanently, but an action is necessary to make the PTF active. This field is updated when the PTF details are displayed. |
Permanently applied - ACN | The PTF has been applied permanently, but an action is necessary to make the PTF active. This field is not updated until the next IPL. If you have done the actions necessary to make the PTF active, it is not necessary to do an IPL at this time. This action pending field will be cleared on the next IPL. |
Temporarily removed | Removed temporarily |
Temporarily removed - PND | The PTF has been removed, but an action is necessary to make the old code active. This field is updated when the PTF details are displayed. |
Temporarily removed - ACN | The PTF has been removed, but an action is necessary to make the old code active. This field is not updated until the next IPL. If you have done the actions necessary to make the PTF active, it is not necessary to do an IPL at this time. This action pending field will be cleared on the next IPL. |
Permanently removed - IPL | The PTF has been permanently removed from the system, but the code is still running on the system. A server IPL is required for the PTF to no longer be actively running on the system. |
Permanently removed - PND | The PTF has been removed permanently, but an action is necessary to make the old code active. This field is updated when the PTF details are displayed. |
Permanently removed - ACN | The PTF has been removed permanently, but an action is necessary to make the old code active. This field is not updated until the next IPL. If you have done the actions necessary to make the PTF active, it is not necessary to do an IPL at this time. This action pending field will be cleared on the next IPL. |
Superseded | A later PTF exists on the system, but it may not be applied. If this PTF has been superseded, display the PTF details to determine the PTF number that supersedes this PTF, and then display that PTF to determine its status. |
Damaged | A PTF object cannot be found (perhaps accidentally removed). The PTF must be loaded again before you can apply it or remove it. |